@tincanofthesea when I designed the game I tried very hard to allow it to replicate any action that actually happened during the war.
The war started in June 1950, by August North Korea nearly pushed the Allies off Korea completely.
So yeah, that can happen in the game… although it isn’t very easy.
Another example is that I changed the movement value for naval units from 4 to 5. My reason was that it was impossible to transfer units from the West coast (Inchon) to the East coast (Wonsan) in one move. This actually happened during the war. In October 1950 Marines were pulled from Inchon to Wonsan.
The turns are month based. One turn round (both players have moved) equals one month.
A&A: The Blockgame? (Axis and Allies Eurotrash Variant)
Replace all your plastic pieces with wooden blocks and add stickers. They can be from GMT, Columbia Games, I don’t care but you need all the types of units from A&A in here. Now, if you have 12 infantry in a territory you need 3 blocks with 4 CV (combat value) because each side represents it’s CV (1;2;3;4) Adds a fog of war to the game oooo. The game will be very less visually pleasing…
Fighting still works the same despite how block units actually work (each CV is how much dice you roll).
Axis powers sit to the north of the board and the Allies sit to the south of the board. Pick the Italian player someone you can trust. If you want you can flip your pieces upside down when it’s the enemy turn and then on your turn you flip yours back up in your designated direction (so you don’t lose track of your CV value)
I don’t get it. So each side of the block represents what? One combat value? One unit? I’m confused. Can you please explain more? Thank you!
Other than that it’s certainly ridiculous but fun.
@superbattleshipyamato 1 unit for each side of the square. When the number of the square facing up is “4” then there are 4 units there
Ah, I see. I assume the fifth side exposed shows the unit in question?
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@superbattleshipyamato You stand them up. The big side facing the player shows the unit’s classification (infantry, armored, destroyer, etc) The edges indicate how many units.
Above is a picture of Europe Engulfed (not my picture!) This is what it would look like though I envision symbols that look like the plastic a&a pieces instead of nato symbols. There would also be fighter/tac/bomber blocks too. When a battle is engaged all units go face up by tipping them down (showing their identification and number of units) But to preserve that value make sure the number on top in the POV of the player who owns those blocks is the same orientation as when they are in hidden mode.
Thanks for explaining. Glad they’re not NATO designations, that would’ve been hard.
I don’t get that last part though. So tipping them down shows the unit and the number of units is shown on the side facing the opponent?
@superbattleshipyamato said in A&A: The Blockgame? (Axis and Allies Eurotrash Variant):
I don’t get that last part though. So tipping them down shows the unit and the number of units is shown on the side facing the opponent?