Belief-o-matic: What is your religion (or non-religion)

  • I agree - scientology is ridiculous. Trouble is, whose definition of ridiculous do you use in determining what people “shouldn’t” believe. For instance, I think catholicism is a little ridiculous.

    But because I believe in “freedom”, I believe that other people should be allowed to believe whatever they want. You know - Freedom? - what the USA supposedly is all about?

  • @balungaloaf:

    no it doesnt seem rediculous.  jesus christ changed the world.  as only the son of God can, born of a virgin, and of the same substance of God, but fully human.  and in that sense, yes he can make it to heaven in bodily form, he’s God incarnate in the flesh after all.  and at communion, i know i am drinking and eating the body and blood of christ, but i also know that i am eating  a wafer and some cheap wine.

    yes and to reach heaven, all you have to do is say i’m sorry, please forgive me.  that’ll do the trick.  thats a lot better and makes more sense than God damning everyone to eternal hellfire for not being the right religion.  kind of makes you wonder what the purpose of the rest of the world would be.

    So is he a god, or isn’t he? 
    And it makes a lot more sense to not believe in god, considering there is no evidence of his/her/its/their existence.

    You Catholics could even be right.  But it’s completely an unnecessary, not to mention illogical, decision on your existence.

  • Wow, screw this. I don’t care what a fricken online quiz says my religious beliefs are.

  • @M36:

    Wow, screw this. I don’t care what a fricken online quiz says my religious beliefs are.

    Are you one of the possessed from an ancient nuclear war, or a cannibalistic vampire?  :mrgreen:

  • @Jermofoot:


    Wow, screw this. I don’t care what a fricken online quiz says my religious beliefs are.

    Are you one of the possessed from an ancient nuclear war, or a cannibalistic vampire?  :mrgreen:

    my guess is Islam.


    So the stry are even more rediculus.
    Holy Ghost (god) comes to earth impregnates Maria, with himself, Are born telling people how they should worship god (himself), eventually he (before he dies) rejectes God (himself) and despairs, then he changes his mind, and comes to heaven after being resurected by himself……
    Yeah right… :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

    this is why I think judasim make s a lot more sense. if the first commandement says there is there is only  one God and you shall hold him above all things. then you do it and not worship a crazy hippie born from a virigin(who can also be desended from David and the son of a virgin SIMOTANOUSLY  :roll:).

  • wow, how did you guess cyan?! I am actually a closet muslim. :lol:

  • @M36:

    wow, how did you guess cyan?! I am actually a closet muslim. :lol:

    i have a habitat of that. Today during lunch i was guessing peoples class scheldueals and coming close.(don’t ask why)  I say something which seems clear to me but everyone else is like stop guesing randomly.  but you are clearly a christian, and a conservitive. that should get rid of all the polythestic belifs and also the liberal ones. that  leaves consertive christiantity (which is clear you didn’t get),  Orthodox Judasim, Islam, Bahai’ and maybe Sikhism. Islam is the most conserivitive of those chioces.

  • Yep… the level of religious intollerance that you normally show Marine (as evidenced by your above posts) would be very likely to push you into a monotheistic religion grounded in the Old Testament that has no toelrance for other religions, and is certain it is the absolute one, true, and only way.  So I can see Muslim being teh one that came up for you.

    Although I would not change your religion, I would just classify all such intollerant absolutists beliefs as fanatic… Muslim Fanatic, Christian Fanatic, whatever.

  • @ncscswitch:

    Yep… the level of religious intollerance that you normally show Marine (as evidenced by your above posts) would be very likely to push you into a monotheistic religion grounded in the Old Testament that has no toelrance for other religions

    are you trying to bait him?? all i mean is that it semed a bit hostile.

  • That was not intended as bait at all.

    Marine has always been very fervent and outspoken regarding his very conservative Christian beliefs.  But that level of fervor when combined with a complete lack of tolerance for other religions, in my opinion, falls into the realm of fanaticism rather than devout faith.

    Marine also has been very adamant in his opinions regarding Muslim fanatics.

    Over the past several months, I have often made comments regarding how Christian fanaticism is NOT disimilar from Islamic fanaticism, and I have often and repeatedly been told by Marine and others that I was just “Christian Bashing” when I made such remarks.

