I really like the strategy! It seems very well thought out, and would probably have a pretty high success rate. Its very logical to go after the weakest Ally power. I have one concern, Russia. My question is how would you deal with a Russian army that has been strengthened by 3-4 turns of buys. I would expect that Russia has also already attacked Austria or Germany, severely weakening that defense force that was sent on the first turn. That would be my only question about the strategy
Posts made by MasterMark26
RE: Kill Italy First - An Alternative Central Powers Strategy
RE: [1914] Overly Detailed Modified Version
@Nippon-koku Thank you for the suggestion. I will definitely check that out!
RE: [1914] Overly Detailed Modified Version
Ok cool I did not know about that. Thank you for clarifying.
RE: [1914] Overly Detailed Modified Version
@Nippon-koku I just have a question regarding the French setup. Why are there French forces in the middle of Germany (aka Hanover)? Just seems a little odd to me, but I’m sure there is a good reason behind it.
RE: Tjoek's A&A 1914 OOB Map file (Updated February 9th 2020)
This looks AMAZING!!! Thank you very much @Tjoek
RE: [1914] Overly Detailed Modified Version
@Midnight_Reaper I think the change in the turn order will actually really help the game. In regards to the Serbia situation, technically, Germany invaded Belgium BEFORE Austria actually launched an offensive against Serbia.
RE: [1914] Overly Detailed Modified Version
I’m just a little confused by forts. Does a Large fort have ten hit points and ten infantry, or does it just have ten hit points?
How to fix contested territories make trench war more realistic
One problem with 1914 is warfare on the western front. It usually just dissolves into two giant stacks going at it in one territory, and the allies win that battle 90% of the time because they can get units there faster. One reason this happens is because people aren’t aggressive enough. Also, its too easy for people to combine their forces because flanking maneuvers aren’t very deadly in Axis and Allies. So I would make on slight adjustment to the moving out of contested territories rules:
When a unit moves out of a contested territory they may not battle. They may still move into contested territories containing units belonging to their power, but they may only reinforce not battle there. Also, I was really intrigued by @Arreghas idea about contested territories. You can see his forum here: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/34163/1914-contested-territories-an-interesting-tweak -
Elite Infantry/Shock Troopers
Hey guys this is just my idea on elite infantry. Also check out my forum on a simple way to add troop quality to the game here: https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/34219/infantry-idea. Anyways, here’s how I think elite infantry should work:
- they are a separate unit
- they are available to all countries
- Attack 3, Defend 3, Cost 4
- When attacking they get a preemptive and any hit they get defend at one less
What do you think?
Infantry Idea
Ok so I just had an idea about advanced infantry, so it’s probably needs some work. Anyways, one problem with the game is that soldiers from different countries are the exact same quality which is not true. British soldiers at the start of the war were elite professional soldiers compared to the Austrians that couldn’t even win a battle against a comparative weak foe in Serbia. So here’s my idea:
- You have a chart that has 1-10 or 15 and each country gets ranked according to their soldier quality at the start of the war. Then whenever you’re in a battle you take that number, multiply it by two, and that many infantry attack or defend at +1.
- This rule would not apply to troops in Africa and the middle east (Maybe just non-ottoman troops in the middle east).
- You would move up on the chart when your infantry kill a certain number of units in a battle
- You would move down the chart when a certain number of your infantry are killed in a battle
So there you go. Sorry this is really rushed, but tell me what you think and give any suggestions.
RE: AA 1914 - Artillery Duels ?
@Arreghas I really like the rule. Here’s what I like the most
- I think it would speed up the game
- It helps minimize giant stacks of troops
- It’s historically accurate. Concentrated artillery bombardments were used all throughout the war, especially by the Germans in Russia during 1915
I just have one suggestion. I feel like having the artillery not being able to battle if they do this will discourage people from doing this, so here’s what I propose:
- When you choose to have an “artillery duel” artillery just hit at one less, like you said. You and the defender use all your artillery in the territory
- Once per turn you may choose to have your artillery battle at their normal values. However, the roll at 1 until your next turn.
