Check for groups. I believe there is an Axis and Allies group in Singapore as well.
I’d be happy to host you in Nashville sometime as well.
Check for groups. I believe there is an Axis and Allies group in Singapore as well.
I’d be happy to host you in Nashville sometime as well.
I started playing Axis & Allies Classic in the mid nineties in high school. After high school it was always difficult to find people to play. I played off and on when I could recruit my brothers or friends to play with me. In 2010 I discovered that Axis & Allies Europe 1940 and Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 were to be released and playable as a single game. I knew that I had to own them. It was always difficult convincing friends to play the A&A Global. The size of the game intimidated most of them. A year later in 2011 I started posting on this forum in the Master Find Players section in search of new players. Unfortunately I had little luck finding anyone local. In 2012 I expanded my search online and discovered Greg Smorey’s (@smo63 ) group of Axis & Allies players that meet annually in Cincinnati, OH at their Spring Gathering. I drove up to play in April of 2012 and met players from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, and a few from Tennessee as well. One of the players, @ImperialDefence, and I agreed to partner in the new Global Tournament at GenCon. After attending two Axis & Allies conventions I was determined to expand the community and replicate in Tennessee what Greg Smorey had accomplished in Ohio & Indiana.
I considered building a website for the new Tennessee Group, but settled on after discovering Atlanta Axis & Allies Meetup group. had all of the tools I needed to start and manage a group of players. They also help direct people with similar interests to the group. While there were long term costs, Meetup offered a 6 month discounted trial period. In January 2014 I founded the Nashville Axis & Allies Meetup. I invited old Axis and Allies friends and I reached out to everyone I had met over the last two years from 2 Spring Gathering and 2 GenCon trips. I also scoured the forum player pages in addition to other websites, like, looking for anyone I could find from Tennessee or an adjacent state.
Our first meetup was a 3 day event at Lakeside Resort in Smithville, TN. We had 18 attendees. Most of the attendees came from all over Tennessee, but we also had guys that drove in from Kentucky, Indiana, and Michigan. Many of the guys that came to this first gathering formed the core of the new Tennessee Group that still meets now. In 2015 we moved our venue to a clubhouse in Franklin, TN (20 min south of Nashville). The membership on Meetup has grown to 136 members. I host 3-4 events per year in Nashville with an average attendance of 12-15 guys. Our events are typically 2-3 day long retreats, since many attendees drive 3-5 hours to visit. Our location is ideal because the clubhouse is relatively inexpensive to rent and there are numerous hotels and restaurants nearby. I typically charge $10-20 per attendee to recoup costs for renting the clubhouse and maintaining the site.
In summary, if you’re interested in starting your own Axis & Allies Group:
The Nashville Axis & Allies Meetup group is one of the most rewarding group of guys that I’ve ever been apart of. I’ve made close friends that I otherwise would never have met. I always look forward to our next event, when we get together, throw dice, and move little plastic men around a board. I hope you will join us sometime.
I’ll add a reply as well. This is a good idea. David, thank you again for all that you do for the community!
Hey Y’all! I’m Siparo from Nashville. I started playing A&A in the late nineties when I was in high school. I picked it up again when Global came out. Shortly after I travelled to Spring Gathering in Cincinnati, OH where I met a bunch of other guys with a passion for this game.
I loved the idea of finding new players and bringing together longtime fans, so I started the Nashville Axis and Allies Meetup Group,. If you ever get a chance, please join us for a weekend of gaming!
Global 1940 is by far my favorite version. I enjoy playing 1914 and War at Sea as well.
USA’s job is to stop Japan and provide sufficient support in the Atlantic for the UK to harass and prolong Germany’s invasion of Russia. If you go strong in Atlantic, then you need Gibraltar to base from. Depending on the actions of your opponent, you hit where the opportunity exists to injure him the most. If Italy is open and cannot be easily retaken, then go for it. If Germany lacks the defenses to protect Norway, go for it.
The answer to your question is: It Depends.
Hope to see you around some time for an in person game.
Edit: Grammar
Please join us for our annual fall event beginning Friday, October 5th at 9am through Sunday, October 7th at 12pm at the Cool Springs East Club House in Franklin, TN, 20 minutes south of Nashville.
