@The-Captain Wow. I think one of the effects could be UK having to be even more aware of Home Defense at least until the Yanks get into the fight.
Posts made by Trout
RE: G40 Air Fleet Commander & Air Fleet
RE: G40 Air Fleet Commander & Air Fleet
@The-Captain Looks interesting! One clarification question. If Army Group is active in attacking or defending a territory, can an Air Fleet be active as well?? I would assume yes but please confirm. Thanks!
RE: Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
@barnee Hey Barnee. Sorry I didn’t catch your question earlier. When I said the three US money islands, I was referring to Wake/Midway/Hawaii which with Expanded Pacific is worth 9 IPC’s plus a 5 IPC bonus in play.
RE: Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
Thanks for the clarification. Everything you say makes sense. Best thing about the HRE is how there are so many different substrategies within overall strategies which differ each game. Yes, one under-rated part of a Japanese focus on taking the three US (money) islands is that you can negate the ships from Increased Shipbuilding unless the Allies can either rebuild a navy in SZ 10 which hinders an investment in the Atlantic or cause enough trouble in the DEI/Philippines/SE Asia between ANZAC & UK as to make him pay a price for choosing to go in a different direction. -
RE: Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
@barnee Barnee - thanks. The way you laid it out is the way we have been playing our games but I wanted to confirm as it wasn’t crystal clear in my head anyway.
RE: Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
Hey Axis-and-Allies Friends,
Couple of Pacific Theater questions for HRE. First, the easier question: Regarding the increased shipbuilding, are you required to place the free ships on the turn they become available or can they be delayed? I have a game going right now where the Axis player chose to disregard the standard strategy of going after Philippines/Money Islands and instead did a Pearl Harbor attack and took Midway/Wake/Hawaii/Aleutians. So the bulk of his IJN is camped out in SZ 26 after J5 to where it’s pointless to deploy the free cruiser/sub this turn.Second question, a bit more complicated is: If on US3, the Allied player declares war on Germany but not Japan as is often the case, does the Allied player collect the 5 IPC bonuses associated with the Pacific?? i.e. the Philippines and the Alaska/Hawaii/Line/Johnston/Aleut bonuses. It struck me the other day that it seems wrong for USA to get Pacific bonuses for going to war if no war yet in the Pacific. Or maybe it’s a game balance issue since Japan gets the 10 IPC peace bonus if they choose to keep the peace?? Clarity requested please.
RE: Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
@barnee Thanks Barnee. So the only HRE units that can utilize Total War are Jet Fighters, Carrier Based Fighters and Air Transports right? No Heavy Bombers, no paratroopers, no panzer grenadiers or armored infantry. Only regular infantry, artillery, and tanks for ground units correct???
RE: Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
Hi Captain. Quick Total War question. Can specialized units participate in that?? Heavy Bombers for USA and King Tigers for Germany are two that come to mind. I saw in the rules that ME 262’s can, but I didn’t see anything about others which makes me wonder if units where the rulebook is silent cannot participate. Thanks
RE: G40 French units in the United Kingdom
@The-Captain Great addition in our opinion. Those three French units in our game experience end up sitting there the whole game or something close to it. Welcome addition to the HRE sir and gives Allies a little something to counter the new SS Panzer General. Historically some of the best RAF squadrons and individual pilots from game start (1940) were Polish, but not really a way to deal with that as Poland gets obliterated before Turn 1 of G40.
RE: Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports
@barnee Nope did not use AI. Only old-fashioned keyboard typing
RE: Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports
@barnee Thanks for the offers VF & Barnee. We have never used Triplea but if we can figure it out, then may take you up on the offer
RE: Global 1940 Desert Army
@The-Captain Thanks for the clarification. Part of my question was cost of the DG, which I take it from the other posts is 8 IPC as it is just a PG/TG with the ability to lead as few as three units if in Africa. So unless I have that wrong, then I am good.
