@goldplasma I’m in Charlotte, looks like there is a decent group in Raleigh you might be able to connect with.
Jacksonville, NC
Hey everyone! I’ve lived in Jacksonville (and still do) for the past few years and my buddies I used to play with all moved away. Anyone near here still looking for another player? I love all board games but Axis and Allies is my absolute favorite. I’ve got the 1940 global, zombies, 1942 second edition, battle of the bulge, and D-day versions. I also built a nice game table over the summer to host game nights on (I specifically built it to size to fit the global version :slightly_smiling_face: ). If anyone is interested in coming to Jacksonville let me know!
Nice Table ! :+1:
@barnee Thank you! We’ve had plenty of fun game nights with it!
Hi, Christian. My son, who is twenty, lives in Jacksonville. He commented that he would like to play A&A but he doesn’t know how to find a group of interested players. How would he go about getting your contact information? I suggested he visit Guild Games (Bryn Marr Ave) to see if you had posted an invite on a (physical) bulletin board or if they have another system of sharing a gaming group’s organizer’s contact info (besides their Yugio card competitions, etc.) Is that a valid suggestion (have you done that)? (Or is this A&A.org forum set up for offline messaging so you can send your email/phone# to me, to forward to him?) BTW, he has a few of the same titles as you, plus WW1-1914 (which is his favorite). Also BTW, his name is Pierce H.
Christian, I live in Virginia, could travel down your way occasionally for a game. I’ll have more availability once tax season is ended. If you get up to the DC area, we have a club here that meets 2x a month. Best way to reach me is by email at jonkrost@comcast.net
Hi Christian
My name is chris I live in new bern. If you’re still playing I would like to join you for a game. I’ve played three or four times (1941)but only among my friends so I may need some help with the details of the rules. My cell is 252 229 7445. Table looks great By the way.