Operation: Zimmerman, can the U.S. be beat with an axis South America?

  • I’m thinking Europe Only: [Edits are in Brackets-Refers to first play test]

    It occurred to me while sitting on my hands building infantry with the UK vs a sea lion strategy, that one German fleet takes London out of the war if not out of their capital.

    Simply having the fleet there kept me from building anything but infantry. Further German transport/navy builds will see the same. So how about designing a fleet strategy, that uses the Neutrals and French territories to bring Germany to 62 IPCs plus 10 N/Os or 72 IPCs by turn 3 or 4.[Did not see 71 until G4] It will likely need Italy to hold German territory. Add Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia to Germany to get 75 IPCs.[Did not happen, took West Africa instead]

    With a fleet off Gibraltar, UK is never safe[Did not have to build in UK after UK2], substantial war ships threatens the US’s 105 IPC production for rounds 1-3.[True, they only managed 1 transport as rest were warships] With a blockade force and a few transports, S. America can fall to maybe 6 transports over 2 turns.[Did not happen, W. Africa put 3 transports out of range] Naval builds in Normandy can hit the three allies territories in S. America sz 88.[Never used] The Spanish Naval Base (Gibraltar) puts land units within transport range of all U.S. territories. It may be worth a Minor Factory there.[Factory made G3, easily held US5 and estimated safe until US9]

    With 15 subs 2 carriers a BB,CA,DD you can blockade the US for 35 IPCs bringing them to 30, giving you 42 IPCs to use vs Russia after you match the US 30 with Germany.[Did not blockade US, instead UK G4 and beyond, fell back to use fleet against Russia]

    It also occurs to me, that you can invade Quebec on G3 from Gibraltar[Was contested, did not engage the 2 fighters,3 infantry], allowing you to produce 3 ships next to the U.S. on turn 4. If the American fleet flees behind Panama on  US3 in response to the German move to Gibraltar, Morocco, Spain and Portugal on G3. You simply send 1 German or Italian transport to Panama to trap their fleet behind the canal for at least 1 turn. From Quebec, you have range to reach Venezuela and the sz 88 territitories or Iceland or London for a G4 Offensive.[Did not happen first play test] Heck from Gibraltar you can get 4 West African Territories instead of S. America, if you decide against the Neutral crush. [Neutral crush was successful, allies grabbed a few neutrals in Africa/Middle East, but not South America until US4]
    First Play Test Results: Round 5 completed:

    Summary: Was not able to crack US fleet. US fleet only managed 2 transports as rest of builds went to warships/air units. Those transports headed to sz 66 to grab Argentina and Chile round 4, Mech unit from S. Mexico took Columbia. Brazil[8 infantry as Germany could hit with 6 units and 4 air] and Venezuela fell round 5.

    German and US fleets used 2 DDs (sz 89+90) to block naval engagements, round 5 German subs split, 4 to UK to blockade, 1 to 85 to blockade Brazil, 3 to 82 to blockade S. Africa turn 6. Planned turn 6 carrier force to move to W. Gremany, 2 transports earmarked for Mediterranean to push back UK forces in Middle east. Italy had Egypt, 2 UK stacks=axis stack were split in T. Jordan and Anglo, 4 German air secured Egypt.

    West Africa fell turn 3 [[i]as Quebec was defended by 2 fighters and 4 infantry(I permitted the transport to pull out the arm and inf to London to hopefully get it later)], allowing a German tank to non combat to Egypt round 4 for NO {from F. Equatorial Africa}

    Mediterranean waters were cleared turn 4 giving Italy 2 NO’s. America turn 5 built 4 transports, land units and 3 more warships.

    Russia entered German front, collect 45 then 41 before withdrawing to German/Italian units, as some units were built early to protect from the Turkey front opened on turn 3.

    With 60-70 IPCs Russia is falling back, air units and land units are being staged on Spain, Italian transports (2) are able to move back  and forth from 98 to 93, dropping men off in Egypt (2 units) and Spain (2 units) as they pass through 95 each round. Rest of Italian stacks walk to Spain. Gibraltar will not be safe for allied landings due to counter attack threats until an estimated US 8 maybe.

    Middle east sees 1 UK factory in Persia, Italian factory in Egypt. Long term outcome uncertain, but Russia is empty except for its two fronts. May favor the allies if the US can secure Gibraltar from the axis stacks in Spain.

