• Hi, I’d like these issues clarified please:

    • Convoy Disruptions, when EXACTLY do they take effect? If a German sub is in a UK convoy, does UK immediately lose IPCs, or at UK Collect Income Phase or what?

    • 1 Axis and 1 Allied sub in a Convoy zone that borders both an Axis and Allied controlled territory. Do both sides lose IPCs? How does this work?

    • When does US collect 30 IPC bonus? Does it occur on 3rd turn Collect Income or 4th turn for US?

    • Can US move units into Canada or Iceland (not Europe or Africa) when not yet at war?

    • Can enemy ships share/move through the same sea zone when not at war?

    • If Germany attacks a sea zone with UK and US ships, does Germany HAVE TO declare war on US in order to attack UK units? Or Can Germany attack UK ships and US stays out of the battle?

    • If a Sub attacks a loaded Carrier, do the Fighters get a defense at all?

    • If a Sub attacks a loaded Carrier, does 1 hit to it and is destroyed in turn, do the Fighters stay on the Carrier as cargo or are they considered airborne and have to land elsewhere?

    Thank you.

  • Convoy disruptions take effect on the collect income phase of the country whose convoy is disrupted.

    Both sides lose ipcs on their respective collect income phases

    3rd turn collect income



    No, it can ignore the US ships

    not unless the defender has a destroyer

    the fighters can’t land on a damaged carrier, so they have to land on another caiier in that sea zone or 1 space away

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    the fighters can’t land on a damaged carrier, so they have to land on another caiier in that sea zone or 1 space away

    I also believe if the fighters are those of a friendly power, they are cargo and may not launch until the carrier is repaired. page 20 AApacific 1940 second paragraph. This situation occurs if you were attacking with a carrier that was loaded with allied planes. Defending they would participate and have to find a landing zone as above.

  • '10

    For defense the allied planes get up in the air.

    If the sub cripples the carrier, the planes could fly 1 space to find a save landing place.

    Never heard of a damaged carrier that has cargo planes on board.

    Maybe, if you attack with a loaded carrier??? :? :? :?

  • @marechallannes:

    For defense the allied planes get up in the air.

    If the sub cripples the carrier, the planes could fly 1 space to find a save landing place.

    Never heard of a damaged carrier that has cargo planes on board.

    Maybe, if you attack with a loaded carrier??? :? :? :?

    Yes, if you attack with a loaded carrier, that’s the only time the planes are trapped onboard. I assume that the trapped planes can’t defend

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    For defense the allied planes get up in the air.

    If the sub cripples the carrier, the planes could fly 1 space to find a save landing place.

    Never heard of a damaged carrier that has cargo planes on board.

    Maybe, if you attack with a loaded carrier??? :? :? :?

    Yes, if you attack with a loaded carrier, that’s the only time the planes are trapped onboard. I assume that the trapped planes can’t defend

    That situation happens when an attacking carrier is carrying planes belonging to another nation. Since the planes aren’t attacking they are considered cargo and if the carrier is damaged they can’t fly off the carrier until it is repaired.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    The Rules Say USA can’t go off the coast of Africa or Europe.

    But it doesn’t say USA can’t enter canada - or if Iceland is part of Europe.  I think you can there…

  • @Gargantua:

    The Rules Say USA can’t go off the coast of Africa or Europe.

    But it doesn’t say USA can’t enter canada - or if Iceland is part of Europe.  I think you can there…

    Iceland is part of Europe.  Common sense rules apply here, and I’m pretty sure Krieghund has confirmed it.  And the US cannot enter Canadian territories as long as it’s neutral.  The US navy is allowed to park off the Canadian coast though in those seazones.

  • @kcdzim:

    And the US cannot enter Canadian territories as long as it’s neutral.  The US navy is allowed to park off the Canadian coast though in those seazones.

    Really?  Can we get a ruling on this?  I don’t see anything in the rulebook about not going into British territory outside of Europe while neutral.

    The Rulebook states:

    Political Situation: The United States begins the game at war with no one. In addition to the normal restrictions, while
    it’s not at war with Japan, the United States may not move any units into China. While not at war with Germany or
    Italy, the United States may not move sea units into sea zones that are adjacent to territories in either Africa or Europe
    (including United Kingdom and Scotland). If the United States has war declared on it by an Axis power or Japan
    makes an unprovoked declaration of war on the UK or ANZAC, the United States may declare war on any or all Axis
    powers. On turn 3, if it’s not yet at war, the United States may declare war on any or all Axis powers at the beginning
    of the Collect Income phase of that turn.


  • @Boxcars:


    And the US cannot enter Canadian territories as long as it’s neutral.  The US navy is allowed to park off the Canadian coast though in those seazones.

    Really?  Can we get a ruling on this?  I don’t see anything in the rulebook about not going into British territory outside of Europe while neutral.

    The Rulebook states:

    Political Situation: The United States begins the game at war with no one. In addition to the normal restrictions, while
    it’s not at war with Japan, the United States may not move any units into China. While not at war with Germany or
    Italy, the United States may not move sea units into sea zones that are adjacent to territories in either Africa or Europe
    (including United Kingdom and Scotland). If the United States has war declared on it by an Axis power or Japan
    makes an unprovoked declaration of war on the UK or ANZAC, the United States may declare war on any or all Axis
    powers. On turn 3, if it’s not yet at war, the United States may declare war on any or all Axis powers at the beginning
    of the Collect Income phase of that turn.


    It’s the rule that neutral countries can’t enter the territory of any other country

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    It’s the rule that neutral countries can’t enter the territory of any other country

    Hmmm…I’m not seeing that in the rulebook.  Got a page number where that shows up?

    -Boxcars (who is honestly not trying to start anything)

  • @Boxcars:


    It’s the rule that neutral countries can’t enter the territory of any other country

    Hmmm…I’m not seeing that in the rulebook.  Got a page number where that shows up?

