• @zosima:

    see, i personally feel that if germany can’t destroy russia, or least take out the vast majority of russia, they are NEVER going to be able to win…

    That reply does not address the question of what number of artillery Germany should field.

  • But an early Germany already has many arm and fighters for good skew.

    I think it’s all relative.

    Germany DOES have a lot of tanks, and a lot of fighters in the beginning.  However, Germany does not have ENOUGH tanks to establish, say, a firm strongpoint at Ukraine on G2, unless Germany produces tanks on G1.

    I’m not saying don’t buy arm, but early on I think art is as useful to GER as arm is.

    Useful in what sense?  Armor are immediately usable to establish a forward position.  Artillery are not.  Artillery are useful for supplementing the attack mid to late game (by which point they can be moved to forward positions).

    Artillery have the advantage of being able to SUPPLEMENT INFANTRY for a cost-effective attack.  Artillery MUST be used with infantry, and when there is not enough infantry to support the artillery, the artillery become cost-ineffective.

    The artillery can be used in initial attacks after which a retreat can be made, but THINK of the conditions under which artillery can be used, and I believe you will find that artillery are not generally useful, except perhaps as dispensible supplements to infantry (but even then, that should not be necessary with fighters)

    Let us say that your opponent is defending a territory with ONE infantry.  Optimally, you would attack with two infantry and a fighter, but say that option is not available.  So if you have artillery, then you can chance a 2 2 battle against a 2.  Not spectacular, but superior to 1 1 against a 2.

    However, remember that your opponent will counterattack on the next turn.  Although you have the advantage on cost-efficient attack, artillery are no better than infantry on defense, and cost more.

    So admittedly, artillery are cost-efficient when fighters are NOT readily available to EITHER side.  However, artillery still face the not inconsiderable problem of needing to be mobilized, as well as the problem of the opponent probably having fighters to counterattack, trading infantry for artillery.

    What if the opponent has a mass of units?  Until the initial stock of infantry is depleted, artillery attack at 2 and boost an infantry to 2 for 4 IPC, and tanks at 3 for 5 IPC. That’s 75% for artillery and 60% for tanks.  However, once you lose infantry surpassign the artillery count, that’s 50% for artillery and 60% for tanks.  My thought is that in a massive battle, infantry fodder will quickly be exhausted, after which tanks will be more cost-effective on the attack.

    Add to that the fact that infantry/artillery forces in one territory with reinforcing infantry/artillery in the territory behind that ONLY threaten with the power of the forces in the first territory.  Were the infantry/artillery in the territory behind tanks instead, there would instead be a significantly more powerful attacking force.

    In sum - I think artillery are useful enough to build, but the problem of infantry casualties means that artillery should only be produced in very limited numbers.

  • @newpaintbrush:

    Let us say that your opponent is defending a territory with ONE infantry.  Optimally, you would attack with two infantry and a fighter, but say that option is not available.  So if you have artillery, then you can chance a 2 2 battle against a 2.  Not spectacular, but superior to 1 1 against a 2.

    However, remember that your opponent will counterattack on the next turn.  Although you have the advantage on cost-efficient attack, artillery are no better than infantry on defense, and cost more.

    So admittedly, artillery are cost-efficient when fighters are NOT readily available to EITHER side.  However, artillery still face the not inconsiderable problem of needing to be mobilized, as well as the problem of the opponent probably having fighters to counterattack, trading infantry for artillery.

    Not entirely true.

    USSR has 2 fighters. You could expend 10 IPC and buy a third. But even there, Russia may be trading several 2+ IPC territories. (Novo, Kazak, Arc, WR, Belo, Karelia, UKR, etc)

    You can buy, with 24 IPC, 8 Inf or 4 Inf 3 Art.

    You can swap THREE 2 IPC territories using these 3 art, (2 more than you could if you bought a fighter.)

    Assuming you win, you gain TWO EXTRA “2 IPC” territories. (+4 total). This +4 makes up for the “inf” you lost by buying 7 units vs 8.