RE: Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports
Turn 8 (Late 1943)
Hitler informs Pizza Emperor that Operation Il Duce Smoosh-ay is a failure as UK has been backed up to South Africa but with no ability to reinforce the Axis forces in Africa, Kriegsmarine South at the bottom of the ocean, and the Luftwaffe re-deployed back to Europe, the effort appears to be falling short. So Adolf says Takeover will be initiated unless South Africa is smashed immediately. Soviet Union captures Finland and Baltic States while dropping paratrooper on Slovakia. Soviet Union collects 55 IPCs thanks largely to Middle East domination and occupation of Finland. Uncle Joe is pleased. New Year’s Eve Party invitations are sent to all of those that his Commissars told him were loyal. Japan has a quiet turn by their standards; building a major factory in Korea was the only highlight. Canadian Navy attacked and destroyed Italian Navy located in SZ 72. USA warships in SZs 91/92 move en masse to SZ 104 killing the German destroyer blocking their path there and Pacific Navy is finally strong enough to move to SZ 26 from SZ 10. Il Duce’s African Army decides to attack South Africa. If we win, Operation Il Duce-Smooshe is a success! If we lose, Benito can give Adolf the news that Italy has fulfilled all of its German Takeover Obligations. Outcome: South Africa holds and takeover will be available as soon as Kraut paratroopers depart on the next turn. Churchill orders celebration by observing tea time daily for the next six months while liberating its African territories next turn.
Axis: 170 Allies: 200
Turn 9 (Early 1944)
German paratroopers attack South Africa and … lose. Soviet Union: nothing significant to report (NSTR). Japan: NSTR also. USA attacks SZ 110 in force – Kriegsmarine is eliminated. UK reclaims several African territories, Canadian Navy to SZ 79, for first time all game SRM from Johannesburg to Calcutta is now open. Italy saves all money in preparation for Takeover.
Turn 10 (Late 1944)
Germany executes Takeover, Soviet Union and Japan: NSTR, USA moves Atlantic Fleet North from SZ 110 to SZ 112 while capturing Norway. UK completes reclamation of Africa and continues annoying paratroop drops on Normandy & Holland/Belgium
Axis: 157 Allies: 205Turn 11 (Early 1945)
All: NSTR except Germany conceding Norway to Allies shifted IPC balances again in favor of Allies. India continues to hold against buildup of Japanese forces in Burma but discussions of retreat to West India begin. Hitler worried as Soviet Union now receiving Lend/Lease bonus with Kriegsmarine gone puts them near parity in IPCs with the Red Army.
Axis: 145 Allies: 207
Turn 12 (Late 1945)
Germany: NSTR. Stalin surveys the situation and sees that the Red Army is growing in strength more than the black pieces. However India close to capitulating. His intelligence agents also let him know that the Soviet-Japan Peace Pact is now null and void. Lastly, he remembers that when he was 25 years old Japan did indeed attack Russia without warning. So he pounds his fist on the table and says, “that will not happen again!” So one Commissar and one TG move east immediately. Japan does indeed make a surprise attack on their turn, but in an unexpected direction. Yamamoto and Tojo work together to move all surface warships including SHBs to SZ 62 to bombard Sydney while IJA pours ashore to fly the Rising Sun at Sydney Harbour and imprison Crocodile Dundee and his outback friend Donk. ANZAC treasury is plundered of its 24 IPCs. IJA captures Amur and Novosibirsk in probing attacks convinced that Soviet Union is attacking them shortly. USA builds four carriers in SZ 10, sinks the IJN destroyer blockers placed around Pearl Harbor and sails to SZ 17 while Marines conquer Iwo Jima. Secret intelligence communiques pass between Admiral Nimitz and Admiral Collins, head of the Royal Australian Navy. Admiral Collins flashes an evil grin. More to follow on that later …… UK holds a War Cabinet meeting with Mr. Churchill who agrees with their recommendation to destroy the factory in India and retreat His Majesty’s Army to West India. Admiral Collins makes a daring move by sending the entire Royal Australian Navy to SZ 6 to kill an IJN loaded carrier and two destroyers at the cost of three damaged battleships.
Axis: 156 Allies: 195
Turn 13 (Early 1946)
Germany: fully in defensive posture now. Kriegsmarine non-existent, USA firmly in Norway, Soviet Union firmly has Middle East. USA submarines fully convoying in Mediterranean and assault of the Continent is imminent; yet the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe remain strong …. for now. Soviet Union liberates its two Far East territories and moves into Tsinghai province in force.
