i guess i’ll have to get around to playing a forum game sometime haha
Posts made by tin_snips
RE: Can the Allies win in 1942?
RE: Can the Allies win in 1942?
really? see, i think i need more people in my play group. i beat them all the time 8-)
RE: Can the Allies win in 1942?
you would think they’d have added in some more units for the Allies, considering they were the ones who won the real war :-D
RE: How to cut Germany's economy over half in three turns
sorry, perhaps i meant turn 4. keep in mind that i’m just running it all over in my head and not looking at a map or checking the board setup :roll:
so exaggeration aside, it still is a a very bad idea to focuse solely on SBR’s :-D
RE: How to cut Germany's economy over half in three turns
i just feel that, like any strategy employed in this game, you cannot pick one and go with it. you need a spread of them, and be ready to change in your next turn if an opportunity presents itself :-o
RE: What if?
Battle of Britain for sure. if Germany had of kept its SBR’s going against British industry and airfields, instead of swapping to terror raids on cities in retaliation to a bombing of Berlin, then the RAF would have been destroyed due to the fact that they would of had no time to recoup their fighter losses
by securing air supperiority, Germany could have forced England out of the war without ever setting foot on the country. the U-Boat peral was great, and the only real thing that scared the British (and Churchill) durring the war. starve England out, then secure the waters around her so America cannot assist later if they choose to join what was left of the Allies
RE: How to cut Germany's economy over half in three turns
you can reject it all you want, but if the UK is only building bombers, then the US has to focuse completely on Japan so that’s less defences to the shoreline yet again. and if the US splits its attention between Europe and Asia, then Japan can help with Russia. it all works out
AND don’t forget Italy. what will they be doing while un-checked?
RE: How to cut Germany's economy over half in three turns
SBR’s are fairly effective, but i don’t think your stratagem is as effective as you think. i only need three turns as Germany to get enough forces to defeat Russia (obviously it still comes down to luck, just talking generally though). and considering Germany goes before the UK, that means two SBR’s on me in that time. the first one won’t be overly effective as you don’t have a large enough force of bombers, and there will be enough IPC’s gained from NO’s and territory captures to let me get the forces i need still
SBR’s aren’t something that can be relied upon as a single strategy. bombing AND building up forces for an invasion is always the way to go. it just may take longer to invade if you focuse more on the SBR’s
RE: UK plan of attack w/out US aid. Help?
Builder_Chris is right, you won’t be able to hold africa without US assistance. if you left all of your african forces down there, you could slow them down for a couple of rounds though
if the US is going for all out Pacific, i would still try to convince them to use whatever they have in western usa in the african theatre to help. also, i always build an IC in india if japan can’t take it feasibly turn j2. this leaves you the option of sending tanks to africa once Japan is booted off China
RE: How to hold off UK?
as germany my builds generally go all infantry turn one, and all tanks turn two. that way i can send some more infantry to defend france and north-west europe on round two, and the rest can march towards moscow with the tanks
also, i keep whatever fighters i have guarding the shoreline. build another one or two if you need them over the next few rounds.
if you get a good attack in on the british navy on g1 then it cripples them for the next couple of turns, giving you time to send land forces to russia. try to use your airforce and subs on g1 against the british navy, instead of sending the planes to russia (as tempting as that is)
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
i’m pretty sure the idea is to replace the not-so-crash-hot quality of the standard pieces in AA50 with better ones. hence why FMG is gunning for a full set for each nation. so one nation at a time, most likely with a few tech-upgrade units included
after all, nobody likes pieces that don’t mix well together :wink:
RE: Can u use allies transport to bridge your men in the same turn?
you cannot unload your units off an allied transport on the same turn that you loaded them. you must wait a full round before unloading
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
we’ll just have to see if the goal is actually practical and affordable for FMG then. fingers crossed
yeah, i would take a BB over a cruiser and destroyer any day of the week. sorry, but the ‘free hit’ and higher attack/defence are just too valuable
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
talking about changing the colours of the units is all well and good, but you have to keep in mind that if we change the colours of a nation, then we have to replace every piece that nation comes with in the standard game (instead of just adding to)
Dice Tower?
does anyone know where to get a good wooden dice tower? i’d like one for a&a that is large enough to roll a few dice at once and is reasonably priced. any ideas?
(and yes, i have tried google, but not most sites claim ‘out of stock’)
RE: After Action Reports
ta for that, should lay off the scotch. previous post edited for the truth factor haha
Good God man!! Hold on to that glass of scotch, I would immediately cut out the use of the optional Carrier Island Rule if I thought for one minute, it would cause the loss of one drop of scotch.
I will need to ponder this delimma, with several glasses of whiskey.
haha, fair call. +1 karma
and sorry for de-railing your thread Moses :-P
RE: After Action Reports
ta for that, should lay off the scotch. previous post edited for the truth factor haha
RE: After Action Reports
<edited as=“” i’m=“” blind=“”> :-o</edited>
RE: Plastic Playing Pieces
please, we’d bloody beat you with the stock of our rifle to save ammunition 8-)