Does there exist an archive of moves in completed tournament or expert level games? If this were available it would be a great learning tool!
What percentage is luck involved in a games outcome?
Ender, I do not know how roll the dice.
I am not saying that they are wrong in rolling.Sometime I use pseudo random number in Java and I used them in C/C++.
Being the computer unable to make random choices there are pseudo random sequences that are used.
A pseudo random sequence is a sequence of number built in order to be as near is possible to a Gaussian distribution. So sometime the results may “suffer” from periodic effects.But may use another method to generate the random number singularly. In which case the “rolled” numbers are completely random.
It rolls the dice one at a time using the mt_rand() function in PHP, which is reportedly better than the regular rand() function (or is it random()?). Each time it rolls it takes the time in microseconds as a random number seed that mt_rand uses to do what ever it does and creates a random number from 1-6. That’s as much as I can tell you, cuz I don’t know anything more about it.
It rolls the dice one at a time using the mt_rand() function in PHP, which is reportedly better than the regular rand() function (or is it random()?). Each time it rolls it takes the time in microseconds as a random number seed that mt_rand uses to do what ever it does and creates a random number from 1-6. That’s as much as I can tell you, cuz I don’t know anything more about it.
It is more than sufficient to understood how its work!
mt_rand() should “randomize”, using the time as seed, every time the number a number is generated. Randomize means initialize the random generator, so as you already said each number generated is completely independent form the preceding!
Tanhs Ender!
I’ve just wondered how it works that when the dice are rolled within the same microsecond as each other, so the same time seed, that it rolls a different number. :?
I suppose that such operation are “serialized”, i.e. executed one after the other even if for us they appear simultaneous. Is one of the things that makes computers so intriguing!
Whats with everyone changing there name? First Jenn and now you Frod. I like it anyways.
Whats with everyone changing there name? First Jenn and now you Frod. I like it anyways.
we are training in teh wayz of ninjazorz
Whats with everyone changing there name? First Jenn and now you Frod. I like it anyways.
we are training in teh wayz of ninjazorz
That should be Emperor Ender Ivanova perhaps?
I just can;t bring myself to give up my Avatar…
Though the name, I am ready to change… The trouble is, the name change would demand a new Avatar as well… So I am stuck…
I’m just lazy. i used to change my avatar with each promotion.
Yes, but former USAFA Zoomie Pride is tied up in mine…
i just realized i’m a bomber! yeah
I just can;t bring myself to give up my Avatar…
Though the name, I am ready to change… The trouble is, the name change would demand a new Avatar as well… So I am stuck…
I don’t see why you’d have to change both - and besides, ncscswitch is hard to remember how to spell, let alone pronounce… can’t you cook up some cool pagan name. I’ll just call you Bacchus.
I may surprise you all soon…
I am less than an hour away from logging 100 DAYS of active posting on the site (in 2 years). That may be worth an update…