    Now we have a survey of religion that has effectively illustrated the exact same point that when i said it was called Christian Bashing.

  • @Frood:

    But because I believe in “freedom”, I believe that other people should be allowed to believe whatever they want. You know - Freedom? - what the USA supposedly is all about?

    Freedom is a good thing.

    My son was recently invited to a mid-week church group gathering by a young lady he likes.  Life being what it is, he was interested enough in her that he wanted to go.  I agreed to provide transportation and stick around until it was time to go.  I did caution him that having accepted the invitation, he would have to be polite and respectful to any faith based practices that happened.  He was certain there would be none.  :?

    Sure enough, it was the typical recruitment drive.  He behaved appropriately with no prodding from me.  On the way home, he announced that while she was nice, he did not want to return there next week.

    Freedom is a good thing.

  • Freedom is a good thing.

    My son was recently invited to a mid-week church group gathering by a young lady he likes.  Life being what it is, he was interested enough in her that he wanted to go.  I agreed to provide transportation and stick around until it was time to go.  I did caution him that having accepted the invitation, he would have to be polite and respectful to any faith based practices that happened.  He was certain there would be none.

    Sure enough, it was the typical recruitment drive.  He behaved appropriately with no prodding from me.  On the way home, he announced that while she was nice, he did not want to return there next week.

    Freedom is a good thing.

    You have to teach him how to “turn” her, if she´s goodlooking (of course)

  • @Nix:

    Freedom is a good thing.

    My son was recently invited to a mid-week church group gathering by a young lady he likes.  Life being what it is, he was interested enough in her that he wanted to go.  I agreed to provide transportation and stick around until it was time to go.  I did caution him that having accepted the invitation, he would have to be polite and respectful to any faith based practices that happened.  He was certain there would be none.  Â

    Sure enough, it was the typical recruitment drive.  He behaved appropriately with no prodding from me.  On the way home, he announced that while she was nice, he did not want to return there next week.

    Freedom is a good thing.

    You have to teach him how to “turn” her, if she´s goodlooking (of course)

    I think she failed the “hot enough” test.  I’m not too sure that that is in the world of an 11 year old boy.  While the girls are starting to develop bumps and such, the boys still seem to be more focused on who has high score on the Playstation or most runs in kickball.

    More likely, he probably felt betrayed by the religious “ambush” and does not want to deal with that.

    Give him a few years and he will be back in the basement of the church testing theories about catholic girls…

  • Actually Switch and Cyan, I was joking. I didn’t take the test.

  • Actually Switch and Cyan, I was joking. I didn’t take the test.

    Chicken  :wink:

  • Buk buk Bukock…. 8-)

  • It is interesting, the parallels between fundamentalist Christianity and fundamentalist Islam. Traditional family values, the need to convert other people to your faith, etc. Historically, they have a common root I suppose, in the abrahamic monotheistic religion that has split into new branches as different prophets came along.

  • LOL@ Nix & dezrt.  :lol:


    The problem is that I’m not a jew.

    Jews have been telling me this for years.  I still love potato latkes though.

  • It is interesting, the parallels between fundamentalist Christianity and fundamentalist Islam. Traditional family values, the need to convert other people to your faith, etc

    really?  all those christian suicide murderers i guess.  or those christians who all over the globe who are trying to violently attack muslims in their own countries, or was that one the other way around.

  • @balungaloaf:

    those christians who all over the globe who are trying to violently attack muslims in their own countries, or was that one the other way around.

    Look, you just demonstrated the very intolerance that I was pointing out you have in common with muslim fundamentalists.

    How do you suppose many Muslims view the Western invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq? Christians (US troops) attacking muslims in their own countries. And not peacefully either.

    Remember, they are as convinced of their viewpoint as you are of yours. They think they are justified in killing you and you think you are justified in killing them. If you think the US liberal media is putting a negative spin on those wars, what do you think arab networks are doing with them? And which networks do you think arabs are watching and having their views shaped by? What makes you more right than them. Sorry, I know a little too much introspection might make your head explode, so I’ll stop with the thought-provoking questions.

    But this is getting way off topic.

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