@SuperbattleshipYamato All good. Glad it clarified the rule for you.
Anti-Aircraft Guns
If an Anti-Aircraft gun is situated on an island does it defend the entire sea zone surrounding the island? If not do you think it should?
If an Anti-Aircraft gun is situated on an island does it defend the entire sea zone surrounding the island?
No, it does not.
I use my old plastic AA Gun pieces in our global games, so I am left with lots of cardboard counters I don’t use. However, I have been contemplating using them as a new unit I was going to make a house rule for …… “Coastal Guns”. They would basically get a 1@1 for each surface war ship that attempts to support an amphibious assault. I will open a thread in the house rules forum for anyone who might have some ideas for this new unit.
A tip for setting up AA guns would be set them up on capitols stuff like that NOT on islands yuore barley gonna use in the game ive made that mistake only a million times and in the end i normally lose when i put them on iwo jima french madagassscar and stuff like that
Really it’s more about how many aircraft the enemy has. If, for example, you’re playing Russia and Germany is attacking you with the Luftwaffe moved in to join the attack, it could easily be worth 5 (or 6?) IPCs to destroy around a sixth of their planes (statistically speaking, anyway) before they even attack the points you choose to reinforce (such as Ukraine, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Moscow). If you really need to hold an island against the massive Japanese air force, an AA gun could be worth it there (especially given the huge numbers of Japanese aircraft). They don’t cost much, and if the enemy attacks with at least 4 aircraft you’re likely to destroy more than you lost in terms of IPCs.
do you know if you can buy 2 aa guns in a single territory, and fire two shots at each plane???
do you know if you can buy 2 aa guns in a single territory, and fire two shots at each plane???
NO! Only 1 per territory allowed.
i wish you could but sadly ,no
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