RE: [1914] Contested Territories - An Interesting Tweak?
@Arreghas I really love this idea!
One of the biggest problems I find in my games is stacking. Its not as fun when the game just comes down to two giant stacks on the western front, and the CPs can never win because they can never get enough guys there. However, I think this house rule combined with Economic and Political Collapse could fix that problem and give the game more of a trench warfare feel. Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work! -
RE: What house rules should I add to 1914
@Arreghas thanks for the response
Here are some of my thoughts:- I like the cost changes. I think it will make the naval war a little more of a war of attrition which it was
2: I’ve never really thought about trucks in WW1, but I am intrigued. One question was how you represent the trucks. - I like the idea with the statistical losses, and read the forum. I will certainly try this in my next couple games and see how it affects them
- My current thought on tanks is to make them do more but cost more. Here’s what I’m at: Cost 7 or 8, Attack at 3, Defend at 1, Absorb one hit when attacking, and support on Inf when attacking.
Again thank you for the reply, and I will certainly try your ideas in my next game.
- I like the cost changes. I think it will make the naval war a little more of a war of attrition which it was
RE: 1914 Battle Report
@DoManMacgee Totally agree with your thoughts. I also thought that Russia just needed to do something to throw the CPs off their game. In regards to the 1 Inf, I think its just an annoying move people made so the opponent couldn’t just grab free IPCs, but I’ll check with some of the other players to make sure that rule was understood right.
RE: 1914 Battle Report
@Slip-Capone The Entente players said basically the same thing you did, they were way to passive. Also, some of them said they should have bought more planes because the Central Powers kinda owned the skies.
RE: 1914 Battle Report
Final Round
A6: Bought 7 Inf 1 Art. Reinforced and attacked Venice and Trieste. Trieste remains contested. Rolled well in Venice but remains contested.
R6: attacked Ukraine with Moscow force. Rolled poorly in Ukraine remains contested.
G6: Attacked Russian Battleship, attacked Livonia, reinforced and attacked Ukraine, attacked Belarus, reinforced and attacked Picardy, attacked burgundy, attacked Marseilles, took Bordeaux, and took Brest. Belarus ends contested, Ukraine remains contested, Took Livonia, Picardy remains contested, took Marseilles, took burgundy, and sunk the Russian battleship but lost 3 subs. B6: Attacked Mesopotamia, attacked Persia, attacked Kiel via transport (mines and naval battle pending). Took Kiel, Persia remains contested, and Mesopotamia remains contested.
O6: Attacked and took egypt.
I6: reinforced Venice
U6: attacked Brest via transport. Took Brest.
Game ends
CP 19
Allies 4
CP win!
Just the ending political situation.
RE: 1914 Battle Report
A5:bought 9inf 1art. Reinforced and attacked Romania. Put 1 inf in Budapest. Romania battle went even but Russia lost a lot of artillery.
R5: bought 7inf 1art. Reinforced Livonia with buy from last turn. Attacked Budapest (1inf vs 1inf). Attacked Ukraine. Lost in Budapest. Won in Ukraine.
G5: Bought 5inf 2art 4subs. Attacked Ukraine. Liberated Galicia. Left 1inf in Poland and Belgium. Took Marseilles. Reinforced and attacked Paris, Picardy, and Livonia. Reinforced Ruhr. Easily took Ukraine. Heavy casualties in Livonia still contested. Easily took Paris. Easily won the air battle in Picardy, but battle went evenly and remains contested
F5: They dead
B5: Bought 10 Inf 1Art. Reinforced and attacked Picardy via transport. Picked up guys from Canada. Reinforced Sevastopol. In Picardy lost the plane battle (got no hits.) In the normal battle rolled really well but took a ton of casualties. Placed in India.
