This seems to be about par for all of our games on turn 3. We play w/o NO’s no tech
On turn 1: the entire UK navy is destroyed, Karelia lives, The airplane in africa is about 50/50, China loses everything but Yunnan, US and UK pacific fleets sunk minus Australia, The forces from India/ Syria withdraw and meet in Persia (sometimes with the airplane) but it is not a significant enough force to counter attack the Japs in India. Germany builds tanks and throws almost everything at Russia, Italy sends a toknen force in a barren Africa and sends the rest at the Russian southern front, and build 2 tanks. The German Bomber can now threaten transports on the Eastern US, and most if not all fighters can strike all but 1 UK sea zone. America has no choice but to invest in at least 1 destroyer to prevent getting bombed
Turn 2: Germany builds 1 airplane and then tanks it can not be invaded anywhere from the West this turn, creates dead zones on Russian front has about an 11 tank stack though it starts to maybe look a little thin on art/inf now. Russia may take 1 or 2 territories back from Germany it has forces in Cauc/Mos/Arch as well as maybe a coupl inf sneaking into China and the 7 man group close to Japan. Japan takes all of china except Chi, walks into Buy and India, takes Phil it is now focusing on asia while simultaneously threatining Alaska. The UK may be able to dump troops in Nor but not likely it buys more transports and guys the force in Persia usually goes to the very threatend Cauc. Italy expands a little more freely in Africa while having 3 or 4 tanks and a plane that can puncture a hole in any weak gaurded Russian defence so Russia can now only field 2 armies of any size in fear of a sucker punch. America has done everything at this point ignore the japs alomst completly (bad idea), build more capital ships on 2 theaters now, or just build bombers, amongst other things.
Turn 3: Germany buys more tanks and an airplane, sometimes this airplane will force the UK to invest in more money on a capital ship (depending on how the breaks went), it now choses the weaker of the 2 territories to threaten either the Cau or Moscow and throws all its tanks there Germany seems poised to take Russia already while the UK and US are almost completley grounded, Turn 4 may very well be inevitable, Africa has been destroyed already with marginal effort and Japan while huge has not even really begun to factor in the game yet, the UK or the US can not do ANYTHING for at least 3 turns, and by turn 4 Russia may be able to hold but on turn 5 it’s over. Japans south Pacific navy may have taken Australia by this point, either way it is close to the US now.
The UK building an entire navy from scratch and being grounded for 3 to 4 turns is painful, all it can do is stay holed up while its territories get eaten away, The US meanwhile can’t do anything in Europe until turn 3 or 4 either and if it is not careful it get shellacked by the Japs. And the double punch of Italy and Germany on Russia is brutal. I just don’t see how the allies can recover.
Russia has built everything from all inf to buying a mix with 2 fighters, to going tank crazy. The UK doesn’t have a lot of options but we tried a factory in south africa to spice things up(suprisingly not an awful idea, if germany keeps the plane in Egy alive). Every game that has been won or close for the Allies is where Britain has at least SOME navy and the fighter left from Egypt The US is a quagmire, we have tried everything with that too.
So far it is the Axis 16, the Allies 3, draws 1