More on religion….
I would say that wearing a dead guy nailed to boards around one’s neck is far poorer taste…
Oh, I know and agree. I just don’t like jewelry and was razzing you a bit.
It reminds me of the Bill Hick’s routine about how wearing a cross is creepy. Like wearing an electric chair. Or, in the case that you’d meet Jackie Kennedy, a rifle (if you liked JFK).
Well, a Pentacle is not a dead guy. Just an elemental and Earth Mother representation (in many of the Wiccan and other Neo-Pagan traditions anyway, I would not presume to speak for all of them).
its mostly just the cross that people wear. sometimes they do have Jesus on it though.
Well, a Pentacle is not a dead guy. Just an elemental and Earth Mother representation (in many of the Wiccan and other Neo-Pagan traditions anyway, I would not presume to speak for all of them).
On that note, how many people called your pentacle a pentagram and accused you of Satanism?
they look similar. kind of like the crucifix and the cross.
symbols are forever changing and being interperated differently. For a long time the main symbol for christianity was not the cross but a fish. Most people do not associate the cross with a method of execution anytime. Indeed many people do not know that crusafixion was a popular form of punishment back then. They identify it soley with jesus. Same as how people associate the swastika to nazis now.
Like the upside down cross is a satanic symbol, so too in many neo-Pagan traditions is the upside down pentacle (or pentagram) a perversion. Not all though, at least a few use the Pentagram as a symbol of attaining 2nd Degree. And to them it makes no matter, since Satan is not a part of most neo-pagan religions.
As for symbols changing…
Are y’all aware of how many schools attempted to ban Stars of David about 6-8 years ago because it was a “gang symbol”? They quickly ran afoul of various groups like the ADL and lost repeatedly in court. -
and yet they can ban the girls chastity ring as being too religious.
damn the liberal hypocracy.
Chastity ring?
Please explain…
I think he is referring to the girl who believes in Sex after marriage (Christian Faith) and she wore a bracelet to represent that she believed in it.
OK, I knew the concept, but never was aware of a particular jewelry identifier.
OK, I knew the concept, but never was aware of a particular jewelry identifier.
Pretty ironic to me. Ring + finger = sexual mimicry