That’s a good idea.
Posts made by Matt Hyra
RE: I need some strategic advice for playing UK in RLP
Thanks for the map! Hansolo88 is right. Scout cars alone cannot capture RP territories.
A few comments on your map situation:
The UK scout cars should be picking off Axis supply (solo attacks). They have none inbound and won’t have enough to capture Cairo if 4 of it is destroyed. Supply Raider will destroy 1, and then the Axis will likely use 1 to defend. That’s 4 supply lost minimum. If the UK is lucky, could be 6. If they are even luckier, could destroy the Stuka which is illegally parked in Mersa Brega. Remember, air units can only land in territories with a friendly control marker.
Sea Mines in 11 and 16 do little. Convoy zones are where they are most effective.
In the early game, don’t send Bombers to Malta. Fighters are much better at protecting the supplies on land and incoming supplies.
Supply cannot be deployed to Sicily, as that is not a staging area. Move it to Italy. Page 25: “…may also deploy AAA, air, and German AT guns directly to Sicily, Sardinia, and Crete…”
As soon as the UK fleet gets into the Malta convoy, Malta is easily resupplied. Then they can attack the Axis convoys.
No reason to leave supply in Mersa Matruh. MM can draw supply from Cairo.
Add 1 mine to the Cairo/MM border each round and the UK should hold. -
RE: Optional rules questions
Yes. Detonating mines happens prior to the decision on whether or not to stay and fight.
Blitzing is always a unit’s first move into an adjacent territory, and does not require supply. As for Tripoli, page 18 says: “Attacking a hostile territory that does not contain enemy combat units still requires an attack declaration, but as no actual combat will occur, you don’t spend any supply tokens (instead, take the attack arrow from the general supply pool).”
Matt -
RE: Spending supply to defend
@Daaras Practice games are a great way to get the next one right!
RE: Unit Movement After Advance Convoys?
@cmmiles said in Unit Movement After Advance Convoys?:
Can land units move after unloading from convoy transports in phase 1? This would be either combat or non combat movement. E.g., in phase 1 a truck comes off a convoy in Tripoli and later in phase 5, can move east with troops and supplies.
PG is right. Page 12 of the rules says: “Movement out of a convoy sea zone in this phase doesn’t count against these arriving units’ movement allowance, so they may move and fight normally in the remainder of your turn.”
Matt -
RE: Optional rules questions
The amount of supply used with that option is 1 supply for every 5 attacking air/sea units (or fraction thereof). As noted in the optional rule, it is paid “After declaring all attacks…”
That happens only once, so the payment is also made only once. -
The UK can’t park a sea unit in the Suez to prevent mining. No, you cannot sail back into the Suez.
Not free, as the unit must come from the Reinforcements Zone. They only get there if you buy them.
Matt -
RE: Spending supply to defend
@Stucifer said in Spending supply to defend:
I thank you! I have to say the combined scout cars/bomber attacks can be quite brutal with the supply constraints.We all enjoyed your game very much on our epic axis & allies weekend. We probably played it 6 times 🤓
6 games in one weekend? That’s a record at this point. Which scenarios and who won them?
RE: Spending supply to defend
@mikawagunichi said in Spending supply to defend:
Another rule clarification please:
If an attacker attacks a territory with ONLY scout cars and/or planes, is the defender still required to retreat if they do not spend supply (or have no supply available) to defend?
Yes, they must still retreat. The good news is that they don’t lose control of the territory, if it’s controllable.
RE: Spending supply to defend
@Stucifer The attacker chooses the order of attacks. The defender pays for their defense only when that particular attack is commencing. Not all at once like the attackers do.
Indeed, a good UK plan. A good Axis plan would be to have a couple of reserve supply in El Agheila.
RE: Scout cars, Breaking up 5 supply tokens, landmines, Fighter from Atlantic tot Cairo, SL Malta, flanking attack
Hi there. Glad you like the game!
- No, they don’t conquer it with a Noncombat Move. Units may only attack/enter controlled territories in A&A during a Combat Move. For example, if other units capture the territory, or you attacked it just to destroy some supplies, you can then move in if it isn’t enemy controlled.
