• @Navalland #1 If having multiple small territories in effectively that same area were redundant, then why would the professional game designers that made Axis & Allies 1940 2nd Ed include British Guiana, French Guiana, and Suriname?

  • @Navalland #2 They do have a reason. It is to prevent NATO from coming across the pacific and steamrolling china.

  • @Navalland #3 In the 90’s, this is 40 years of massive reindustrialization and financial aid mind you, West Germany was only a few million dollars richer then its Eastern counterpart. When this game begins, it is in shambles.

  • @Navalland #4 You’re right Lybia had no oil value, mostly because Lybia does not exist. If you meant Libya, then your right it wasnt a leading oil producer, hence the word, untapped. Secondly, of course the USA and the Soviet Union produced more because they are way bigger then Libya, and have more infrastructure. Iran owned effectively none of its oil. They were primarily owned by the Seven Sisters. Saudi Arabia didn’t start using its oil until much later in the cold war. And Venezuela didnt actually make that much oil compared to other countries. They just made a lot of money off of it when middle eastern countries began refusing to provide oil to us, causing the price of oil to skyrocket.

  • @Navalland And while I do appreciate your feedback, maybe next time your planning on criticising the work of three people who are working thanklessly on a super massive game for free distribution, without any hope of reward, you try and be a bit more polite, and possible take the time to use a spell check.

  • The board game designers in Avalon Hill are no better than most of custom game designers and their games are far from being perfect. Thye even totally gave Eastern Prussia to Russia an A&A 1914 which unhistorical and bad for playability for such a thing in main combat zone but nobody objected where is the New Zealand or Vladivostok.
    Better map means giving the most strategic options to combatants with the least amount of territories as much as possible while achieving the war feeling. Redundant territories decrease strategic options not increase. Like how every pieces and territories have a reason to be exist in chess and backgammon this should be applied board war games too.

    Of course some areas and most of small islands should be worthless in terms of Pu but you need to give reasons for combatants to control these worthless areas. If there is no way to create a situation like this, they should be removed even there is nothing wrong to remove Madagascar, Corsica, Cyprus or even New Zealand in most of scenarios.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Navalland Just because a territory is 100% necessary doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be there. It does not detract from the map in any way and it provides more options to players.

  • Here are the updated rules. Much of the current map didn’t make sense with the old ones. I’m posting it as a google doc so that I don’t have to attack a million separate pdf files.

    separate document mentioned in the rules

  • However, this will likely change as I am working to trim the rules down to a minimum. One thing that will likely be cut is vietnam being a neutral power. It effectively functioned as a subsidiary of china, however, not entirely, so I’m not quite sure. Also for legal reasons, the game is called arms race, not axis and allies, however, it is still an A&A game through and through.

  • Hey everyone, it’s me and I’m back to reawaken the drunken monster, if my own creation, that is this thread! cue booing

    I have some updates to announce to everyone so I thought I might as well do it here, since I love being criticized and/or blatantly ignored!

    Update #1: I’m sad to announce that national objectives will NOT be making their way into the core rules of this game. As they are traditionally, and would have been, entirely optional, I decided that they would be included in expansions that may be released in the future, when and if the community begins to take an interest in this game, or this thing ever gets off the ground. Which leads me to #2…

    Update #2: Expansions are in the making! I am happy to announce that my team, (the two people generous enough to provide significant help) have been doing some work on planned expansions to enhance the game. Due to the level of work required for each of them, they include rules that were too optional to make it into the core set, but we’re still cool enough to have work put into them. Again as they are a lot of work, the team has decided to not devote serious effort into working on them unless we notice an uptick in community interest. Right now their just cool ideas were tossing around, but, as I said before, if you guys ask about 'em, we’ll do our best to make 'em happen. Things to look forward too: A more realistic (and destabilized) middle east and north africa, the Cuban missile crisis, UN security councils and more crazy ass diplomacy if you’re into that, awacs and other early warning systems, technology and hacking, and a realistic simulated economy! (I know @MonsieurMurdoch brought up another one in the making but I can’t remember what it was, maybe the space race?)

    Update #3: Are you tired of playtesting this game with pieces from G40? Of course not, because only two people, including myself and my colleagues, have expressed any level of interest in playtesting! Well be annoyed no more, because yours truly, with the help of Historical Boardgaming, have been designing minatures, pieces and other shhhhiiii, er, stuff, (I’m trying not to curse to much in this post) specifically designed for this game! I’m talking historically accurate tanks, and actually mechanized infantry (not just that postal service van with treads the russians are using in g40)! However, I need your help! I know all of you will rip me to shreds, if I use units that weren’t significant, or common, or whatever, during 1955, so I will be releasing a list of what specific model of tank, fighter, etc. that I will be using to represent each country in just a minute, for people to criticize and comment on!

  • NATO
    Mechanized Infantry: M59
    Rocket Artillery: Douglas MGR-1 Honest John
    Tank: M48 Patton
    AA: MIM-3 Nike Ajax
    Air Superiority Fighter: North American F-100 Super Sabre
    Strike Fighter: Republic F-84 Thunderstreak
    Bomber: Boeing B-52 Stratofortress
    Transport: Raleigh-Class or maybe Austin-Class
    Submarine: Tang-Class
    Destroyer: Forrest Sherman-Class
    Cruiser: Baltimore-Class
    Aircraft Carrier: Forrestal-Class

    Mechanized Infantry: Alvis Saracen
    Rocket Artillery: Same as NATO
    Tank: Same as NATO
    AA: Same as NATO
    Air Superiority Fighter: North American F-86 Sabre
    Strike Fighter: Gloster Meteor F.8.
    Bomber: English Electric Canberra B.2
    Transport: Balikpapan-Class
    Submarine: Porpoise-Class
    Destroyer: Daring-Class
    Cruiser: Dido-Class
    Aircraft Carrier: Majestic-Class

