Anyone out there given this a crack after DoMan and I put it together?
Sevastpol controlled by the Central Powers?
Would it be better or worse for the Allies to let the Central Powers take Sevastopol?
@SuperbattleshipYamato It’s been a while since I’ve been on here and played, so I may be rusty… but here’s my two-cents:
As the CP, taking Sevastopol is a mistake unless the British are leaving the Ottomans alone (which in itself is a mistake, IMHO). The 3 IPCs are juicy, but after Russia capitulates, the CP can only win if they focus 100% of their firepower west. They cannot do that if Britain opens up the Russian front later in the game, and at that point hope is lost.
I almost never take Sevastopol as the CP unless, as I said, the Ottomans are in a position to actually keep the British at bay, which is rare. It is tempting, but I’d much rather let a small gain pass me by for the sake of keeping the UK bottled up in the long game. Far better to bottle-neck them in Istanbul than let the cat out of the bag in Russia.
Thoughts? Also, I’d be happy to start up a game with you again sometime, if you’d like. It’s been a while. :)
@SuperbattleshipYamato I misread your question. You asked about the Entente allowing the CP to take it. That being said, yes, as the Entente I would be quite pleased if the CP took Sevastopol, and I would let them have it until Russia signs the armistice (assuming RR).
Thank you! Welcome back.
Dang, it’s been a while. I almost forgot you (no offense). I’d like to play a game, probably 1914 with The Good Captain’s balance rules and with me as the Allies.
@SuperbattleshipYamato You’re on. And no offense taken. I look forward to being handed a solid walloping.
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