“Bright Skies” Awesome :)
Drop a couple A-Bombs. That’ll brighten things up :)
And the God’s honest truth is that I’m more excited about FMG’s Italy set than I am about A&A Europe 40… Now that’s gotta be saying something!
I’m sorry if this has already been covered but I forgot, will the new FMG pieces be in the same color as A&A E40?
Yes (at least in the case of Germany).
I’m sorry if this has already been covered but I forgot, will the new FMG pieces be in the same color as A&A E40?
They are matching their combat dice sets, which are very close to the AAE40/AA42/AA50/AAP40 pieces (the difference is in Russian and Italian combat dice are more distinctive … Italian is more brown, Russian is more red than the AA pieces).
That all works for me. Thanks
I tell you what - this thing is a REAL trial of one’s patience! I’m doing everything in my power to keep from typing: “FMG! Please give us some news!!” Seriously, I am checking this thread God knows how many times a day… :oops:
UGH! I know just what you mean Lozmoid. I have just been itching to get at these Italian pieces and I’ve got money in my Paypal account just for this project and it’s burning a hole in my computer screen. Now it’s like we know they are ready for production and it’s in the final phases, plus the new combat dice, and I can’t help but say “C’MON! Where is our order page? I want to order my Italians and combat dice!”
Well, I’m sure Jeremy is as anxious to get this going as we are. Should be any day now.
Also looking forward to getting my copies of AAE 40. I haven’t seen the pieces yet but I’ve heard talk of some dissappointment – ie: blue Russian pieces for France and brown Russian pieces for Italy? Well, I still want to check out the game. Plus, before too long, we will be able to substitute the great FMG pieces.
Wow, that was the fastest Pre-Order sellout I’ve ever witnessed. It should be about six more months before the next batch is ready. :evil:
Umm, knp - there have been several reviews posted on the front page of this site for AAE40. It shows the new French and Italian unit lineup.
Wow, that was the fastest Pre-Order sellout I’ve ever witnessed. It should be about six more months before the next batch is ready. :evil:
Pre-order sell out for what?? Certainly not these pieces as they havn’t been put up yet afaik.
Wow, that was the fastest Pre-Order sellout I’ve ever witnessed. It should be about six more months before the next batch is ready. :evil:
Yes, he’s talking about the FMG Italians… particularily wicked of him. :wink:
Sorry guys, I had to do it. :lol:
Cminke… Please take more than 5 seconds to post next time. Please.
ok, ok…im sorry but so times i dont notice a(lot) mestakes.
ill try to take my time for now on.
so…are we cool?
I’m sorry, sometimes I don’t notice my own mistakes. I’ll try to take my time from now on.
…snaps to attention, “Yes, Sir!” :-D
No worries, cminke - we were all young once.
The best advice I ever had was make all the mistakes you want - but only once!
(In other words, make sure you never make the same mistake again)
(sniff sniff…) :cry:
Any sneek peaks of the new dice, or will you be too crunched to put up the pre-orders to match the release of Europe 40?
Any sneek peaks of the new dice, or will you be too crunched to put up the pre-orders to match the release of Europe 40?
Sample pictures of the NEW COMBAT DICE are in another thread in this forum.
EDIT: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=16012.60