  • Pro-Capitalist Minor Powers
    Mechanized Infantry: Same as SEATO
    Rocket Artillery: Same as NATO
    Tank: Same as NATO
    AA: M42 ‘Duster’?
    Air Superiority Fighter: DH-100 Vampire
    Strike Fighter: DH-112 Venom
    Bomber: Same as SEATO

  • Warsaw Pact
    Mechanized Infantry: BTR-152
    Rocket Artillery: BM-24
    Tank: T-55
    AA: S-75 Desna
    Air Superiority Fighter: MiG-19 ‘Farmer’
    Strike Fighter: Sukhoi Su-7 ‘Fitter-A’
    Bomber: Tupolev Tu-95 ‘Bear’
    Transport: Tapir-Class
    Submarine: Whiskey-Class
    Destroyer: Kanin-Class
    Cruiser: Sverdlov-Class
    Aircraft Carrier: Kiev-Class

  • Communist China
    Mechanized Infantry: WZ-551
    Rocket Artillery: Type 63
    Tank: Type 59 (Rebranded T-55)
    AA: Same as Warsaw Pact
    Air Superiority Fighter: Shengyang J-6 (Rebranded MiG-19)
    Strike Fighter: Nanchang Q-5
    Bomber: Harbin H-5
    Transport: Type 072
    Submarine: Type 03 (Rebranded Whiskey-Class)
    Destroyer: Anshan-Class
    Cruiser: Same as Warsaw Pact
    Aircraft Carrier: Same as Warsaw Pact

  • Pro-Communist Minor Powers
    Mechanized Infantry: BTR-40? BTR-152?
    Rocket Artillery: Same as Warsaw Pact
    Tank: Same as Warsaw Pact? T-34?
    AA: ZSU-57-2?
    Air Superiority Fighter: Same as Warsaw Pact
    Strike Fighter: Sukhoi SU-7 MK ‘Fitter-A’
    Bomber: Ilyushin Il-28 ‘Beagle’

  • @Militarized-Milkmen said in Cold War: It's Finally Done:

    Mechanized Infantry: M59
    Rocket Artillery: Douglas MGR-1 Honest John
    Tank: M48 Patton
    AA: MIM-3 Nike Ajax
    Air Superiority Fighter: North American F-100 Super Sabre
    Strike Fighter: Republic F-84 Thunderstreak
    Bomber: Boeing RB-29 Stratofortress
    Transport: Raleigh-Class or maybe Austin-Class
    Submarine: Tang-Class
    Destroyer: Forrest Sherman-Class
    Cruiser: Baltimore-Class
    Aircraft Carrier: Forrestal-Class

    You seem to have quite a few sculpt ideas, both this set and the following sets. I have some commentary (from the peanut gallery) on this set, if you please. While I agree in general that the more sculpts the better, I thought you might have overlooked some other options, which I think would be improvements over what you have gathered.

    No comments, sound good:

    Mechanized Infantry: M59
    Rocket Artillery: Douglas MGR-1 Honest John
    Tank: M48 Patton
    AA: MIM-3 Nike Ajax
    Transport: Raleigh-Class or maybe Austin-Class
    Destroyer: Forrest Sherman-Class
    Aircraft Carrier: Forrestal-Class

    Some commentary
    Bomber: Boeing RB-29 Stratofortress / B-47 or B-50
    RB-29s were a photo-reconnaissance variant of the B-29 made from repurposed WW2-design B-29s. The post-war version of the B-29 were the B-50s, which were production copies of the “Silverplate” modified, nuclear capable B-29s. They are, admittedly, hard to tell apart from B-29s. B-47 jet bombers, on the other hand, were the first major jet bombers used by the Air Force and notably visually different from WW2 era bombers. I think that either B-47s or B-50s would be better than RB-29s.

    Submarine: Tang-Class / Skipjack
    Skipjacks were the first production nuclear-powered subs with a hull design optimized for underwater speed (the very first production nuclear-powered subs, the Skates, were Tangs with nuclear-power). The rounded hull shape would be different from WW2 submarine designs.

    Cruiser: Baltimore-Class / Boston or Des Moines Classes
    The Baltimore class was another WW2 design. After the war the Navy took two Baltimores and modified them to carry anti-aircraft missiles, making them the first class of missile-armed cruisers, the Boston class. If Bostons are a bridge too far, the ultimate gun-armed cruisers were the Des Moines class. I think that sculpts of either Bostons or Des Moines would be better than “more” Baltimores.

    Air Superiority Fighter: Republic F-86 Sabre
    Strike Fighter: Republic F-84 Thunderstreak -
    maybe F-84 Thunderjets, to be different from F-86s
    F-84 Thunderstreaks look very much like like Sabre jets - single engine swept-wing jets. F-84 Thunderjets, on the other hand, have straight wings and would be much easier to tell apart from Sabre jets. Why are both called “F-84” when they look so different? Ask the Air Force, I don’t know. Some pictures to help show the differences.
    Straight wing Thunderjets:
    Picture of an F-84 Thunderjet
    Sabres, with their swept-wings:
    Picture of an F-86 Sabre
    Swept-wing Thunderstreaks:
    Picture of an F-84 Thunderstreak

    Just some thoughts of mine, likely worth every penny you paid for them.


  • @Midnight_Reaper First of all, you are totally right about the b-29 thing! I really meant the b-52 stratofortess, I’m not sure how I got those two confused. I did think about using the B-47 Stratojet, mostly because HBG already has a mold for it, however, by 1955, when this game takes place, stratofortesses were already being introduce, and they emulate the heavy bomber vibe I was looking for. I’ll update the post right now.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







