Just How Old Are We Axis and Allies Players?

  • I started out in 1990 if I am not mistaken. I was 14 when I played my 1st game. I remember finding the game on a shelf at Toys R Us at the time. I absolutley could not believe such a wonderful game existed at the time. It was better than any Christmas to me. And now they have full naval units to choose from I am in heaven.

  • Started 3 and half years ago, with an AAEurope a friend had. Then I bought AARevised, and nothing was as before again :-D

    I am 30 years old

  • I played my first game about 1 1/2 years ago - I’m 26.

  • I started playing about 86 or 87.played classic and 2nd addition to death.My wife thinks im nuts playing a game that last for 8-9 hrs or longer.lol.

    I really enjoy going through the fourms here and reading everones input.im 39.

  • First game was 84-85ish. Hooked instantly! To list my collection would take more time than i have at the moment. I love this game and all it’s expansions! In my opinion it’s better to have played and lost then not to have played at all. I am a certified plastic playing piece junkie! I’m 40.

  • I’m 48.

    I started playing in 1986 or 87 {“It’s all a blur!”}.  I’ve bought and played every variant since then. I went through a gaming dry spell for a few years {Early 90’s}. The release of Revised is what really got me more involved in the hobby. Joined the forums at Avalon Hill…met some great chaps who shared the love of the game…got involved in a gaming group…went to my first convention…etc.

  • I started playing in the late 80’s.  My brother and I found a semi-damaged box on a shelf at Toys’R’Us.  We were hooked.  Years later I have everything from Original to Guadalcanal . Hoping to get AA50 for Christmas.  I have managed to bring my wife’s family into the game and now a few games between Christmas and New Years is a family tradition!

  • I’m 19 and I probably started playing about 4 years ago.

  • I started playing in 1987 (give or take a year). I’ve been away from the game for years (never played Revised) but the Anniversary Edition has rekindled my interest so here I am.

  • Im 14 now , turning 15 on christmaseve, I first played d-day about 2 years ago ( wich sucked by the way) i been playin europe and revised mostly and cant wait for the anniversary ed :-D

  • Ok, hair is down, MB version 1984 in college.  I was, lets see,  29.  The board went across the dorm everynight, some where in play. five player games, great fun.  Still have the original board.  The playing pc we use are so brittle, we break some each time we play.  We used them to augment the AA50 sets.

  • '22

    Hi all,

    It axisvirus started with me, at 06-04-'87, my sister’s birthday. A friend of my brother in law, brought it with him, since then, I am adicted to it, great game. :-D I am 46.

    Axisgreettings, GoekaWar.

  • Played the MB version back in the day (don’t remember the year) as a kid. Stopped as I felt it was too biased towards the allies. Back then There was no internet so I didn’t know about a bid. Started up with revised, maybe two years ago and have been playing strong since. Now with AA50.

  • I was used as a place holder at the ripe old age of 7  in 1985 by my brother and his friends who needed someone to be russia, they had no idea how important russia really is when they started playing.  I have been playing as often as possible ever since and have loved every game no matter how great the win or how terrible the loss.  I look forward to many years of A&A.

  • 14 :-)
    i started playing a bit over a year ago
    first game i was Africa-corps :-D
    that’s why i’m rommel on 3A

  • Started playing just over a year ago when my son got AAR as a gift for his 12th birthday.  I can’t get him to play, but I’m hooked.  :roll:

  • Im 25, been playing with my cousins and brother since i was 10. I stoped playing when i reached H.S. but I’ve been playing 1-2 times a week since I bought AA50. I’m a WWII buff. I play anything that has to do with WWII, Call of Duty, Panzer General, Wolfenstein etc.

  • TripleA '12

    Hey everyone. I’m 34, played my first ever game in 2001 against the AI on the Hasbro pc version! Loved it so much I just had to have the board games - and now I own every variant, from MB to 1942. Well and truly sold my soul to Axis & Allies! Can’t wait for Pacific '40!  :-)

  • Played my first game a little over 2 years ago at the age of 13. Still playing it, can’t wait for Pacific and Europe 40, but right now I’m hooked on the Anniversary edition.

  • I first started after Christmas of last year.  A couple of friends and I were playing risk b4 Christmas. One of them got d day for Christmas and I took an emesiate liking.  I got aa50 for my birthday. Now I looking into getting the ultra deluxe 1940 versions.  Aa50 is the deluxe version

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