You must have a surface ship, including an aircraft carrier, with the transport to load or unload in a sea zone containing an enemy sub.

Posts made by siparo
RE: Global 1942 Scenario by Larry Harris
RE: Global 1942 Scenario by Larry Harris
You’ve got it right. But this is the balance. US is forced to spend more in Pacific to stop Japan from putting too much into Asia or taking Australia or Hawaii. Lacking American involvement in Europe the Germans can put lots of pressure on Russia. While Sea Lion is effectively off the table the Axis can win if Russia and India fall.
NashCon - Axis & Allies Event - Nashville, TN
I am hosting the Axis & Allies events at NashCon in Franklin, TN just south of Nashville on May 22-24.
NashCon is held at the Cool Springs Marriott Convention Center in Franklin, TN.
Our group will focus on casual Axis & Allies board games: 1942, Global, Classic, and 1914. We will also hold a 1942 tournament.
This is our first year at NashCon. We plan to expand our tournament offerings in the future.
We have special pricing for admittance to NashCon for Nashville Axis & Allies Meetup Members of $15 for the weekend. All fees will be used to support tournament and raffle prizes. Please RSVP at the link above.
NashCon is a gaming convention featuring Historical miniatures, tournaments, fantasy and science fiction games, role playing, board games, Advanced Squad Leader tournament and much more.
RE: Global 1942 Scenario by Larry Harris
We have played this scenario more than most. We played it countless timesfor over a year. We’ve played it at the GenCon tournament for the last 2 years. Perhaps my friends and I are mistaken due to playing each other so often and we’ve become trapped in the same old moves for countless games.
If you’re interested in a game via TripleA, let me know.
RE: Global 1942 Scenario by Larry Harris
The balance is almost as good as Global 1940 without the political timing of the declarations of war. The Allies have a slight edge despite how the initial set up appears. I would recommend a bid for the Axis powers to provide balance just as I would advise a bid to the Allies in G40.
We enjoy playing the game almost as much as G40.
RE: Global 1942 Scenario by Larry Harris
My friend ImperialDefence and I have played G42 countless times at this point since we compete at GenCon. Like G40 there is a bid. However the bid in G42 typically goes to the Axis, whereas the bid in G40 typically goes to the allies. If you play it enough you will find opening strategies that make sense such as eliminating the USA Solomon Fleet. Yes, a good Allied player will generally push the Germans out of Russia in the first turn, but you will typically find the Russians and Germans situated for a stand off on their border, while an attack on London still remains a possibility. As with any scenario or new game, this one requires a new approach and the development of some different strategies.
While my friends and I still like to play G40, we enjoy G42 as well. I hope with time you too will come to like the set up.
Battle of Tennessee II Axis & Allies Tournament Feb 5-8 2015
I would like to announce the 2nd Annual Battle of Tennessee Axis & Allies Tournament.
Where: Lakeside Resort in Smithville, TN about 1 hour east of Nashville.
When: Thursday, February 5th through Sunday, February 8th
What: Global, 1942, Classic, 1914Rooms are $60 per night. Cabins are also available for families or larger parties.
Last year we had 12 attendees from 4 different states. I hope you can make it!
RE: Global 1942 Scenario by Larry Harris
ImperialDefence and I have played a number of times. It is a different game from G40. It has its positives and negatives. I would certainly recommend the game for face to face matches with a limited amount of time. I feel that there are fewer options for many of the countries compared to G40. But it certainly gets you into the fight right away.
Nashville Axis & Allies Battle of Franklin Dec 12-13
Nashville Axis & Allies will be holding our next gathering, The Battle of Franklin, on December 12-13. I’ve reserved my neighborhood clubhouse in the heart of the Cool Springs area of Franklin, just south of Nashville.
This is a two day event beginning Friday morning, December 12 through Saturday, December 13th. There are plenty of tables and lots of room for multiple games.
So far we have 10 confirmed RSVP’s. There are quite a few hotels less than a mile from the clubhouse. We will have lots of food choices with numerous restaurants in the area, including Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks within walking distance.
If you are interested in coming, please let me know. If you can’t make it but are interested in future Nashville area gatherings, please join our Meetup group,
RE: GenCon Indy Aug 14-17 2014
You’re actually the second person to ask. Imperial and I have talked about it and we’ve got our strategy down. So, we are sticking with our current two man team. I’m sure we’ll play each other at some point. Best of luck to you. Have a safe drive down. I’ll see you there.
RE: GenCon Indy Aug 14-17 2014
11h5m, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a few pick up games.
I look forward to seeing you both there.
RE: Global 1940 (metal map)
Another thought. You could also put us in touch with the sign company so we could purchase the printed map directly.
I’d suggest you resell them, but that would likely put you in trouble with Avalon Hill, the publisher of Axis & Allies.
Thanks again for sharing. It is an awesome idea!
RE: Global 1940 (metal map)
Would you be willing to share your edited file? I would be very interested in printing it myself with your additions.
GenCon Indy Aug 14-17 2014
Is anyone planning to attend GenCon next month to play Axis & Allies? If so, what are you planning to play?
I am going for Global 1942.
RE: Battle of Tennessee Axis & Allies Tournament
Welcome to the game! I hope you can attend next year. We’ve discussed having an event this fall as well. We have a group of guys from Kentucky and East Tennessee that come that might not be too far away depending on where you live in WV. Please join my Meetup Group to stay up to date.
Also, you may want to edit your email out of the previous post otherwise spammers can pick it up.
RE: New event start up
I’ve been to a number of tournaments/friendly game meet ups.
There really is no sanctioned tournament. My understanding is that GenCon in Indianapolis is the largest Axis & Allies tournament. We held a 2 day get together here in Tennessee back in February.
Just advertise and get the word out as best you can. Best of luck!
Also a few tournaments / meet ups that aren’t too far away, Spring Gathering in Cincinnati and Origins in Columbus, OH. Check out for more details.
RE: More G 42 Questions
Gentlemen, thank you for the clarification!
RE: More G 42 Questions
Krieghund, can we get a ruling on this?
RE: More G 42 Questions
It does not say that. You are inferring more than what is there. The G 42 set up was designed to facilitate tournament play. It was not designed for historical accuracy.