    Nation Collections first 5 turns: _Germany: [30] 61, 58, 63, 71, 65
    Russia:    [28], 28,28,28,45,41
    UK:         [29], 31,31,29,31,24
    Italy:      [10], 12,21,25,27,26
    US:        [35]. 35,35,35,69,73
    France:   [17], 0,0,0,0,0

    Units Built [includes money saved] CV=Carrier, SS=Sub, FTR=Fighter, ART=Artillery
    1: CV, 2 TRN
    2: 6 SS,1 DD,CV
    3: 7 INF, 5 ART, SS, MINOR F-Spain
    4: 5 INF, 4 ART, 2 SS, 1 DD, MINOR F.-Greece
    5: 9 INF,4 ART, 2 FTR, DD
    1: 3 ART, 2 ARM, MECH
    2: 3 ART, 2 ARM, MECH
    3: 4 ART, 4 INF
    4: 4 ART, 4 INF 2 FREE INF
    5: 9 INF, 3 ART, ARM, 2 FREE INF
    1: 7 INF, 2 ART
    2: 4 INF, MINOR F.-Persia
    3: 2 ARM, 3 ART, TRN
    4: 1 INF, 3 ART, 2 TRN
    5: 3 INF, 4 MECH, ARM
    1: 2 INF, ART
    2: 4 INF
    3: MINOR F.-Egypt, 2 MECH
    4: 3 INF, 2 ART, TRN
    5: 4 INF, 2 ART, TRN
    1: CV, FTR ,TRN
    2: CV, FTR, DD
    3: FTR, 2 DD, 2 SS
    4: 4 SS, 5 DD
    5: 4 INF, 2 ART,2 DD, SS, 4 TRN

    Is this plan worth further testing?_

  • "15 subs 2 carriers a BB,CA,DD "
    Okay? Assuming 3 subs die G1, you need to build 13 subs, which cost 78 ipcs to blockade 30 ipcs. There is only 1 significant convoy zone to raid the US(Z101). If you stack your fleet there, US builds many planes to kill non-subs before or when they reach Z101(G1, BB, CV, CC in Z112, G2 Z91, G3 Z101, assuming no blocks?). Then, US builds lots of DD’s to kill the subs

  • I suspect I have 5 turns to take Moscow and 2 other cities before the US can take 1 in the above play test, will post later

  • @JamesAleman:

    I suspect I have 5 turns to take Moscow and 2 other cities before the US can take 1.

    I doubt you can do that. Moscow is 4 turns from the border, and so you have to attack G2 and hope Russia doesn’t block or counterattack, or attack G1, which I thing is a bad idea

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    "15 subs 2 carriers a BB,CA,DD "
    Okay? Assuming 3 subs die G1, you need to build 13 subs, which cost 78 ipcs to blockade 30 ipcs. There is only 1 significant convoy zone to raid the US(Z101). If you stack your fleet there, US builds many planes to kill non-subs before or when they reach Z101(G1, BB, CV, CC in Z112, G2 Z91, G3 Z101, assuming no blocks?). Then, US builds lots of DD’s to kill the subs

    I only built 9 and survived with 2….during first play test, I’m testing the concept as we speak.

  • Or do you mean 5 turns from the point you’re in now in the game?

  • Are you playing a forum game or a face to face game?

  • When I play test, I set up the board and try to find counters to an idea as I work though the turns, so no opponent. Obviously, that will not mean the idea works until I try it live. Its just to test the concept. If the concept is sound, I use it in a live face to face game and see how the other guy(s) respond.

    This first game I focused on the subs for blockading. That part does not seem reasonable at this point. Its still interesting that it delayed the US transports and gave Germany a nice income, but I don’t think the axis will pull a win out of the bag. By the way, when I meant to blockade I would leave the surface fleet back in the face of a large air force and wait for additional subs, you could then counter attack a DD build with air and sea, taking the air units off so that the carriers can stay back. Even convoy raiding for 22 IPCs would be nice.

    Next test, I want to build a G2 transport wave as well, this will force UK to keep with Infantry making Italy’s job easier, and give me the resources to secure S. America while the US is neutral, with enough, I hope to divert 3 towards West Africa again, as having the German land unit in Egypt is a nice thought. I realize UK is the same amount of IPCs as S. America, but I’m testing the concept of taking an area out of America’s way plus they have multiple factory sites if it seems possible to use them.

    There are some early risks I discovered. The G2 move to Gibraltar in the first game put the German Fleet of CV,BB,CA,2FTR in range of a UK CA,3 FTR and TAC…a bold player might take that shot. I also had UK do a weak attack [CV+FTR+CA] on the Italian fleet, it worked [damaged CV with a CA] while leaving the Tac for London.

    Turkey was a tight fight G3, as I only had 5 inf, 3 arm, 1 tac, 1 bomber in range…I ended with 1 inf, 3 arm and the 2 air. Losing 2 units in Greece could have made it 4 inf for the assault. Turkey missed a lot, I could see losing armor in the future as an outcome.

    Other concerns are if Russia stages north and drives on Norway, Germany’s income would plummet. With many transports, I hope to discourage that option.

    I had UK protect Quebec, but I’m curious about how many players would suspect a G3 three transports full landing on Quebec? The potential to send planes staged in Gibraltar to sz 101 has merit as building carriers in 106[Quebec] would allow them to land and enable a weak looking axis force to “surprise” the US navy round 4. The transports can then hit Venezuela, West Indies and/or Central America turn 4. [This may prove to be a great move for a failed Sea Lion as sinking a US fleet would delay the US a round or more.]

    The South American concept seems crazy since the US can just build large amounts of land forces. However, the US must choose fleet or land, and typically will go fleet, meaning there is “some” time for early gains and possible factories. I’m trying to limit the investment to two German productions as I want turn 3 and 4 builds to prevent Russia from getting their foot in the door.

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