The AARe 5.01 written by pagan in the Wizards (not avalon hill) forum is not the same as the AARe 5.01 on this site. Is this a mistake or a disagreement?
The changes I am referring to are in blue:
3. Radar -When declared, place 1 free AAGun in either [UK, ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, or Aus] if UK controls it, during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn only.
-UK owned AAGuns in tan territories have their AA-to-hit value increased by 1 ( 2)
-UK Battleships have their AA-to-hit value increased to 1 (this increase is not cumulative with the CA-Tech)
-UK owned AAGuns in tan territories may attempt to shoot down Rockets at a roll of 2 or less, for zero damage.
-When declared, UK is given a free 8IPCs to spend towards Jet Fighters and/or Combined Arms Tech. IPCs not spent, or unable to be spent this TURN, may be carried over, but must still be used for JF and/or CA. - no auto tech @ 4 dice.
3. Yamato Class Battleships - Your BBs attack, defend, and bombard on a 5.
-Your 1st Battleship purchased costs 5IPC less.
-All additional BBs cost 1IPC less.
These are changes that are in the WOTC board AARe and not in this thread, even though the versions are labeled the same, 5.01.