Hi Dennis,
I’m from Lelystad. Little short on time, but if you have a question i can help. Which version of the game did you. Buy?
Any Hawaiin Players?
I live at Schofield Barracks on Oahu. Ever since moving here, I haven’t been able to play any one face to face. So I’m hoping there’s somebody who would be interested in a game.
would you like to play online AAR?
I may be going to schofield in June, if it works out that way I will try to contact you.
would you like to play online AAR?
I’m over on AAMC and up for a game if you’re still interested. I’m Seth4God2002 on AAMC, feel free to start the game if you play over there. 9VCs and I don’t care if we play w/NAs or not.
Are you in the Army?
Natonal Guard out of AZ. We are attached to the 29BCT, I assume you’ve heard about the deployment this summer. I’m not sure where we’re going for predeployment but there is a rumor we might go to Schofield. It’s all rumor right now, if I hear something definate I’ll email you.
<==that’s me Last year.
Hey im in Aiea play AAM also have a friend, definately looking for more people
You guys interested in playing an online modern version? Similar play style but more pieces and you just take one turn a day so you play the game over the course of a week or two.
Could use a couple good players to compete against. =)
i live in Hawaii (Ewa Beach) and i have a few friends that play as well. Been awhile but i might be able to convince at least 1 friend to come to a FTF game. which version do you play mostly?
SMAWGuy plays AAM (Axis & Allies Minitures). Don’t want to start that, it’s like Magic all over again!!! Too costly, I’m sticking to boardgames (fixed cost).
But if anyone from HI (Oahu) is interested, we have (AA50 (2 sets), AAR (1 set), AA (2 sets), AAE (2 sets), AAP (2 sets); missing Guad, BoB; never bothered to pick it up). The only thing we need is a place to play, we can usually provide cold drinks, pupus, and food.
It’s been a while since anyone’s replied to this, and I’m not sure if you guys are still around, but I’m looking for some regular A&A players. Mostly enjoy 1-on-1, but not against multi-player games, either. I have AAE40SE, AAP40SE, AA1914, AA Miniatures, War at Sea, and Angels 20/Bandits High. Hope to get some games going!