Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P

  • This is really great work man, you are my new hero

  • Customizer

    Thanks I’ll look into the inkwash. The Italians look great by the way however I notice from your brush shots that you do the roundels after the rest of the soldiers uniform. I prefer to do the roundels first which is why the boots are so tedious for me, however I think that finessing the boot paint around the roundels, for me anyway, is easier. Although sometimes this causes me to drag paint onto the flags but I think it is easier than painting the flag around the already painted boot. Just personal preference I suppose. You must have tried both ways why did you decide to do it this way?

  • Customizer


    i found a way you coud make money all cly. make a download able book/guide for painting minis(including axis and allies board game minis) the downlaod would cost any where from 5$-15$ i know alot of people would buy it (one beeing me!)

    I might look into that… My only worry is in not knowing what copyright issues would arrise (it’s a different ballpark when selling something comes into effect). Does anybody have any legal advice on the matter?

  • Customizer


    Thanks I’ll look into the inkwash. The Italians look great by the way however I notice from your brush shots that you do the roundels after the rest of the soldiers uniform. I prefer to do the roundels first which is why the boots are so tedious for me, however I think that finessing the boot paint around the roundels, for me anyway, is easier. Although sometimes this causes me to drag paint onto the flags but I think it is easier than painting the flag around the already painted boot. Just personal preference I suppose. You must have tried both ways why did you decide to do it this way?

    Actually I start doing it this way because painting the roundels was sort of a last minute idea.  But despite that, I’ve found that painting it last helps for several reasons:

    a) I am almost always holding the miniature by the base while painting. Either from sweat or friction, usually some of my primer peels off from the base’s sides. This could be a problem if that’s the first thing you paint.

    b) Sometimes ink (or if you’re extra sloppy; paint) can drip down onto the roundel and stain the color. Occasionally I do save the inking for after the roundel, but I always hold the mini upside-down to change its flow.

    c) For the most part, the roundel is the most difficult part to paint. It’s much easier to go back and touch up the soldier than it is the flag of the roundel. Like you, I almost always come back and touch up the boots afterward. Sure it seems like an extra step, but it’s a much easier extra step than reworking a roundel.

  • how long does your paint take to dry? Avrage

  • Customizer


    how long does your paint take to dry? Avrage

    1-2 min.

  • Customizer


    a) I am almost always holding the miniature by the base while painting. Either from sweat or friction, usually some of my primer peels off from the base’s sides. This could be a problem if that’s the first thing you paint.

    I’m surprised to hear that you hold the figure. You’ve been doing this for a long time so I feel weird making a suggestion to a pro but what I do is use blue sticky tack and dollar store nails under the base so I can hold the nail without touching the figure. After painting a color I stick them in one of those Styrofoam planter things. Have you tried this method? I find it makes dipping them in the varnish easier as well. I will try to get hold of a camera and take some pics this week, mine’s pooched. If I do would you mind if I put the pics on this thread or would you rather I started my own? This one’s pretty long as it is lol.

  • Customizer



    a) I am almost always holding the miniature by the base while painting. Either from sweat or friction, usually some of my primer peels off from the base’s sides. This could be a problem if that’s the first thing you paint.

    I’m surprised to hear that you hold the figure. You’ve been doing this for a long time so I feel weird making a suggestion to a pro but what I do is use blue sticky tack and dollar store nails under the base so I can hold the nail without touching the figure. After painting a color I stick them in one of those Styrofoam planter things. Have you tried this method? I find it makes dipping them in the varnish easier as well. I will try to get hold of a camera and take some pics this week, mine’s pooched. If I do would you mind if I put the pics on this thread or would you rather I started my own? This one’s pretty long as it is lol.

    I’ve actually tried that method before… I just feel I have more control over the mini by holding it. But sure, you can post some pics about it if you like.

  • Customizer

    Cool, thanks, you are an inspiration to all of us and your work is the best I’ve seen anywhere. One thing I also wanted to ask, do you paint an entire figure at once or one color at a time? With the paints I use I find, especially with the black and white, they dry up too much when open for too long and I can only get through half a jar before it is too thick from evaporation. I ask because I see you use a palette where I use the model paints and dip right in the jar.

  • Customizer


    I’m saving up money for my trip to Peru and find myself coming up a bit short. If anyone who like to make an offer for any of my custom pieces, please send me an email at:

  • Customizer


    Cool, thanks, you are an inspiration to all of us and your work is the best I’ve seen anywhere. One thing I also wanted to ask, do you paint an entire figure at once or one color at a time? With the paints I use I find, especially with the black and white, they dry up too much when open for too long and I can only get through half a jar before it is too thick from evaporation. I ask because I see you use a palette where I use the model paints and dip right in the jar.

    I paint one color at a time. Try filling an empty paint container (one with a dropper head) with water and wet your paint every once in a while. Also you can look into ‘wet pallets’.

  • Customizer

    Hey everyone - it’s been a while since my last update I know, but I’ve actually been filling custom orders for painted miniatures. I have a price list finalized for all my pieces. If anyone is interested, I would love to have as much work as possible before I leave for my trip Jan 3rd. They make great gifts! I can also do custom work - just send me a picture from historical/illustration sites and I’ll work my magic. My rates are very reasonable for the results. No job is too large/small, although I am under the time restriction of the 3rd. Consider your order a donation to the ‘Keep Chad Coffman Fed In Peru’ fund.

    I started a Flickr account where you can see my full set pic by pic:

    Please contact me at for more info.

    Thanks again for the support everyone! I’ll be sure to donate to A& once I get back from my trip (money is crunched right now).

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Could you please post your price list for everyone to see?

  • Yes, please post your price list. Would you do work after your trip?

    Have a great time.

  • Hey AllWork,

    Another quick question, would this same price list apply to other brands? i.e. I plan on getting FMG’s Combat Units starting with the Italians. Their sculpt, your paint aps > Amazing!!!

  • Hey, just wondering… So 20inf would be $160? (8$ per?)

  • Customizer


    Hey AllWork,

    Another quick question, would this same price list apply to other brands? i.e. I plan on getting FMG’s Combat Units starting with the Italians. Their sculpt, your paint aps > Amazing!!!

    Sure - I can paint whatever you send me… There just might be a very slight change in price depending on the complexity of the mini.

  • Customizer

    I just now checked out your pics at your site.  They are truly amazing.  I’ve done some model work and thought I had a pretty steady hand for tiny work, but I couldn’t match these.  Especially the roundels on the bases of the infantry.  How on Earth can you do that?!?  I’m really looking forward to seeing your German units.
    A couple of questions:
    Are you going to do other Italian units or just the infantry?
    When the FMG Italian units come out, are you going to get a set and paint them?

  • Customizer


    I just now checked out your pics at your site.  They are truly amazing.  I’ve done some model work and thought I had a pretty steady hand for tiny work, but I couldn’t match these.  Especially the roundels on the bases of the infantry.  How on Earth can you do that?!?  I’m really looking forward to seeing your German units.
    A couple of questions:
    Are you going to do other Italian units or just the infantry?
    When the FMG Italian units come out, are you going to get a set and paint them?

    Thanks! Yes I’m going to paint the rest of Italy - when I get time. And I plan on getting sets of the FMG units, but I’m not sure whether I’ll do another set. That would be insane.

  • Customizer

    By the way, I’d also give a 25% discount if you order by the bulk (ie 25 or more).

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







