Game Aids A&A 1940 Global 2nd Edition

  • Wait, where is the NO for the Caucasus? I can’t see it anywhere, but I may be missing it…

  • hello, sorry to dig up an old thread but does anyone have a NO sheet with the corrections above?


  • '20 '19 '18 Customizer


    hello, sorry to dig up an old thread but does anyone have a NO sheet with the corrections above?


    When you open the link in the original post you’ll find the most recent version with most of the changes mentioned. Except for the typos mentioned by iceyinferno.

  • thanks, Tjoek. i have that one and it is missing the 5 IPCs for one german land unit in egypt. easy to remember but id like something that my players can reference and i dont have to remind them of the missing objective.

    i found these that are very purdy but a bit large (2 sheets). ive found only one typo so far - Solomon Islands should read Line Islands on the US Objective.

    edit - it wont let me post links. on boardgame geek, search for axis and allies 1940 europe and click on the file link. look at the files posted by Ghetty called Global Axis National Objectives and Global Allies National Objectives

  • '20 '19 '18 Customizer


    edit - it wont let me post links. on boardgame geek, search for axis and allies 1940 europe and click on the file link. look at the files posted by Ghetty called Global Axis National Objectives and Global Allies National Objectives

    Thanks for sharing this bigfruits. (you can start sharing links after you’ve posted a minimum of 10 posts I think).

    Another option for tracking the NO’s is using the card decks from either Young Grasshoper or Siredblood. See their threads for more details:

  • Thank you Spirou. I am using some of the game aides you posted. The NO chart is my favorite of all the ones I’ve seen but i had to go with a different one. If you ever update it and post the link I will. Be very happy to print it.

  • Big fan of your work and printed it a few years ago but found it was missing a few NO. So I read the chat here to see if it was updated and looked over the NO chart to. It has 1 missing NO for German “5 IPCs if at least 1 German land unit is in Axis-controlled Egypt. Theme: Gateway to the Middle East oilfields (high propaganda value).”

  • '19

    @Cloudesley This looks beautiful and easy to reference; do I assume correctly that you designed these to match the dimensions of the OOB 1940 unit pieces boxes? Will you make these available for download or purchase?

  • @cloudesley love the look and layout. In my opinion, the Germany card is a little confusing with the way the Denmark/Finland/Sweden bonus is set up. It gives the impression that you get 5 for each of those, but it is only 5 if all three of those are met.

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