I did a rough breakdown of what a unit costs in box of 9. I was suprised. If all were the same they would be $1.11. but I knew Commons and uncommons and rares dont have the same value. This was done quickly (roughly).
I figured that you get in a box of nine(9) you get: 5 common, 3 uncommon and 1 rare.
The price I came up with (which could be made in to a percent for trades ;) to make it easier) are as follows
Common $.68
Uncommon $1.20
Rare $2.00
Wait ill get a percentage breakdown (for trade like points :IE a common is worth so many rares .000005) not really but here
Common:0.34 of rare or 6 commons = 1 rare 0.56 of an uncommon so 2 common = 1 uncommon
Uncommon: .60 so less than 2 uncommon = 1 Rare and for common has been done
Rare all has been done.
WOW on paper …CComuper! Its much diffrent than I thought.
At first for anything i thought 2 common=1 uncommon (true) and 4 common or 2 uncommon=1 rare. This estimate was close though.
I allways saw it as 4 common,2 un common and 1 rare= 7 but for the other to my cousins have always debated over the other 2… not as what they were but WHAT they wer(fot the pyramid)
They said that u could trade up for 2 rares with 1 common/uncommon (1 of each)
but I said trade up for rares and other cards you dont have for cards you have extras of.
OH AND AN IMPORTANT NOTE: just because its common or uncommon,etc isnt true 4 u because There are many commons i need but uncommons ill have like 3 of.
JUST THOUGHT id add my 2c so if you want to post your breakdowns then please due so.
P.S my cousin I plan on buying these from won’t check the work or probably won’t even notice… but im going to try and buy them from him at:
Common $0.50
Uncommon $1
Rare $1.25
Of course certain units ill pay more or less for (like mausers I have 4 of but Mosin/Nagants I have 0 of) clearly will make a diffrence.