Hi @barnee
I figured out a way to launch my fleet carrier and battleship hulls. What I did was make the hulls an air unit which lets them go over the sea zone. Then I also have either a permanent infrastructure unit (drydock) or one that just stays in the buy menu (0 IPU cost, consumes something that it can never replace so stays in the buy menu). This drydock has a carrier capacity property so it allows for the hulls to fly over to the sea zone as if it will land on them during production phase. Then because they are in the sea zone they convert into the actual fleet carriers or battleship for the respective hulls.
What I need some advice on is how to make this type of thing an option and how to get it to replace all of the carriers and battleships. Also how to make it compatible with the other mods for battleships and carriers, if possible. I was looking at things like the different unit cost options which remove and replace the units for setup after the changer phase. It looks like I need to put triggers under every nation though? Another example looks like the BBs carry Japanese elite option.
<attachment name="triggerAttachmentCAsCarryEliteJapan" attachTo="Japanese" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player">
<option name="trigger" value="conditionAttachment_Japanese_Elite"/>
<option name="unitType" value="cruiser"/>
<option name="unitAttachmentName" value="UnitAttachment" count="unitAttachment"/>
<option name="unitProperty" value="transportCapacity" count="4"/>
<option name="unitProperty" value="isCombatTransport" count="true"/>
<option name="when" value="before:japaneseCombatMove"/>
<option name="uses" value="1"/>
It looks like this type of trigger adds properties to the unit because of the option selected.
Anyways, heading to bed. Please let me know if this looks like the right path to go down and just copy these examples.