@simon-tressel I’ll take allies – I’ll try and get the game thread setup and play Russia 1. Thanks again for jumping in!
Available player here for the following games
Shoot, I misphrased. Do you have trouble with the 1914 map on TripleA (you said you wanted to play that with me)?
@SuperbattleshipYamato I’ve figured out how to simulate the submarine warfare attacks and to manage the amphibious invasions opposed by Artillery, so I’m good on that score now.
Okay, good. I was worried you weren’t able to access the map at all.
Alright, I’m the Allies.
Attempting to start a forum game doesn’t work and I don’t know how to troubleshoot this. Using version 2.5.22294. The setup interface also requires me to put in two emails to send the results of the dice rolling and I put mine in for both slots since I don’t have an email for you.
@The_Good_Captain Think you can help with this?
My email’s skylercheung09@gmail.com
Keep in mind I’m busy at the moment so even if you successfully troubleshoot it I won’t be ready for a week or two.
@SuperbattleshipYamato @Eqqman
1914 download instructions: You have to move the unzipped map to the downloadedMaps folder in the folder where you installed Triplea. Reboot the game and look for 1914.
Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6l8ni5rzkruakro/world_war_i_1914.zip/fileLet me know if you need any help or run into any snags. Still trying to get the TripleA ppl to fix this - seems like everyone has this problem but the above will fix it for some reason.
@The_Good_Captain Yes, I have it in downloadedfMaps after doing the direct download since telling the game to install the map itself from the Experimental list doesn’t launch. I haven’t had any issues playing local games.
@Eqqman my bad - I think I understand, This is what you need I think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajcazSNjfXQ
@The_Good_Captain It’s specifically play-by-forum that doesn’t seem to be working. Play-by-email is ok as far as I know.
@The_Good_Captain I saw today that somebody managed to start a new forum game, so I tried it again and got a different error- now it says my user name doesn’t exist when I tell the app to make a test post. So something’s changed.
Play by email is fine, that’s what I usw. No need for play by forum if you’re okay with it.
the only difference between a play-by email game and a forum game is that you copy paste the turn summary into the thread for a play by forum. That’s it.
The play by forum feature of automatically posting has been out of service for two years now.
Bottom line up front: every game is play by email, you need to copy paste the summary and file manually to the forum to “play by forum” now.