not sure how it works here but you need 3 upvotes at triplea to. I boosted you one so you’re at two now : ) maybe @djensen can clarify ?
Try this one trick to download old files ...
- Right click on the filename
- Select “Copy Link Address”
- Change this
- To this
part is missing on all the old uploads at the moment. -
@djensen Interestingly, the link at the very top (in the red box, where it says “(unless you use a trick)” ) misses the /forums/ part too, which is why the link is not working
LOL. :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :face_palm:
@djensen Haha :-)
well but you got it fixed very fast ;-) -
@MrRoboto Yeah, but I’ll have to go to bed tonight, eventually. :bed: :zzz:
Is that why I can’t see the pictures I’ve uploaded? Will they eventually migrate here?
@DMcLaren Can you provide a link to the forum where they are missing? You should be able to see everything now.
In the Customizations section, thread titled “Custom carriers from OOB’s and painted pieces”. There should be a lot of pictures in the post and I don’t see them.
Okay, I tracked down the problem. It’s either a bug or a feature but if the image does not start with
it will not be displayed.I’m working with the NodeBB developers to figure out how to deal with this. In the meantime, you can always manually update your image links:
Change this…

To this…

Basically, you’re adding
before the/uploads
part. -
@DMcLaren I fixed this. It’s a stopgap but at least it’s working!