Allies won in round 9. Russia took all of Europe, Manchuria and Kwangtung. England took the Pacific , from India to Tokyo.
Shall I win this game?
We are playing revised, vanilla rules, no bid, no nat. advantages, total victory. I’m allies and my two friends are axis.
I used KGF, only sending a token force for picking some island in the Pacific. No Sudafrica, no India and no China IC built by me (Japan buyed FIC, Sinkiang and India)
Japan has some tanks in China/India now, and Africa is still contested by both sides. I have around 10 divs (mixed) in Caucasus and 6 inf/3 fig in Russia (URSS has also Norway)
German attack forces have been eliminated (with a few japanese tanks) in Caucasus last Russian turn. Karelia is well defended by british and the chain of american/british transports is working (about 6 USA inf/8 UK inf each turn). German defence forces are stuck in Germany/WE. Only mediterranean German fleet is still alive and allied fleets are in good shape.
Japanese fleet defeated (with some loses) token USA fleet and invaded Australia, but now is busy trying hopelessly invade western USA (with 3 japanese inf). Japanese trasport chain is not working, only the IC, buying tanks.
URSS IPC about 25-28 each turn
German IPC about 33-35 each turn
British IPC about 27-29 each turn
Japanese IPC about 50 each turn
USA IPC about 37 each turnAllies 90-95 each turn
Axis 83-85 each turnI think i’ll win the game if there are no mistakes or bad luck by me (i think Germany is about to collapse), but my friends think they’ll win for sure, even with bad luck for them. Who do you think will win?
You left out one of the most important factors (in my eyes) for determining game winner: the type and number of planes owned by each side.
At the end of a game when a winner has been decided, USUALLY the winner is clearly more dominant with their air force.
URSS: 3 fighters in Russia
Germany: 4 fighters, 1bomber, all in Germany
UK: 2 fighters (in Karelia)
Japan: 4 fighters, 1 bomber (all fig trying hopelessly conquer Western USA, bomber in FIC)
USA: 3 fighters (defending West USA with about 8 inf) -
whats the status in Yakut, Sinkiang, Persia
how close Japan is to Moscow, and how many units thus he has?
All owned by Japan, IC (japanese buyed) in Sinkiang. Japan is very near from Moscow, but only owns about 15 units (most of them tanks and only 5 japaneses units can reach Moscow). I have 6 inf and 3 fighters in Moscow and about 12 units in Caucasus, and one inf in Kazak preventing Sinkiang-Caucasus blitz plus one in Ucrania. The good news is that there are no German troops near Russia. Nearest are in Germany, so Russia is only facing Japan by the next two turns.
All owned by Japan, IC (japanese buyed) in Sinkiang. Japan is very near from Moscow, but only owns about 15 units (most of them tanks and only 5 japaneses units can reach Moscow). I have 6 inf and 3 fighters in Moscow and about 12 units in Caucasus, and one inf in Kazak preventing Sinkiang-Caucasus blitz plus one in Ucrania. The good news is that there are no German troops near Russia. Nearest are in Germany, so Russia is only facing Japan by the next two turns.
then from what you said USSR should hold of Japan while blitzing with its tenks and taking the territories towards Germany
the allied land machine will soon drain out Germanys inf, beacuse you can strike at Eeu, Weu and Germany
if Germany doesnt have much units, you ll capture it soon -
Ok, thanks. :-) That is that i thought. Then, what is better? Should I land alied troops in Karelia and attack Poland from there with US and UK or maybe continue the attacks against WE? We’ll play on thursday …
Germany has around 25 units in WE/Germany/SEurope plus luftwaffe. None in Africa, I think, only one japanese in SAfrica.
I would have to look at the map to completely give an estimate, which is why I’ve refrained from offering my advice.
You need to add up the total Unit IPC value for each side (land and naval, not including ICs). If it’s a tie at the end of the Russian turn (or if the Axis is ahead), then the Axis is very likely to win the game. You can do this automatically if you are using a program like aBattleMap.
I developed a statistical model for predicting game outcomes which is pretty accurate (100% accuracy on my small sample of games, starting on round 5):