O5: Bought 7 Inf. Attacked Egypt with everything in Trans Jordan and reinforced Mesopotamia. Rolled average in Egypt but took few casualties. Remains contested.
I5: Bought 5 Inf. Attacked Marseilles, Took Burgundy, Attacked Trieste from Albania and the sea. Reinforced Venice. Took Marseilles. Transport got hit by mines when landing in Trieste, remaining guys traded hits with A-H and it became contested.
U5: Bought 6 Inf 1 Art. Reinforced and attacked Picardy. Lost the air battle without getting a hit. Rolled poorly and left territory contested with 3 German Fig left. -
RE: 1914 Battle Report
Round 4
A4: Bought 11inf. Reinforced Venice and Romania, attacked token force in Romania. Easily removed token force from Romania.
R4: Bought 6inf 1art. Attacked Romania, took Galacia, reinforced and attacked Livonia, and moved ship towards Britain. Cleared Livonia but Germany got two hits. Huge casualties in Romania for both sides leaving only 1 inf and a stack of art left for both sides.
G4: Bought 7inf 6art. Attacked Paris, Burgundy, Livonia and took Ukraine. Reinforced Picardy, Belgium, Ruhr, and Poland. Livonia was left contested with one Russian dude left. Germany easily won the plane battle outnumbering the French 3-1 in Paris. Paris became contested with pretty even hitting. Germany lost an art in Burgundy and it was left contested.
F4: Bought (economic collapse) Attacked sz18, and Paris. Rolled spiratictly but evenly in Paris but did not kill Germany. Damaged Austrian battleship. Suffered Political Collapse.
B4: Bought 7inf 1art 1fig. Attacked sz18 with 3 Cruisers, and attacked Picardy (via land and sea) with a sizable force. Shuffled guys to Russia via Afghanistan. One Austrian Cruiser was sunk while all 3 Brit Cruisers were sent to the bottom. In Picardy both German art hit on preemptive strike, this combined with bad rolling caused the battle to slightly go Germany way.
O4: Bought 5 Inf 1 Art. Attacked Persia seeing an exposed India and reinforced Transjordan. Easily took Persia with a good stack left.
I4: Bought 5 inf. Attacked the Austrian navy seeing the injured battleship. Reinforced piedmont. Sent the Austrian navy to the bottom taking no hits.
U4:bought 4inf 2art. Took Bordeaux via transport with 6inf 4art and 2fig
EV: CP 10-Allies 7
RE: 1914 Battle Report
A3: Bought 6inf 3art. Attacked Romania with its large force in Galicia. Attacked Trieste with their force from Veinna, attacked sz17 with its navy, and attacked Ukraine with 2 inf to stop a double move from Moscow to Romania. Got lucky in Ukraine and took it. Uncontested Trieste, took one hit on its battleship in the naval battle while injuring Italy’s battleship and sinking its cruiser. The Romania battle was close with Russia having a slight edge but now their artillery are exposed (only 4inf left) and cut off.
R3: Bought 7inf 1art. Attacked Ukraine and sent a token force to Livonia. Also retreated from Romania to Sevastopol. Moved a battleship to German waters. They easily cleared Ukraine but Austria got straight hits.
G3: Bought 13inf 1art. Attacked Picardy and Livonia. Reinforced Poland, Lorraine, and Ruhr. Took Picardy easily, neither side got a hit in Livonia.
F3: Bought 5inf 2art. Reinforced Paris leaving token force in Burgundy.
B3: Bought 7inf 1art 1fig. Shuffled guys to Brest via transport and shuffled guys from India to Egypt. Attacked Afghanistan. Cleared Afghanistan but lost 2 guys in the process.
O3: Bought 5inf 1art. Reinforced Mesopotamia and Transjordan.
I3: Bought 5inf. Attacked Venice with everything it could. Austria won the air battle in Venice and the battle went dead even 6-6.
U3: Bought 1tran 1art 2fig.
(Sorry forgot to get a pic of this one)