Re: 1950 Korea variant?20211219_071801.jpg 20211219_071710.jpg 20211219_071617.jpg
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
Has anyone noticed that following those pictures ONE of the tanks is in the distance/background and FMG stated this was because it was to be revised?
I wonder … is this a revision to the Panzer III? (Just a thought, as I could be quite wrong)
i belive he said becaus it was too small. it was a huge tank so it should be a bit bigger than a truck
maybe a panzer III will be released at the same time as the german soldier with a great coat
maybe a panzer III will be released at the same time as the german soldier with a great coat
The best option is to make an “early war” set with light tanks, field artilleries and early aircrafts for each nation in global 1940, like pz III and IV for Germany, Valentine and Crusade for UK, M3 stuart and Lee for US, tankettes for Japan and Italy, T-26 and T-28 for Soviet Union, FT-17 Renault for French and Chinese army…
There are always possibilities …
are these aa scale?
are these aa scale?
A better qustion to ask is “Are AA pieces in scale to these?”
AAs pieces are not all the same scale. Micro Armor made all their stuff in 1:285. They also had modern military units as well. It just happens that AA’s tanks happen to be close to this scale.
I bought their German half tracks, and they looked about right with the AA pieces. Micro Armor also makes modern units as well. Because its pewter, though, you have to paint them. And they’re pricey. Really good detail, but you pay for it.
FMG’s units are certainly a bargain in comparison. I looked into buying their pieces to replace my AA pieces, but the tab would have been in the high hundreds. But if you want to swap out some of FMG’s pieces, for say a panzer III or IV, then I’d go this route.
GHQ also did ship in 1:2400 bigger than AA BBs, but smaller than AA minis. They did ships from WWI to modern. I have some of these as well. Well proportioned and highly detailed.
FMG is still a better deal, as 1 ship can be $10. And at this scale, the big ships are too big for the AA maps. DDs and sb will be fine, though.
Good point.I too plan to use FMGs minis instead of 1/300 British made types.These are cheaper then GHQ/PFC(C+C) but lack some of the detail.The 1/3000 scale ships don’t fit in well with AAtypes either,but they do minis of most ships from the 15th to the 21st
century.I recieved the new USN Freedom LCS last month along with some proposed WW2
Soviet hybrid BB/CVs! -
What nation is next after Germany comes out?
What nation is next after Germany comes out?
I know you have a lot on your plate FMG. Just curious if you have started on the USA yet. Thanks
i asume so as i believe he sais that they were
March 8th is fast approaching. I am stoked lets hope for no more delays and the that the Italian army becomes a reality.
FMG-Day minus 5
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
I was going to say something about maybe getting a life, cminke, until I realized that I’m hanging out here into the wee hours of the night myself aching for news, so I’d be a hypocrite if I did…
I like it cminke. Hey Dr. Larsen I guess I need to get a life too I check this site everyday. Lets hope we don’t hear any bad news.
i alwasy cheack 3-4 times a week no less
3 days to go. FMG has to be stoked to see his hard work become a reality. I keep waiting for some news but none. I guess no news is good news.
is tomarrow the 8th yet? :cry: :-o :-( :-) :lol: :-D