@simon-tressel I’ll take allies – I’ll try and get the game thread setup and play Russia 1. Thanks again for jumping in!
Available player here for the following games
Great! I suggest we play with the first four rules for now, as TGC said those were the most important.
Here they are for reference:
The Russian Revolution rule is no longer considered optional.
USA starts with zero IPCs and is at war on the beginning of USA turn 5 (unless attacked first).
The invasion of neutral territories that did not start the game aligned is not permitted [EXC: Persia].
Dardanelles Rule: Though movement into SZ 20 is allowed, passage through SZ 20 is not unless you or a power from your side controls Constantinople. Amphibious assaults against Ankara and Mesopotamia is no longer permitted unless the attack originated from SZ 21 or if you or a power from your side controls Constantinople.
Why not the Italy one?
Also, The Good Captain says the first two were more important than the others, not the first four.
You are right, I misremembered. We could play with the Italy one too if you’d like. It doesn’t really matter. I only think the sea zone border change rule will be a bit hard to implement so we could leave that one out for now.
Here is the thread.
If you let me know which email I should fill in for the dice emails, I’ll setup everything, do my AH1 and we are good to go.
Thanks, and the game has begun! I wish you a nice game :)
You too!
@SuperbattleshipYamato i would be up for a game of global 1940 if your interested
SuperbattleshipYamato 2024 '23 '22last edited by SuperbattleshipYamato Dec 2, 2023, 9:36 PM Dec 2, 2023, 4:14 PM
Low luck? Which side would you like to be? Bid?
I’m happy to play when I have time once we get these questions sorted.
@SuperbattleshipYamato no problem i will place a bid for the allies at 14 .
SuperbattleshipYamato 2024 '23 '22last edited by SuperbattleshipYamato Dec 3, 2023, 4:16 PM Dec 3, 2023, 4:16 PM
Great! Okay, so low luck and I’ll take the Allies this time.
@SuperbattleshipYamato you mean axis my email address is garrybastow7@googlemail.com
Thank you. Do you need mine?
@SuperbattleshipYamato i have not played on here for a long time .do you have to make a new link
SuperbattleshipYamato 2024 '23 '22last edited by SuperbattleshipYamato Dec 17, 2023, 1:56 AM Dec 3, 2023, 6:17 PM
You do need to make a new post in the “Play Boardgames” subsection.
@SuperbattleshipYamato yes sorry for the delay i do need your email for the dice server .i should be able to set it up then i forgot about the bids i suppose the allies after set the bid up first .
@SuperbattleshipYamato im having trouble setting the game up on the forum .i think its a bug that these know about . i dont suppose you know how to get it started up.
@gazza i will try the email game .
I have an idea of how to start a game, although it might be different from how you usually do it.
@SuperbattleshipYamato ok if you get it started i bid 14 i will put a sub in sz 98
and dd in sz 91