3 reasons why Canada should be a separate power:
1) Canada made at least a s large a military contribution to the war as ANZAC and a much larger supply/training contribution. If ANZAC gets its own economy so should Canada.
2) Canada already has a unique roundel represented on the Pacific map so unless Canadian IPCs must be “claimed” like Dutch IPCs then there is no reason for the distinct roundel other than if Canada is to be its own power. Furthermore, Larry has stated that “All Canadian provinces will be represented” giving Canada more territories than the continental US, Anzac or Italy.
3) If the UK was ever conquered by the Germans, Canada (as well as ANZAC) would have fought on along side the United States. Considering the heightened possibility of a successful Sealion, it is essential that Canada be a separate power to represent the continued production that would have come out of Canada if the UK fell.
I predict Canada will look and act much like ANZAC with a few infantry, a couple fighters, destroyer, a transport and about 8 IPCs at its own disposal. –It could be a great Sub-hunting power… who knows.
As a Canadian my immediate thought was “finally; agree; 100%.” After reading through this entire thread, I’m starting to think it just may bog down the game. Of course, I’m still curious what the roundels are foreshadowing in AAP40 if not as a separate power…