SURRENDER! Tojo decides to surrender as the beginning of Chinese liberation combined with German struggles makes him cry. But crying is not allowed in baseball or Axis & Allies HRE so instead he surrenders. -
RE: Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports
Global 1940, Game Report:
Axis player: Mussolini Pizza Emperor
Allied player: TroutA few notes before the Game Report:
- We forgot to take pictures after Axis surrendered in Early 1946. Rookie mistake.
- We did take pictures after end of Turn 7 for a visual on the progress.
a. We use an amateurish system for HRE games which is the OOB board along with OOB units and using A&A1914, roundels and A&A Classic pieces for some of the special units.
b. Mussolini Pizza Emperor is a teen-ager so for fun we use Lego figures as Panzer Generals and Commissars
c. For a 14-year-old, MPE is a formidable opponent; although he did lose this one. My prediction is he may be able to take down The Captain a time or two in about two more years. - Future game reports will be less wordy. We had a little too much fun with this one.
Early 1940
The Fuehrer has given his orders. “We have achieved a great strategic victory in infiltrating Denmark houses to locate a top-secret pamphlet known as The Captain’s G40 HRE Strategy Guides. It appears to contain great military insight into how we can dominate the world with the assistance of our mighty Axis friends. I have decided that we will execute the top-secret strategies contained in them and share them with Pizza Emperor. Also, we need secret meetings with Japan to entice them to join our cause. Offer them a chance to join Axis and in return we will share these top-secret strategy guides written by somebody known only mysteriously as “The Captain” with them and agree to let them keep any territories they conquer in the Pacific and Asia so long as they attack the tea sippers and hamburger-eaters no later than the end of 1941!
TWO WEEKS LATER …… GENERAL MANSTEIN: Great news my fuehrer! Japan has agreed to your masterful plan! They seem very excited in particular at the prospects of conquering China with the pamphlet’s recommendations. Lastly, the Pizza Emperor has sent a message that they are excited about your plan but can’t find a strategy guide for them.
HITLER: Excellent! Launch the attacks on France, Yugoslavia, and the UK Navy by executing Captain’s Battle of Atlantic strategy. Also tell Pizza King to get over it and stop sucking his thumb! Everybody knows they are the weakest Axis country so they must wait for an Italy Strategy Guide to be discovered at a later time. Oh, and one change to the strategy guide. Deploy the Scharnhorst to ensure success in clearing SZ 109.
STALIN: I am beginning to question whether Adolf will honor his peace commitments. Comrades have informed me that he is making jokes about German communists, not letting them eat any pizza, and transferring others to Polish zero-star hotels near Auschwitz. So maybe we should partially mobilize our army …. Just in case.
JAPAN: Emperor tells Marshal Tojo to make total destruction of China his first priority and tells Admiral Yamamoto to support his decision and prepare the navy for a plan to surprise attack the US sometime in Late 1941. Yamamoto grumbles but agrees to do so if he is allowed to build two Super Heavy Battleships before that attack commences. Emperor agrees to the request.
CHURCHILL: We have cracked the code on some recent transmissions of those evil Nazis. It appears that they intend to attack France and our Navy very soon! But equally concerning it appears that there have been discussions between Germany and Japan to form an alliance known as the Axis. However, not to worry! We received a package containing top secret military pamphlets from Denmark called strategy guides from somebody named “The Captain” which I now provide to you.
ROOSEVELT: Sir, Admiral Halsey is not happy that you have approved investing all US money into the Atlantic for the first four turns except for Philippine fortifications. Well, tell him that I will let his navy anchor in Hawaii so that the sailors can enjoy Waikiki. I believe the location is known as Pearl Harbor.
TURN 1 (Early 1940) NOTES:
Germany captures all continental French territory and Yugoslavia while activating Bulgaria and Finland. The Armee de Terre is now thoroughly defeated. Sea Zones 110 & 111 are cleared although a Royal Air Force counterattack results in the Scharnhorst being sunk in 109.
