I have a new idea.
I really enjoyed AA50 and although both scenarios are great, I like 1941 better.
Like people say the gameplay is more varried, however i find most of the variation is in the pacfic and not so much Europe. The Germans pretty much carry out barbarossa the same way and there are no big battles the first few turns. Japan has alot of choices in which inlands they can take and where to attack the US fleet.
So as it is it seems people who like 1941 want the game to start in july right before the invasion of the soviet union, and 1942 people want it to start in spring before the battle of the coral sea.
My solution is to have it start in December/October 1941. Pearl harbor is when the war got global and so it is the perfect date for a tourny game. the initial invasion of the soviet union is ending and the battle of moscow is getting under way. For people who are worried that skipping barbarossa will mean the ostfront will be less exciting are forgetting that there are alot more soviet territories in AAE40 that AA50. I would rather get on with stalingrad and kursk than the reletive tediousness of the initial advancing through russia. Remeber Berlin is now six spaces away from moscow and stalingrad
In the pacific, with the december/october 1941 start date you get exactly the same variety that you get from the AA50 1941 start date(including pearl harbor, and the japanese inland blitzkrieg) without the wierd fast forward six months into the future .
So another option is December/october 1941. could this be added to the pole? cause i am not voting for the other two options.
A&A always seems to make having the 1941 battle of moscow impossible. In the 42 scenario its already happened and the oprtunity has passed, thus forcing the player to attack south and fight in stalingrad. In 41 the germans are too far away and A&A dosnt have a mechanic that allows the german player to make as much progress as his historical counterpart. I prefer october 1942 so that it more fully includes the battle of moscow, but i understand if players dont want the game to start out with a battle over a capital.
Because AAG40 is so much more detailed the starting dataes should be really specific. What month would the 1942 start? I assume the standard 1941 is july.