2 & 3. Yes, in the name of sportsmanship. Odd, that never happened in playtesting.
Any landmines you cannot deploy go back into the general supply.
It could. Even the best minefield can be breached over 2 attacks. Get into position to deliver a 1-2 punch before they can buy even 1 more in between your turns. Yes, they likely won’t trigger all of them on the first attack, but they probably will trigger the rest on the 2nd attack. Then they might have 1 mine during the next attack you make. And you still have plenty of units, as many were turned back by landmines.
No. Page 12 says otherwise, but perhaps not strongly enough. We further clarified this in the pg 12 rules posted online, adding to the rules on Atlantic and Indian convoy advancement: “These units may not move again in any other phase of the same turn.” So they cannot fly off to Cairo. They must go to the Indian and then the Suez. The air units shipped to Cairo were crated for compact storage.
They are separate limits. So yes, you can have 3 units and 3 supply, tho the supply will instantly drop to 2. You’ll only ever have 3 there at the start of a game or if you unwisely choose not to spend 1 supply for the 15 RPs. Malta is always hungry.
There is no switch. In fact, the entire main force can call off their attack after the first round of combat, and then you may proceed with only the flanking attack, with rerolls. We call this a feint.
Good questions!
RE: Cyprus utility
@Mattvan It can be used by the UK to hold some air units, keeping them from taking up stacking limit space.
RE: Malta issue
@Cornwallis True. If Both Axis powers are determined to stop Malta from gaining supplies, it can be hard to get them through. But then, they are probably not protecting their own convoys or using air units in their land attacks.
RE: Malta issue
@Cornwallis You can also place a sea mine in the Malta convoy zone most rounds to dissuade the Axis from bringing sea units to the convoy battle.
Also, just to make sure… you said “they usually score 1 hit so you never get anything through.” Do you mean 1 hit against a single UK supply deployed to the Malta convoy zone without escort?
RE: Malta issue
@Cornwallis The UK will struggle to keep Malta supplied, as they did historically. But once you get the UK Navy into the Malta convoy zone, it will be easier. Then just deploy 1-3 supplies and a couple of fighters straight to the Malta convoy zone when you need to resupply the island and that should hold off the Axis.
The UK choice early on is typically supply Malta or attack the Tripoli convoy zone.
Remember that each Axis power only gets 1 round to take out your supplies. If they don’t get through your escorts in that first round, your supply escapes the combat.
If the Axis uses Stukas to target your supplies at sea, that makes it harder, but they still only have a 50% chance of hitting in that first round. And if it’s a large attack, they typically target sea units.
Another method you can try is to send 5 supply to Gibraltar, then break it up. Then, during each subsequent round, send just 1 of those supplies to the Malta convoy zone. Is the Axis going to send air units to attack just 1 supply, especially with only a 40-50% chance of destroying it in that first round before it escapes? They probably have better targets.
RE: Finland In Axis & Allies Stalingrad?
@FranceNeedsMorePower You can join the general Renegade Playtest Discord, but not the A&A channels. Sorry.
RE: Finland In Axis & Allies Stalingrad?
@FranceNeedsMorePower Just infantry and artillery for the Minor Axis.
RE: Finland In Axis & Allies Stalingrad?
@FranceNeedsMorePower said in Finland In Axis & Allies Stalingrad?:
@AndrewAAGamer Is a rulebook out there yet?
Rulebook won’t be posted for a few months.
The yellow matches that of the Romanian flag, but is meant to include Italy and Hungary as well. -
RE: Noncombat stack limit
Yes, units with move 2+ can move through a territory already at its limit.
Page 12 under Order of Play:
“Stacking limits in territories (see page 10) must be checked and enforced at the end of each phase of your turn. However, they can be temporarily exceeded during a phase, for example a unit can move through a full territory on its way to another territory.”Thanks,
Matt Hyra -
RE: Question about Weather Dominator
@SuperbattleshipYamato Limited to once per turn. That’s why it’s written Pay 1, instead of Pay X.
More than once per turn would be too good!Thanks,
Matt Hyra
Lead Designer, Arctic Circle -
RE: Multiple rule questions
@Jonny5tyle Thanks for the questions. Glad you like the game. Yes, more to come…