@ScottMcCullar Where may I find the file or purchase a board please?
Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P
Sweet! Those are some nice paint jobs. I’m feelin’ jealous, jealous again.
Damns, all work has some steady hands. Excellent stuff…
UK next!
Fantastic! I love the later war carriers… And your camo, as always, is awesome!
Fantastic! I love the later war carriers… And your camo, as always, is awesome!
Thanks - it was ridiculously hard to match colors. WWII “Navy Blue” is not even remotely navy blue. Most all decks were stained a blue color. And the greys ranged from all kinds of shades depending on which site you looked at. I finally found a site with some good images of paint chips and matched it from that (though going with a lighter color because size naturally lightens a color).
Fantastic! I love the later war carriers… And your camo, as always, is awesome!
Thanks - it was ridiculously hard to match colors. WWII “Navy Blue” is not even remotely navy blue. Most all decks were stained a blue color. And the greys ranged from all kinds of shades depending on which site you looked at. I finally found a site with some good images of paint chips and matched it from that (though going with a lighter color because size naturally lightens a color).
While I had fun doing the brown wooden decks of the earlier ones, I did do the Essex(CV 9). I used a dark German grey for the deck since, like you said, it wasn’t very “navy blue”. I’m still conflicted over my color choice on the hellcats but I have some Corsairs on the way from Trumpeter. I will try out a darker blue on a few of those.
UK next!
What kind of time table are we looking at?
Like a fine wine Brain, you need to savor this a bit longer.
Like a fine wine Brain, you need to savor this a bit longer.
I am savoring it, but I am keeping my eye on the future. Okay you got me I am guzzling this 5h!+ down. Give me more, give me more…… I need a fix.
UK next!
What kind of time table are we looking at?
Usually when I start a new nation, I go through and do the cleaning/trimming part of the set all at one time so it’ll take a little extra time. But then again, the infantry are my favorite units to work on so I work a bit faster…
…Does that help?
Fantastic! I love the later war carriers… And your camo, as always, is awesome!
Thanks - it was ridiculously hard to match colors. WWII “Navy Blue” is not even remotely navy blue. Most all decks were stained a blue color. And the greys ranged from all kinds of shades depending on which site you looked at. I finally found a site with some good images of paint chips and matched it from that (though going with a lighter color because size naturally lightens a color).
While I had fun doing the brown wooden decks of the earlier ones, I did do the Essex(CV 9). I used a dark German grey for the deck since, like you said, it wasn’t very “navy blue”. I’m still conflicted over my color choice on the hellcats but I have some Corsairs on the way from Trumpeter. I will try out a darker blue on a few of those.
Page of interest:
Excellent source for color matching.
What colors would you use to match the standard Axis and Allies game piece colors?
What colors would you use to match the standard Axis and Allies game piece colors?
I just painted on a few spare pieces until I found a good match.
What colors would you use to match the standard Axis and Allies game piece colors?
I just painted on a few spare pieces until I found a good match.
What colors were they?
What colors would you use to match the standard Axis and Allies game piece colors?
I just painted on a few spare pieces until I found a good match.
What colors were they?
The name will depend on the brand of paint. Use the above site that AllWork gave us to color match the paints at the store.
I was hoping for a brand of paint and a color.
I use Vallejo paints. They’re made in Spain and a bit more expensive and exclusive than other paints, but they’re made specifically for professional model builders and miniature painters.
Vallejo Model Color Series:
ANZAC: Neutral Grey
Japan: Brown Orange
USA: Reflective GreenVallejo Game Color Series:
China: Camouflage Green
I’ve spent about $450 on paints so far. A lot of them I’ve ended up not using, but it’s the only way to get accurate matches as printouts, computer screen displays, and the scale of your project distort the end color.
Are Vallejo paints good for painting metal miniatures?
I’ve never used them on metal minis, but I imagine so - you’d just have to prime them a bit more thoroughly. I use an airbrush for mine, with Vallejo Air Color black.
You should look into painting metal miniatures. They are way more detailed and worthy of your great paint jobs.
Are Vallejo paints good for painting metal miniatures?
Yes they are - with a primer coat - and make sure you spray a finish on them after (or more than one).
Kewl work!