• Okay, call me slow, (hope I don’t lose Karma for this!) but the 1941 scenario starts Spring 1941.  Italian Africa should be just that, an Italian controlled starting territory with at least one inf.  If this has been addressed, I apologize, but considering that, including native troops, the Italians had almost 300,000 men under arms and didn’t surrender until November 1941 (with guerillas fighting on for another year or so), shouldn’t that UK symbol be an Italian roundel?  After all, the Italians achieved their only victory against the Allies without German assistance when they captured British Somaliland the previous year and they deserve some recognition!  :-D 
    I’m sure there must be pretty good reasons why it’s not, game balance, etc…  Anyone know for sure?  Also, it might make for an interesting variation at least.
    Best regards,

  • The 1941 version has four territories in Africa that contain units: a German-controlled Algeria, an Italian-controlled Libya (with German units as well as Italian units), and British-controlled Egypt and South Africa. The South African troops are too far from the action to be useful, though.  IMO, the balance of power in Africa is balanced quite well, so adding any Axis units close to Egypt would tip the balance to the Axis.  Africa is too important to the Axis to allow them having a leg-up in its control.

  • Also if you notice Pearl Harbor can take place on turn 1, (when in reality it took place on Dec. 7) so even though the game technically starts in the spring, some liberties where taken.

    I kinda had the same thought though, lol

    Some of the maps that IL has start an earlier dat and has Italian Africa represented as Italian, if you’re looking for some

  • Well, actually I was both joking and pointing out an historical ‘anomaly’ in that it DOES say “Italian” Africa and yet it starts under UK control.  Agreed, it may be both unbalancing and out of line with the spirit of the game in that an Italian infantry starting there might be too advantageous to the Axis, (not to mention to having an Axis foothold in East Africa in fairly easy reach of Japan), but it could be interesting to see how it might play out.  Certainly, if the Italians were allowed to start there, a UK unit(s) must be added elsewhere in Africa in order to maintain balance (perhaps Rhodesia or Sudan). 
    Gamewise, I think it would be great fun to have another “mini” theatre that would add strategic depth to the southeast Africa/Indian Ocean theatre if it could be done without detracting from the battle for Egypt.
    Thanks for your replies!

  • '21 '18

    Why not just put an Italian flag on Italian East Africa instead of a British one and put no troops on it? The balance of power would remain the same and it would be more accurate historically.

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