• So I have been thinking about getting this game around Mid-December and I have been wondering when to attack the Russia. I have always have had trouble against the soviets. But with this game you don’t start out at war with them, So I have been thinking about attacking G2. Sending all available men from east Germany to destroy Russia. My main focus on making a drive to Moscow from the south, well stalemating them to the north. So when do you guys attack Russia?

  • i go G3, hit hard in the north, stalemate in the south. i go north to grab and hold the minor IC. once thats taken, i push south and take StalinGrad. then its only a matter of time.

  • I like to not attack yugoslavia and attack g2 and it has worked pretty good so far if italy takes it later

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Alot of Russian players back off expecting the attack.  You get the NO for not declaring war, and make it their problem.  Buys you another turn to re-organize, and get the extra $5.

    It’s a win move for me.

  • I find G3 to be the best timing.

    If you hit too early, naturally, you’re not set up enough.
    If you hit too late collecting the 5 IPC bonus, the Soviet infantry stacks only get larger and larger, and the US gets more time to set up before you make any progress.

    G3 gives you time to finish off France and start sending leftover armor and mech infantry back the other way, reinforce your east stacks, and put a major ic in Romania should you so desire.

  • G5 seems a bit late to me. I will have to think about G3

  • G3 so far seems the best. I build up trans on turn 2 to make the brits defend against sealion so they can’t put more units in africa. After all if you can’t take and hold alexandria with the italians you can’t win as the axis. When I have waited to turn 4 the US always starts putting too much pressure on europe and the extra turn of Russian build up makes it very difficult to take out all the russian citys before the us is invading.

  • I like to go for Russia G1, G2 at the latest:

    -My opponent will usually pull back his forces, so I never have as good of a chance to destroy some Russians as G1.
    -If you attack G1, by G2 you can capture enough territories to be well past the the 5 ipc loss from declaring war.
    -Most of the ground forces you use for your initial invasion can’t easily be used anywhere else on the map. Better to have your troops conquering Russian territories than sitting at the border waiting.
    -If you do a G1 Blitz towards Moscow, you can get your opponent to either pull troops away from the other two cities or risk losing their capitol.
    -A G1 attack puts Russia completely on the defensive – it can be a good feint.
    -If you wait until G4, the Russians have 120ipcs to spend defending their country. That means if you wait until G4 but spend your money on Sealion or Africa, you’ll be outnumbered on the Eastern Front when the truce is over.

  • G3 personally because it allows you to build a dummy sealion fleet which you use to transport troops into the Baltics and put pressure on leningrad which you take eventually and you look to put pressure on Stalin with an italian force that attacks from the middle east and force the su to look for defending them and so eventualy you control at least one of the minor cities before taking moscow and picking of the last one later. When doing this make sure you have a large enough force to re-take or hold Normandy when the eventuall D-Day oocurs

  • It seems to me the later the better, but I’m just getting started and hope to suspend my first game (rec’d Christmas) tomorrow and begin my second.  I made a couple bad errors in the first game as Axis.

    My reasoning is this …

    Germany gets 5 IPC for the Peace
    Russia loses 5 IPC for not being at War
    Russia loses the two extra infantry they receice each turn after they are at war
    Yes, Germany gets a 2 IPC swing for each territory point they capture, but Germany needs about eight of these to break even.

    Like I said though, I am going to need time to look it over some more to consider more strategic needs.  I can’t see the attack before G3 though.  Turn one Germany strolls down the Chans de Lise.  Turn G2 they hot foot it over to Germany to put them in range of the Eastern Front.  G3 is the first time those Armor and Mech units can bring the pain.  I expect almost all games to start out that way unless someone wants to try Sea Lion.

  • Or let Russia attack you.

    Let Russia be the one with long supply lines.

    Use your first turns to take North Africa and Middle East.

  • Best results is G1 or G2 attack for AAE40. A decent UK player will never allow sealion to be successful which leaves Russia the only realistic avenue to victory.

    1. Push full force to Moscow
    2. Knock out British fleet and stock defenses on Normandy
    3. Hope Italians come quick to help in south Russia
    4. Roll a lot of 1’s and 2’s

    so far I’ve played 4 games as axis…only 1 victory

  • difficult to answer.

    G1: never…nothing to attack with except little infantry-forces. no planes.
    G2: time to feint a sealion, so… never as well.
    G3: US prepares to enter war, so there have to be some subs in the water already, i think minimum 6! so…nope again for barbarossa
    G4: now i think it is good to attack, but first italy should enter war with russia attacking east-poland and allowing germany to land planes there.

    so my vote goes to G4, maybe even G5. i am not sure yet, because i have to decide yet in which manner to spent my money. all on one front or nearly 50/50 to the east and the west knowing that a definite conquest of russia will take more time.
    but this option is helping out in africa italy more, because allied navy is more contested in the atlantic.


  • '10


    difficult to answer.

    G1: never…nothing to attack with except little infantry-forces. no planes.
    G2: time to feint a sealion, so… never as well.
    G3: US prepares to enter war, so there have to be some subs in the water already, i think minimum 6! so…nope again for barbarossa
    G4: now i think it is good to attack, but first italy should enter war with russia attacking east-poland and allowing germany to land planes there.

    so my vote goes to G4, maybe even G5. i am not sure yet, because i have to decide yet in which manner to spent my money. all on one front or nearly 50/50 to the east and the west knowing that a definite conquest of russia will take more time.
    but this option is helping out in africa italy more, because allied navy is more contested in the atlantic.


    This is exactly how I see it also.  I played two games as Germany in the past week and I struggled with this question.  I would attack on G3 if there was a great opportunity presented by the USSR player, otherwise I suggest holding out and gaining the benefits of Neutrality.

  • i started barbarossa in I4. right now i am in the 6th round. ;)

  • I vote for G3.

    G1: Take France, Yugo, Bulgaria
    G2: Move troops to position at borders, build maj industrial complex in Romania
    G3: Attack at least the entire Eastern Front, and possibly Novgorod, if you bought a couple transports earlier.

    yada yada yada

    G6: Assault Moscow with about 20 tanks and 20 inf. and mech. inf.
    It’s too early for the US to have made a landing capable of threatening Germany, and no one is in a position to take back Moscow.

  • @Pop:

    G3 so far seems the best. I build up trans on turn 2 to make the brits defend against sealion so they can’t put more units in africa. After all if you can’t take and hold alexandria with the italians you can’t win as the axis. When I have waited to turn 4 the US always starts putting too much pressure on europe and the extra turn of Russian build up makes it very difficult to take out all the russian citys before the us is invading.

    couldn’t have said it better myself.  You must attack turn one …  the extra Soviet forces by waiting really do count.  you must decide sea lion or Barbarossa  and go for it before the United States gets in the war.

  • now i would vote for I2.
    first of all there is the UK to be kicked out of the med. therefor germany`s airforce is possibly needed. italy opens the battle in round 2, capturing e.poland. germany can get in with all its land-based forces and planes in round 3.

    actually, i am convinced by a mostly-mech-buy for germany speeding up the approach east-wards.

  • I’ve only played as the allies in my one game, but my opponent waited for G4 to attack and it has not turned out well.  A southern Soviet counter offensive has put the Balkans into allied hands, but the supply line is long and both Italy and Germany are busing back.  I think if Italy can get a few tanks and mechs in Syria that they could do a lot of damage in the middle east or southern/eastern Russia.

    I think Italy and Germany attacking together would be best for the axis.

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