Yes, I distinctly remember reading this in a thread here (probably the FAQ). In particular, they were talking about the possibility of the defender spoiling an intended strafe by taking the AAA as final casualties instead of initial, so that the attackers can’t retreat when they hit all but one unit.
I have had this done to me by the Russians as Germany. They left 1 AA gun after Germany had fantastically good dice on the first round of a planned attack outside of Eastern Poland. It left my main stack of units in Bryansk without their support, and lead up to Russia suiciding into the main German stack. There weren’t enough Germans left to take Moscow from the RAF sitting on it without heavy plane losses. America had three bombers on moscow, and attacked the Germans after Russia, and all three hit. Germany took Moscow that game, but it lost everything to do it, including that game.
I definitely reread the rulebook and FAQ that night :|