Japan captures Yunnan and Hunan. US spends all IPCs in Atlantic except Philippine fortifications. China retakes Yunnan - Burma Road open. UK clears SZ 96, captures Ethiopia and occupies Celebes. Pizza Emperor moves into unoccupied Alexandria, captures Greece & Tunisia and kills La Royale in SZ 93. ANZAC occupies DNG and Java.
TURN 2 (Late 1940) NOTES: Germany builds paratroopers, Combat Engineers, U-Boats and launches Bismarck into SZ 93; also captures Gibraltar. Soviet Union builds three paratroopers and more infantry. Japan captures Yunnan and three additional Chinese provinces while launching Yamato to SZ 6. UK occupies Sumatra, activates Persia, and builds carrier with Seafires in SZ 121. British Army – Africa consolidated in AES. Pizza Emperor captures Egypt, Algeria, and Syria. ANZAC reinforces Java.
TURN 3 (Early 1941) NOTES: Germany captures Morocco and Holland/Belgium, builds major IC in Romania, Engineers to Paris, Paras to Romania, Luftwaffe to Egypt, four U-Boats convoy SZ 109, SU builds second Commissar, first Commissar to Volgograd, Tojo relentless in his quest to conquer China and Musashi is launched. Emperor’s promise to Yamamoto now complete. USA declares war, China makes final stand in western provinces, UK launches HMS Prince of Wales to SZ 106, reinforces India/ Sumatra/ South Africa, and captures Iraq. Pizza Emperor captures TransJordan and ANZAC builds first carrier.
HITLER: The time has come! We must have our Lebensraum and the Commies have nice farmland. Operation Barbarossa begins now!
JAPAN: Emperor tells Tojo to complete the conquest of China now and invade Philippines with full IJN support. Admiral Yamamoto publicly says Yes, your Divine Highness and privately says …. I am ashamed at how stupid my government is. How can Japan defeat the USA, UK, China, Australia, and New Zealand by themselves? I have been tasked to begin Operation Very Stupid. But since The Emperor granted his requested gift for his 57th birthday in April 1941, he agrees to not resign. However, Mrs. Yamamoto reminds her husband that this is not actually WW2 but is Axis and Allies Global 1940 HRE so the Rising Sun can indeed be victorious! After listening to the wisdom of his beloved Reiko, he calls the attacks Operation Brilliance. The IJA is elated at the change and dubs their attacks on French Indochina, Shan State, Philippines, and Kwangtung as Operation “We want More Rice” so that their little samurai warriors back home can be well fed.
STALIN: I knew it! My genius is confirmed and in celebration, let’s send the one hundred biggest grumblers about my leadership to the Urals. Have them build tanks and say five times every day “I love my job and Uncle Joseph is smarter than the Czar ever was” Lastly, mobilize the Guards!
ROOSEVELT: I am tired of seeing these black and red plastic pieces advance around the board and how dare they take our Philippines! I am also tired of Churchill’s phone calls every night asking when we will finally do something. He always calls me after midnight when he wakes up in London and he said he will promise to not do that anymore if we attack Gibraltar this turn so I agreed. Mobilize the National Guard, launch the USS Missouri in SZ 10, and attack Gibraltar & Morocco so that I can finally sleep again!
CHURCHILL: The phone calls worked! That and the stupidity of the Japanese attacking Philippines. I also understand that Adolf has attacked Soviet Union as well. We finally have some help!
MONTGOMERY: Hey WC, will they help more than our croissant-eating friends across the Channel? Also, the Japanese are taking Hong Kong with their hungry eyes on the DEI and Singapore as well!
CHURCHILL: Yes, they will. Soviets will burn their cities before surrendering and it gets a bit cold there sometimes. As for the USA, let’s send Frankie R an ample supply of our finest tea and promise to only call him between 9-5 if he will just destroy all three Axis powers. That’s not too much to ask right?
