sounds good, but the old-style telephones are only allowed to connect to the local pizza place :-P
Posts made by tin_snips
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
RE: Axis can't win? IMO Allies can't win.
i agree. the axis most certainly can (and do) win. i’ve seen both sides win, though, so it’s far from a one-sided scenario
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
top job FMG, i like your thinking! that way everyone will be pleased :-D
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
i think moses has got the right idea about how this should be approached
if this kicks straight off with pieces to cover technologies and doesn’t focuse on the main issue of original piece quality, then i doubt i’ll be ordering any. but if we get a mix of both, then everyone is (should) be happy :wink:
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
there’s so many different opinions floating around in this thread, and i think it’s getting a bit overwhelming
i think we need to hold a vote/poll to decide on a starting point. personally, i agree with moses. we should just replace all of the units provided with AA50, as the whole reason for this thread starting was that players were unhappy with the over-all quality of these base pieces
but i can also see why some others would prefer to simply add new units to the existing base pieces
just think, though, that if you just add on to AA50 with new pieces, the colour/size/feel/weight/etc will be noticable. do you all really not mind if your new pieces are noticably different to your base pieces? i know i would, hence thinking a re-cast of all base units would be a better starting point. if this will be expensive, focuse on one nation or one unit-type at a time
what does FMG think? if they’re the ones that are going to be going through with the final design, then they should definitely have some input into what that design is
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
One other thought. If it becomes too expensive to make all of these then I would concentrate on units that you can’t already get from the other A&A games.
i don’t agree. they need to be released in batches. first batch, standard units. focuse on the non-standard ones later. the only reason i state this again is because a large amount of people were dissatisfied with the quality of the pieces in AA50, and it isn’t possible to order replacements directly from the makers of the game to bolster the already low numbers for some nations
the first batch should just consist of the same amount of units for each nation, the number of each unit type voted upon. so, for examples sake, 20 infantry, 15 tanks, 15 fighters, and so forth in country-specific molds also voted upon
once this first batch is a success, and if there’s plenty sold so it’s worth FMG’s time and effort to make a second, then you can worry about your additional non-standard molds such as mechanised infantry. i think it’s fair to keep in mind that some people don’t own every game, or just don’t want to chop and change their other A&A’s to make up the unit count
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
i still think set one should be re-casting the original pieces in a better quality, and bolstering the number of a few (i.e. italian navy). the whole point of this was because many people were not happy with the quality of the current pieces that came with the game
set two should consist of your pieces such as mechanised infantry, jet fighters, and so forth
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
i think the base set just needs to cover the re-modeling of all of the pieces that come with AA50. also keeping in mind that some people don’t have some of the other games (AAE, AAB, etc) to pull pieces from
RE: POWs, why not have them?
interesting idea. i don’t know about the ‘pay to escape’ part though. it seems it would be cheaper and easier to just buy units and liberate the territory and POW’s the old fashioned way. i’d hate to invest in these captured units and then get terrible roles and not save any
RE: AA50 oficial errata as an ERROR!
this guy has started two topics on the same thing, in as many days. i’m sensing a theme here … :roll:
RE: Fastening the Board Sections Together
that’s brilliant Sime, truely brilliant :-D
RE: Who should play Italy in a 5 person game?
what bbrett3 said haha
my play group lets me get away with playing italy and germany together though, as i play each nation as its own and don’t just mini-me italy to help with german goals :lol:
RE: After Action Reports
that may be true for the older versions of A&A, but since AA50 has only been released late last year, i’d say 10 games is a fair amount of experience :-D
RE: Can the Allies win in 1942?
^^ agreed
undefended transports should not get the option to move into sea zones with only submarines, lest they be destroyed
RE: After Action Reports
guess it comes down to individual players then
RE: After Action Reports
it’s imperative that the allies help russia. just attacking germany now doesn’t cut the mustard. the uk has to send fighters and/or land troops in russia, as does the usa (although i think just fighters is more realistic)
RE: After Action Reports
the uk didn’t hit my baltic fleet until i pulled it out of the baltic to make an attack. but by this point i was one turn away from taking moscow, so i wasn’t concerned with opening up the fjords
my buys at uk depend on what’s going on i guess. could be fighters to send to russia, or some more boats depending on what shape my navy is in. even an ic for india depending on what japan has done
RE: After Action Reports
heh, they kept trying to reposition where they placed it. but i generally had fighters on finland and france, and the bomber in germany. so the reach wasn’t difficult. it was ammusing as the uk build a lot of tanks their first turn, and never got to use them :lol:
RE: After Action Reports
Title: moscow squeeze
Date: 13th of January
Special Rules: NO’s and Tech were both used. 1942 scenario
Victor: axis victory, by concession
Game Length: 5 rounds, 5 hours
Bias: two strongest players were germany and japan respectfully, and the weakest was italy. the other 3 moderate players were the alliesDescription: japan focused on crushing china, held its island gains until late in the game, then swept around india and encrouched into russia
russia did its defensive thing, but sent some infantry to help china (to no avail)
germany pushed into russia obviously, but also sunk the british fleets no less than 5 times. every time the british built a replacement and brought it within range, the german luftwaffe decimated it
uk was pretty much contained to its island, after losing its pacific holdings. it held out in africa for most of the game though
italy focused on gaining some african territories, but was held back until the last couple of rounds
usa built a fleet to match japan, and started taking back some islands late in the game. they also re-inforced africa, until germany sunk its atlantic fleet with the almighty luftwaffe
Observations/Recommendations: allies conceeded when moscow fell to the panzers. uk was reduced to watching over the channel thanks to a german airforce, so couldn’t assist russia, and the us was distracted in the pacific by japan
i love playing germany, and didn’t dissapoint this game. i tried something new, though, and built 10 infantry on the G1 build. after that it was a lot of tanks, and some fighters on round 4. the point of the infantry was to bolster my defenses on the eastern coast straight off, and send the rest towards moscow. the infantry was able to push with the tanks built later, so i could take some losses on them and keep the tanks. turns out i didn’t need to defend france too much as i kept the uk fleet going to the bottom each round
RE: For those who have played both AAR and AA50, which do you like better?
i find AA50 to be the better game. more so because at this point there’s still plenty of new stratagies to come up with, where as AAR feels very linear to me
topped off with the fact that AA50 looks better with a larger board, and has more country-specific pieces 8-)