I agree. The only reason. The only one (unless the changes they’re talking a about for the pacific side come through). Would be the russians. Might as well take them out turn one, and then continue with India crush as usual.
Because it’s so easy taking out three stacks of six infantry each on J1. :roll:
I highly doubt the German and Italian players will want to see their Asiatic ally attack so soon. Short-term is might seem lucrative but once that happens, and once the Americans get in Africa much earlier, then the military situation is probably going to deteriorate very rapidly for Axis efforts to conquer Africa.
Think about it. On the US’s second turn they’ll be shipping out units to French North Africa, which, if the French player is smart, will combine the three infantry into a single stack in Algeria. Combine those French forces with American landing forces and the Italians suddenly have to worry about their flank, much more so than they did historically.
I might seem pretty general and broad here, and that’s intentional: thanks to Axis and Allies’ ever-shifting kaleidoscope I can’t say anything in concrete. For all I know a J1 is still valid. But, we’ll learn in five days!