    So, you GAIN IPC by attacking MORE 2+ IPC territories than you would if you stick to “2I+F” attack combos.

    There are downsides too, but your analysis stated buying ART was a bad idea when it clearly is a good one.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    The way I see it, you need armor in W. Europe, Germany, E. Europe and Ukraine so you do need Armor, the 8 you start with on the mainland is not enough.

  • 2007 AAR League


    However, artillery still face the not inconsiderable problem of needing to be mobilized

    Which is why I’m advocating buying them early (G1/G2) rather than late so they are mobilized by the time you want to push out on Ukraine.  I doubt a real push can be made to Ukraine in the first 3 rounds anyway unless Russia makes serious errors.  And even then Russia can push back because Japan hasn’t had enough time to drive through Asia and pressure Russia’s east flank.


    In sum - I think artillery are useful enough to build, but the problem of infantry casualties means that artillery should only be produced in very limited numbers.

    And Tanks should only produced in very limited numbers.  I am not advocating buying 10 art on G1!

  • If I’m going to use ART to aid my INF I try not to go over 1 ART to every 2 INF. After that I think I need more blood for the buck so I buy ARM.


  • 2007 AAR League

    1 art for every 2 inf is a pretty good ratio for your front line force.  But not for your reinforcements if you have any plans of attacking anywhere in mass before your reinforcements arrive.  If you are planning on attacking somewhere, you better make sure your reinforcements are mostly inf to replace the inf you will lose when you attack (or are counterattacked).

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I prefer the following ratio, myself.  I have found it very useful.

    5 Infantry : 3 Artillery : 2 Armor

    Germany begins with 23 Infantry : 4 Artillery : 10 Armor  That’s closer to a ratio of 11:2:5 not 5:3:2

    To correct this and get my ratio you need 2 Infantry, 11 Artillery.  And that’s just for your main battle line, that’s not including units you need as garrisons or defensive forces for W.Europe and Germany. (I am also not including airpower.)

    50 IPC, 2 rounds, give or take.

    Obviously that’s not the whole picture because some of your units will be lost to Russias first turn, in aggressive moves in Africa and Europe and maybe even to English aggression.

    That’s why I went heavier Inf/Art on Round 1 and Round 3, but I went for a couple tanks on Round 2.  Though, I think I might want to go heavier on tanks and infantry in R1 and R3 maybe purchasing a tank in each round and adjusting my infantry/artillery purchases accordingly.

  • Yeah I like to stagger offensive / defensive rounds of purchasing habits. This isn’t an absolute but in theory what I’d buy would reflect what I lost most of (offense or defense) the round before.


  • @losttribe04:

    Yeah I like to stagger offensive / defensive rounds of purchasing habits. This isn’t an absolute but in theory what I’d buy would reflect what I lost most of (offense or defense) the round before.


    once again, i fully agree with lost tribe…

  • Well I’m glad. I’d like to think that even if I’m using piss poor strategies I’m not the only one in this sinking boat. I’d hate to have to be the only new guy saying hail Hitler.


  • 2007 AAR League

    I normally try not to stagger offensive/defensive buys (sorry  :wink:)

    If you stagger your buys, then your opponent can see from your reinforcements what you have coming the following turn to support your current front line troops.  I prefer to have a steady stream of inf coming (approx. the same number purchased each turn) supplemented by a bit of offense (if I can afford it) or more inf for defense (if I’m behind in the race to build up my front lines).

    As my position improves, I may reduce my inf stream by 1 or 2 to free up some cash to increase my offensive buys.  As my position worsens I may increase my inf stream by 1 or 2 to focus more on defense, thus leaving less money to spend on offense.  But you will always see a steady stream of inf coming from my supply lines.

    I don’t think you’ll ever see me buy all tanks one turn, for example, even if I bought all inf the turn before.  Especially if I bought all inf the turn before, actually….

  • I regret using the word stagger. A lot like you I like to have 6-8 INF every turn. If I have to maybe go down to 4 INF to free up $ for ARM or FTR’s. What I meant by stagger would be after only buying the 4 INF the turn before I might only buy INF that turn. Sorry for not explaining myself very well.