TURN 4 (Late 1941) NOTES
Full World War! Germany declares war on Soviet Union and captures Baltic States, Eastern Poland, Bessarabia, Karelia, and via one paratrooper the Caucasus. Soviets dig in their mines in Belarus/Western Ukraine and mobilize the Guards. Japan captures Philippines, Hong Kong, and French Indochina in addition to completing the conquest of China. One small problem is heavy losses encountered in the Battle of the Philippines so one infantry survived but the other IJA units died including a squadron of Zeros. USA invades Gibraltar and Morocco while launching the USS Missouri in SZ 10. UK moved its Canadian navy to SZ 91 and committed maybe the first big mistake in the game. They seemingly had a great victory by attacking and destroying Pizza Emperor’s entire National Republican Army in Africa along with both fighters of the Regia Aeronautica when capturing Egypt. However, unfortunately the entire Regia Marina supported amphibious assault via transports and landing craft in addition to attack from Transjordan to destroy the Africa UK assets via counterattack. Italy occupied Iraq and built airbase in Greece for use of the German paras stationed there. It got even worse on G5 so more to follow ……
Axis: 167 Allies: 204
TURN 5 (Early 1942) NOTES
Germany drops all paras on Egypt and Mediterranean Kriegsmarine sails through Suez Canal to attack SZ 81 where in combination with the Luftwaffe they strafe the Royal Navy there. The strafe nearly destroys all UK ships. Admiral Raeder retreats Bismarck to SZ 98 and not lose any Luftwaffe assets. On the Eastern Front, the Wehrmacht advanced into Belarus, Novgorod, and Western Ukraine. Soviet Union moved bulk of Red Army to Belarus, while one Commissar and supporting infantry moved to Caucasus & NW Persia now that the paratroopers are no longer a threat in Greece. Stalin decides to conscript all teen-agers and grandpas due to the Fascist invasion. He calls it Red Army Conscription. Japan conquered Shan State, Burma, and Borneo. USA invaded Algeria, attacked an Italian destroyer blocking the Med in SZ 92 then moved its entire Atlantic Navy from SZ 91 to 95 during Non-Combat Movement. On UK’s turn, Canadian Navy amphibiously invaded Northern Italy from SZ 95 and British paratroopers captured Normandy and Holland/Belgium. Remains of the Royal Navy in SZ 81 retreat to SZ 72 and British Army reforms in Belgian Congo. Il Duce makes a bold move and sends Admiral Campioni to sail south and smash the remains of the Royal Navy in SZ 72 in addition to invading Madagascar. He also sends General Messe to invade unoccupied AES and Iran. Essentially Pizza Emperor chooses to conquer Africa instead of prepare for German Takeover. He calls this strategy, “Operation Il Duce Smoosh-ay “ He explains his decision as being partially based on the fact that keeping the navy in the Mediterranean would have resulted in its destruction at the hands of Popeye’s navy anchored in SZ 95.
Axis: 178 Allies: 200
TURN 6 (Late 1942) NOTES
Kriegsmarine goes on the offensive; Northern fleet to SZ 104 and Southern fleet to SZ 76. Luftwaffe flies to Romania. Paratroopers in Egypt, except for one staying there to collect Axis bonus, attack Kenya and move on the ground to AES. On the Eastern Front, the Wehrmacht retreats Army Group North to Eastern Poland and conducts small successful attacks on Rostov and Ukraine. On the Western Front, Germans attack Northern Italy in force. Soviet Union liberates Novgorod and Rostov, captures Iraq, drops a paratrooper onto Slovakia and builds first TG in Moscow with the help of Soviet Mass Tank production commencing. Japan captures Java, Singapore, and Celebes. The Emperor is pleased at the progress and sends sushi to the families of Yamamoto and Tojo as presents to ring in the New Year. USA invades Southern Italy and is rewarded with 33 IPCs from Italy’s treasury! Mediterranean navy splits up with battleships remaining in SZ 95 for shore bombardment and carriers back to SZ 92. USA chose to only build two battleships, two transports, and their first fighter ace so after confiscating Italian banks, they end with 153 IPCs available for the next turn. Churchill meditates for several hours on how to conduct its defense of Africa under the extreme pressure of the Axis. His decision is to build a battleship and a carrier with Seafire air units in SZ 71 and retreat land units to Rhodesia. Canadian Navy sails to SZ 98 in order to hunt down and kill 3 U-boats there. Italy responds by attacking SZ 71 with its two cruisers in SZ 72 plus Strat Bomber located in Italian Somaliland. Cruisers and SB destroyed but they did damage the HMS Victorious and send the Seafire planes into the Indian Ocean. Churchill was heard saying that the HMS Victorious was victorious! Meanwhile Pizza Dude’s army attacked Southern Italy from Greece via landing craft and liberated the capitol. This attack was pre-coordinated with Adolf who said that he would reinforce Rome from Northern Italy and station majority of the Luftwaffe there as well to ensure the disgusting hamburger-eaters would not successfully counter-attack.
