I feel like I just read the Axis & Allies edition of Moby Dick
How is it that AA guns hit so frequently on a 1 and Battleships miss nearly all the time on a 4??
The miss rate on Battleships is crazy, in my latest game, three times I have sent two battleships to bombard, and the miss rate is 100%.
@brian-cannon well this always seems to happen to me too-burn it’s when I play in person lol
And I’m the one getting hit by the AA guns
@tin-can-of-the-sea Yes same here, but remember according to Beamdog, there is nothing whatsoever wrong with those “random” dice
@brian-cannon Has anyone else also noticed that subs are hitting defensively on a 1 an incredible amount?? in 1st round of a game I am in now, Soviet sub hit twice and on Japan attack on Pearl US sub hit once. Meanwhile my 2 fighters, Bomber and cruiser hit once, and my Japanese sub missed in first round of rolls
@brian-cannon Although I never played the online games due to not owning a computer, I hear+see All the time of how the Dice Roller mechanism is glitchy and unfair- I can only deduce that it’s a design flaw for the AI Roller, personally I would rather roll it by hand!!!
I know I’m replying to an old post, but this is for anyone new seeing it. I was as frustrated as you regarding the battleship missing. I actually created an Excel spreadsheet and started tracking hits for battleships in combat & shore bombardment.
I collected a sample size of 400 attacks for each. Honestly, they both hit around 67% of the time.
@thedude-0 It’s always good to see counter-points, thanks for putting in the work.
Imagine if every player of A&A online posted here every time they saw a perfectly ordinary result in an average battle. What would be the ratio of reasonable-looking results to anomalies? I’d have posted hundreds of times already, that’s just 1 player.
While we understand your frustration from combat with bad results for your power, we would like to forward you to these threads:
https://steamcommunity.com/app/898920/discussions/0/3186862118573965934/?fbclid=IwAR3W6LmvQVFRKkCPcPMtme2Vl2UY7DAp5Q7IgVSZZ3sKk79RfODxGQPUbIwIf random dice feels like too much a challenge or unfair to you, please play with Low Luck.