I think forward observers should be allowed to supplement mortars in the next expansion. Makes sense to shoot a mortar over a hill or house, even if it is a little less inaccurate.
Latest posts made by Randomfist
RE: Tactics: Mortar units
RE: Tactics: Mortar units
You beat me to the punch Argarus. You need line of sight to shoot over hills, even with mortars. Must be using house rules.
RE: Is anyone else addicted to buying boosters?
Dude, buy individual pieces on ebay. If you buy just one booster case online and then get the singles you still need via e-bay, you can probably get a whole set for $160 or less.
RE: Superior Armor Rules Help
I have a rule question that i would like to just clarify i am playing it right.  On the Superior Armor 2 ability. If on one round you get disrupted face down counter, (from someone matching your defense). The same round someone matches your defense again. You get a face down damaged counter. Becasue you can’t get disrupted again. If thats the case what good is the superior armor if they have to beat you by 2 in order to damage you.Â
Or does this superior armor only take effect when someone is able to damage you in one shot!
You answered your own question. If that first attack were to beat your units defence by one, you would only take a face down disrupted counter and not a face down damaged counter with it. A unit without Superior Armor 2, you would have both counters from the first attack.
RE: Transporting Artillery
That is unfortunate. What is to say that a Jeep doesn’t have a trailer hitch?
Maybe a future expansion will have a piece with the special ability to transport anti-tank guns.
It’s because of it’s expense, stats, and lack of movement that I rarely ever play with the anit-tank guns. The only situation where I think they might come in handy is the assault scenario for the 80 pt. defender team because you can place your units anywhere. Get 3-4 of anit-tank guns in the right spot and you’ll be firing on the attacking armor at least 2-3 times every turn.
Since it isn’t in the actual rules, but found in the Glossary we’re still going to allow Transporting Artillery pieces w/ vehicles that have Transport. I think it’s silly not to allow it, the Rules designers didn’t take into account larger map configurations and armies beyond 100 points. My group plays 300 point armies and we use terrain instead of maps. Typically a 3 ft. by 4 ft set-up.
I think the idea behind not letting anti-tank guns get towed was that although they were towed in real life, maybe not so much in the “thick of battle”. I would think one consideration in making a house rule for towing anti-tank guns would be to reduce movement of jeeps by one. I would also allow halftracks and maybe even all armor tow the cannons. If not, the Americans would get a HUGE advantage of being the only ones allowed to tow artillery.
RE: Jeeps
You can’t board AT gun…
Actually there is nothing in the rulebook that I know of that prevents an AT Gun from boarding any vehicle with Transport. It IS considered a ‘Soldier’ on the card and therefore can be in affect ‘towed’ using the Transport ability of the vehicle.
Read the full rules for transporting on page 31 of the rulebook. You cannot tow infantry with the subtype artillery, sorry.
RE: Transporting Artillery
Read the full transportation rules on pg.31. It specifically says that infantry with the subtype artillery cannot be transported. The rules forbid transporting artillery, unless you want to make a house rule.
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