Axis: 177 Allies: 196
TURN 7 (Early 1943)
Kriegsmarine North retreats to SZ 110, Adolf fulfills his commitment to Italy …… this time by moving German land units to Rome plus stations majority of Luftwaffe there as well. Also clears Western Europe from British paratroopers who landed there in 1942. Bismark and one accompanying U-Boat that were in SZ 76 attacked the HMS King George V and damaged HMS Victorious in SZ 71. They were diced badly and sunk the two Royal Navy capital ships but at the cost of themselves sinking also. Soviet Union liberates TransJordan, Iran, and Syria which were all unoccupied in addition to liberating Karelia/Western Ukraine/Ukraine and dropping one paratrooper on Poland resulted in collecting 47 IPCs. Japan attacks and captures Sumatra – conquest of the DEI now complete. USA awash in money this turn builds two fully loaded carriers in each ocean among other things and sends transport to SZ 98 for amphibious invasion of Egypt held by one German paratrooper. All USA warships end turn in SZ’s 91/92 ready to potentially move north or west in Turn 8 for continental assault. UK conducts paratroop drops on Southern France/Normandy and Canadian Navy sails through Suez Canal to SZ 76. Italy captures West India and Rhodesia. UK backed up fully into South Africa now. Photos through end of Turn 7 follow:
Axis: 181 Allies: 193 -
RE: Global 1940 Desert Army
@The-Captain Good evening Captain. Desert Army question/request for clarification. I could not see in the Desert Army House Rule how much a Desert General costs? Is it 8 IPC’s like a Panzer or Tank General?? Or only 5 IPC’s such as a Commissar since its value is similar to that? I think I am clear that it’s one each for Germany, UK, USA and can only operate in Africa. And it teams with three land-based units for which one of those can hit double. (like the Commissars and SS Grumpies) So am only unclear on costs of the Desert General itself? Thanks
RE: Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
@The-Captain Awesome! Looking forward to it. In game play, it’s a little discouraging that Germany has about a hundred special units whereas Japan gets only a few but that is historically accurate. In our games, it seems as if the Yamato and Musashi are very valuable as well as the Combat Engineers for pushing the minor Asian factories into western China and/or Burma but Banzai and destroyer transport have limited value. I am not suggesting any HRE changes from my comments because I love how HRE only expands in a way that aligns with WW2 history, just commenting that the richness of the German unit possibilities and strategies is just not there in the Pacific to the same extent. Having said that, we are salivating at the possibilities which an SS Panzer General can provide after you finish play-testing.
RE: Strategy Guide Global 1940
@The-Captain Thanks for sharing that strategy! Fascinating that this strategy is built around landmines in depth with offensive units and relying almost exclusively on RAC for the foot soldiers. We were going with more foot soldiers early because once Total War and Mass Tank Production kick in, it seems to be economical at that point to be kicking out seven tanks every turn and then six more artillery or half tracks whenever there are 42 IPC’s in the bank that turn.
RE: Strategy Guide Global 1940
@barnee I give up. I don’t see a Strat Guide for Italy in that place either. Italy in my mind is the hardest nation to figure out what to do with. Combination of weak in addition to awesome location and mucho 5-point bonuses. So it seems to give tantalizing possibilities for the Axis but I have yet to figure out the best way to use them. Throw everything into the Med where the bonuses are? Give up on the Med and instead take up Atlantic Wall duty along with Soviet can-openers? The only thing I have figured out for sure about Italy is always ALWAYS do the German Takeover. The rest continues to be a mystery though.
RE: Strategy Guide Global 1940
@The-Captain I think I am missing something. When I read Game Report No. 16, I didn’t see any Strategy Guide. I did see some remarks about making sure you set things up for German Takeover which I find to be a very powerful thing for the Axis to execute. And some remarks about Italy assisting with Sea Lion feint or attack.
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