  • oh…hail hitler all the way

  • Easy on the “hail hitler” please.


  • @squirecam:


    Let us say that your opponent is defending a territory with ONE infantry.  Optimally, you would attack with two infantry and a fighter, but say that option is not available.  So if you have artillery, then you can chance a 2 2 battle against a 2.  Not spectacular, but superior to 1 1 against a 2.

    However, remember that your opponent will counterattack on the next turn.  Although you have the advantage on cost-efficient attack, artillery are no better than infantry on defense, and cost more.

    So admittedly, artillery are cost-efficient when fighters are NOT readily available to EITHER side.  However, artillery still face the not inconsiderable problem of needing to be mobilized, as well as the problem of the opponent probably having fighters to counterattack, trading infantry for artillery.

    Not entirely true.

    USSR has 2 fighters. You could expend 10 IPC and buy a third. But even there, Russia may be trading several 2+ IPC territories. (Novo, Kazak, Arc, WR, Belo, Karelia, UKR, etc)

    You can buy, with 24 IPC, 8 Inf or 4 Inf 3 Art.

    You can swap THREE 2 IPC territories using these 3 art, (2 more than you could if you bought a fighter.)

    Assuming you win, you gain TWO EXTRA “2 IPC” territories. (+4 total). This +4 makes up for the “inf” you lost by buying 7 units vs 8.

    So, you GAIN IPC by attacking MORE 2+ IPC territories than you would if you stick to “2I+F” attack combos.

    There are downsides too, but your analysis stated buying ART was a bad idea when it clearly is a good one.


    1.  What I wrote was long, but not really a proper analysis.  If I ever write a proper analysis, it will read like a tree, with various branches depending on what your opponent does, and more branches describing viable options, and even more branches describing nonviable options and WHY those options don’t work.

    2.  My summation was “In sum - I think artillery are useful enough to build, but the problem of infantry casualties means that artillery should only be produced in very limited numbers.”  I do not say that buying ART is a bad idea.  I say buying LOTS of ART is a bad idea.

    3.  I feel I was misquoted, as I stated that artillery and infantry are a viable attack option in place of two infantry and fighter, when attacking a 2+ IPC territory held by 1 infantry.

    4.  To clarify the situation, I assume that I will have at least one tank at West Russia, plus a considerable Russian stack, with two fighters at Moscow; not just on R2, but probably R3+.  In such a situation, I anticipate that Germany will leave various of the Karelia, Belorussia, and Ukraine territories defended with 1-2 infantry (in which case the Russian counter is to attack with 1 more infantry plus fighter).  Russia only has two fighters, and there are three territories under contention, but I will typically use UK and/or US to trade Karelia with Germany, leaving only TWO territories (matching Russia’s two fighters).

    I assume that Germany will not have the opportunity to break through the West Russian-supported line (i.e. the contesting of the three territories Karelia, Belorussia, and Ukraine), with the exception of if Japan risks its air to clear a territory, in which case Japan is closing in on Moscow, and the Allies are probably forced to retreat anyways.  The only other possibility is if Germany has somehow managed to secure Caucasus and/or Archangel, undermining the West Russian position, but in that case, Russia is probably better served by defense than attack - so once again, infantry/artillery will be inferior to infantry/tanks.

    If the board were different, I anticipate artillery would be a lot more useful.  As it is, though, I think they are of LIMITED use.  (NOT USELESS; LIMITED USE)

  • 2007 AAR League

    One problem I have with NPB’s analysis:

    This is a thread about german builds, with earlier posts regarding specifically G1, G2, G3 builds.  Good analysis on Russian builds, but of limited us here.

  • @newpaintbrush:



    Let us say that your opponent is defending a territory with ONE infantry.  Optimally, you would attack with two infantry and a fighter, but say that option is not available.  So if you have artillery, then you can chance a 2 2 battle against a 2.  Not spectacular, but superior to 1 1 against a 2.