Cool Springs is a developed area with a number of restaurants and hotels nearby. A quick Google search of hotel room pricing ranges from $86-220 per night. The cost for attending is $10 per day or $20 for the entire event.
We will hold the following Tournaments:
Axis & Allies Global
Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition
Naval Mini players are available upon request.
We will have a number of other games available for free play, Axis & Allies Classic, Axis & Allies 1914, Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition, Settlers of Catan, Twilight Imperium and others. Please feel free to bring other games as well.
There will be a games of Secret Hitler in the evenings.
The Club House includes a fridge, oven, stove, and microwave. Please feel free to bring your own food & drinks or plan to take breaks and visit the nearby restaurants. If you plan to arrive early Thursday evening, please let me know and we can see about getting into the venue early to set up.
I hope to see you there!
Ichabod, you can drive to Nashville anytime you need a lesson in how to play Global. :-D
Great question! I can’t think of a time where we’ve played this way. Good to know for the future.
The correct answer is 0 on R1. If the Japanese player doesn’t threaten and leaves few defenders in Manchuria or Korea with no air within range, then you may consider stacking in Amur as a threat. Otherwise back up and play defense. Let him come in and give you the Mongolians. You should only invade under the right circumstances.
That only happens on TripleA due to a programing issue.
This has been a very engaging thread. I like the general idea of U.K. Factories in the Middle East and have used them to varying degrees in past games.
As others have said, it really depends on what Germany does with regards to Sea Lion. Russia alone cannot stop a strong German player.
I’ve seen many strong players build transports and aircraft carrier for Germany to threaten sea lion and force U.K. defensive builds at home and take resources away from the Mid East, only to turn north around Scandinavia and use the fleet to crush Leningrad.
I have to agree with most of what Tamvan has said. While I’ve never played him, I know others that have. He is one of the best players on this forum.
You should consider joining us in Nashville for a weekend event sometime. We have guys driving in from all over and spend a solid couple of days playing Global.
Please check us out at Nashville Axis & Allies Meetup group.
You guys should consider driving to Nashville, TN for one of our events. Check us out at:
Hope to see you around sometime.
Brian ‘Siparo’
Axis & Allies @ NashCon
Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Franklin, TN (south of Nashville, TN)
700 Cool Springs Boulevard, Franklin, TN 37067 USA
Friday, June 2 9AM - Sunday, June 4th 2PM
Our group will focus on casual Axis & Allies games: 1942, Global, Classic, 1914, and War At Sea Naval Miniatures.
New and experienced players are all welcome!
We will hold a 1942 tournament and a Global Tournament using 1942 Tournament Set Up. This is our third year at NashCon.
We have discounted pricing for admittance to NashCon for Nashville Axis & Allies Meetup Members of $25 for the weekend. Fees will be used to support tournament and raffle prizes.
Please visit our Meetup page to Register.
Nashcon™ is a gaming convention featuring Historical miniatures, tournaments, fantasy and science fiction games, role playing, boardgames, Advanced Squad Leader tournament and much more.
Special A&A Admission:
Your Event Tag will be good all weekend and for all general events, with the exception of tournaments other than A&A. All who RSVP and have not paid may pick up and pay for their tag at the front desk.
NashCon is hosted at the Cool Springs Marriott Convention Center in Franklin, TN. Discounted rates for accommodations at the Marriott Hotel are provided to attendees, $126 per night plus tax. There are other cheaper options in the area as well.
Click here to book the Marriott and receive the group rate.
1942 Tournament details:
Round 1 games will start at 4pm on Friday and 10am on Saturday.
Round 2 games will start at 3pm on Saturday.
The tournament championship game will begin at 8am on Sunday.
1942 Global Tournament details:
Round 1 games will start at 10am on Friday .
Round 2 games will start at and 10am on Saturday.
The tournament championship game will begin at 8am on Sunday.
Again, pickup games and free play games of all Axis & Allies variants are welcome!
If you have any questions or need help, please let me know.
I hope you can make it!
As it states, 5 IPC’s per territory. There is no max and minimum. If you hold 1, then 5 IPC’s, hold 2, then 10 IPC’s, etc.
I heard Wizards would not renew the contract.
YG, can you add them to Artscow for printing like the G40 Objectives deck?
Thanks again! I look forward to playing them.
You could try spreading out the bid every odd turn, 1, 3, 5. Where are you guys? Maybe finding a few more players would help.