    -Boxcars (who is honestly not trying to start anything)

    In addition to the normal restrictions, while it’s not at war with Japan, the United States may not move any units into China.

    Normal restrictions refer to stardard Neutral movement rules, just like Russia can’t move into neutrals until at war and the US can’t move into neutral south american territories.  Until both powers have declared war on at least one power each (not necessarily the same one), they cannot share spaces.  This has been covered ad nauseum with how to get a russian plane to London (attack japan first).  It’s the same rules PLUS china limitations AND seazone restrictions.

  • @zhengwei:

    Hi, I’d like these issues clarified please:

    • Convoy Disruptions, when EXACTLY do they take effect? If a German sub is in a UK convoy, does UK immediately lose IPCs, or at UK Collect Income Phase or what?

    • 1 Axis and 1 Allied sub in a Convoy zone that borders both an Axis and Allied controlled territory. Do both sides lose IPCs? How does this work?

    1. the IPC’s stay the same, but UK will receive less money in its collect income phase. 
    2. both sides lose IPC’s

    but ehhm, aren’t these already answered above?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Where’s this Info about Russian Planes in London because of war with Japan?

    What happens if Germany attacks london and there is a Russian Plane there?  My gut says it can’t be taken as a hit, or defend, and moves to scotland if Germany wins, or is scuttled.  Treating it like it’s on an Aircraft Carrier.

    URL please?

  • @Gargantua:

    Where’s this Info about Russian Planes in London because of war with Japan?

    What happens if Germany attacks london and there is a Russian Plane there?  My gut says it can’t be taken as a hit, or defend, and moves to scotland if Germany wins, or is scuttled.  Treating it like it’s on an Aircraft Carrier.

    URL please?

    Nope, according to current rules, Germany must declare war on Russia to attack a UK with a Russian plane in it

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    So then the same rule would apply to putting Russian Fighters on British Aircraft Carriers and so on?

  • @Gargantua:

    So then the same rule would apply to putting Russian Fighters on British Aircraft Carriers and so on?

    Hmm, that’s something I hadn’t considered. I think Germany can ignore the fighters, but I’m not sure.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    So then the same rule would apply to putting Russian Fighters on British Aircraft Carriers and so on?

    Hmm, that’s something I hadn’t considered. I think Germany can ignore the fighters, but I’m not sure.

    I doubt this ever came up in playtesting and I doubt it’s been considered.  Germany can likely choose to ignore the russian fighter, and the fighter needs to find a landing spot if it no longer has one.  It has been confirmed that in order to attack any territory, you need to have declared war on all powers that occupy that territory and you will combat all units that occupy that territory (so the russian fighter will fight back, but you have to declare war on russia in order to attack the UK territory in question).  As for the URL, ugh…  Doing a search of Krieghungs comments will net a faster result than looking for the several threads that have questions regarding Russian-Japanese aggression/nonaggression and the implications on NOs, neutrals, etc.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Well it’s a catch all rule then.

    If for me to attack London I have to declare war Russia because there is a Russian Fighter there, the same rule would apply to a Russian Fighter on a British Aircraft Carrier, or Russian Ground units loaded in a british Transport.  Or ground units in British Territory.

    You also mean to tell me that if Russia drives into the Middle east early - because it is at war with Japan, and Russia parks its units in UK territory that I have to DOW on Russia to take these territories?

    Which also leads me to conclude, if you use that same mindset you can’t attack Navies seperately at all if the two parties are at war with a major power. IE A russian Sub supports a british navy under attack.  The same mentality saying if it was a fighter on the ground or on an ACC you have to declare war, wouldn’t it be the same for a sub or any other unit?

    Personally I think that’s all garbage.

  • @Gargantua:

    Well it’s a catch all rule then.

    If for me to attack London I have to declare war Russia because there is a Russian Fighter there, the same rule would apply to a Russian Fighter on a British Aircraft Carrier, or Russian Ground units loaded in a british Transport.  Or ground units in British Territory.

    You also mean to tell me that if Russia drives into the Middle east early - because it is at war with Japan, and Russia parks its units in UK territory that I have to DOW on Russia to take these territories?

    Which also leads me to conclude, if you use that same mindset you can’t attack Navies seperately at all if the two parties are at war with a major power. IE A russian Sub supports a british navy under attack.  The same mentality saying if it was a fighter on the ground or on an ACC you have to declare war, wouldn’t it be the same for a sub or any other unit?

    Personally I think that’s all garbage.

    No, it has been firmly established that you can seperate naval battles if you’re not at war with one of the powers.  If you’re at war with both, then you have to fight both.  But you get to leave neutrals out in a seazone, and if russia leaves a plane on a carrier it’s not considered cargo during germany’s turn (planes are only cargo on the carrier’s owners turn, otherwise they’re “in the air”, which is why a sub can attack and even though the planes can’t hit the sub, they aren’t on the carrier when/if the carrier sinks).

    Territories are different than seazones because you can control a territory, but seazones don’t belong to any power, so there can be other units in them (otherwise you wouldn’t be able to place units in a seazone adjacent if an enemy power’s navy was there).

    Russian ground units on a british transport would be a bit of a conundrum.  I’m certain never came up in playtesting, as loading friendly powers infantry as cargo is rare.  I think they’d die, treated as cargo, and you wouldn’t need to declare war.  Cause russia would be stupid to do it anyway, and I doubt a british transport would bother at any point before russia was at war with germany anyway.

    But yes, ANY territory that has a unit of a power you’re not at war with requires a declaration to attack.  Neutral units are NEVER displaced from a territory.  If russia has a unit in a UK space, Germany MUST declare war on russia if they want to attack that UK territory.

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