Thanks I’ll look into the inkwash. The Italians look great by the way however I notice from your brush shots that you do the roundels after the rest of the soldiers uniform. I prefer to do the roundels first which is why the boots are so tedious for me, however I think that finessing the boot paint around the roundels, for me anyway, is easier. Although sometimes this causes me to drag paint onto the flags but I think it is easier than painting the flag around the already painted boot. Just personal preference I suppose. You must have tried both ways why did you decide to do it this way?
Actually I start doing it this way because painting the roundels was sort of a last minute idea. But despite that, I’ve found that painting it last helps for several reasons:
a) I am almost always holding the miniature by the base while painting. Either from sweat or friction, usually some of my primer peels off from the base’s sides. This could be a problem if that’s the first thing you paint.
b) Sometimes ink (or if you’re extra sloppy; paint) can drip down onto the roundel and stain the color. Occasionally I do save the inking for after the roundel, but I always hold the mini upside-down to change its flow.
c) For the most part, the roundel is the most difficult part to paint. It’s much easier to go back and touch up the soldier than it is the flag of the roundel. Like you, I almost always come back and touch up the boots afterward. Sure it seems like an extra step, but it’s a much easier extra step than reworking a roundel.