    However, remember that your opponent will counterattack on the next turn.  Although you have the advantage on cost-efficient attack, artillery are no better than infantry on defense, and cost more.

    So admittedly, artillery are cost-efficient when fighters are NOT readily available to EITHER side.  However, artillery still face the not inconsiderable problem of needing to be mobilized, as well as the problem of the opponent probably having fighters to counterattack, trading infantry for artillery.

    Not entirely true.

    USSR has 2 fighters. You could expend 10 IPC and buy a third. But even there, Russia may be trading several 2+ IPC territories. (Novo, Kazak, Arc, WR, Belo, Karelia, UKR, etc)

    You can buy, with 24 IPC, 8 Inf or 4 Inf 3 Art.

    You can swap THREE 2 IPC territories using these 3 art, (2 more than you could if you bought a fighter.)

    Assuming you win, you gain TWO EXTRA “2 IPC” territories. (+4 total). This +4 makes up for the “inf” you lost by buying 7 units vs 8.

    So, you GAIN IPC by attacking MORE 2+ IPC territories than you would if you stick to “2I+F” attack combos.

    There are downsides too, but your analysis stated buying ART was a bad idea when it clearly is a good one.


    1.  What I wrote was long, but not really a proper analysis.  If I ever write a proper analysis, it will read like a tree, with various branches depending on what your opponent does, and more branches describing viable options, and even more branches describing nonviable options and WHY those options don’t work.

    2.  My summation was "In sum - I think artillery are useful enough to build, but the problem of infantry casualties means that artillery should only be produced in very limited numbers."  I do not say that buying ART is a bad idea.  I say buying LOTS of ART is a bad idea.

    3.  I feel I was misquoted, as I stated that artillery and infantry are a viable attack option in place of two infantry and fighter, when attacking a 2+ IPC territory held by 1 infantry.

    4.  To clarify the situation, I assume that I will have at least one tank at West Russia, plus a considerable Russian stack, with two fighters at Moscow; not just on R2, but probably R3+.  In such a situation, I anticipate that Germany will leave various of the Karelia, Belorussia, and Ukraine territories defended with 1-2 infantry (in which case the Russian counter is to attack with 1 more infantry plus fighter).  Russia only has two fighters, and there are three territories under contention, but I will typically use UK and/or US to trade Karelia with Germany, leaving only TWO territories (matching Russia’s two fighters).

    I assume that Germany will not have the opportunity to break through the West Russian-supported line (i.e. the contesting of the three territories Karelia, Belorussia, and Ukraine), with the exception of if Japan risks its air to clear a territory, in which case Japan is closing in on Moscow, and the Allies are probably forced to retreat anyways.  The only other possibility is if Germany has somehow managed to secure Caucasus and/or Archangel, undermining the West Russian position, but in that case, Russia is probably better served by defense than attack - so once again, infantry/artillery will be inferior to infantry/tanks.

    If the board were different, I anticipate artillery would be a lot more useful.  As it is, though, I think they are of LIMITED use.  (NOT USELESS; LIMITED USE)

    1. “very limited numbers”. That pretty much means “I suggest you dont buy em, its not a good idea”. At least, it does in english.

    2. How were you misquoted when I quoted you directly??

    3. You can trade 3 territories in Europe, but also 2 vs Japan (Novo/kaz). This makes 5 possible swaps, but only 2 fighters.

    4. Dont fight me. Just accept my keen insights and analysis, and you’ll live a much happier life. :)


  • I think myself, Darth, and others have previously posted (perhaps not this thread but in others) as to the “ideal ratios” of INF/ART/ARM in Revised.  And for the most part, they apply to any concentrated land power (i.e. Russia and Germany).

    Heavy ART buys are generally NOT a good idea (except in preparation for a break-out by either Germany or Russia after a period of INF build up in core territory).

    Much argument remains as to the best balance, but somewhere in the 3-1-1 to 5-1-1 range seems to be the concensus.

  • I agree, Its hard to have absolute equations in a game that has so many variables like A&A, hell even chess could be the same way.


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