A reprint would be fine with me as well, but I’d love a 2nd Edition if they ever do one!
Posts made by lozmoid
RE: A&A 1914 - Trying to buy the game
Original AA50 in good condition for sale
Re: AA50 good price
Any takers? I am based in United Kingdom so preferably someone from there would be great.
Many thanks,
Lozmoid -
RE: Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A
Hi all,
Do we know if WOTC are going to be putting out an official FAQ/Errata for this game any time soon? My gaming group want to start playing it and I will have to teach them all the rules, so would really prefer to have up-to-date knowledge.
Thank you so much for your help
RE: Piece Count
I knew this would happen; that’s why I wanted to check. How the hell am I supposed to play the US with only 2 Destroyers, for crying out loud? :white_frowning_face:
Piece Count
Hi all, thought I’d share my contents count so you can compare your copies:
38 Grey Chips
8 Red Chips
4 Green Chips6 Black Dice
6 Red Dice
6 Zombie Dice1 IPC Note x 25
5 IPC Note x 10
10 IPC Note x 1530 x Zombies
60 x Zombie Cards
86 x 1942 Zombie Cards1 x Game Board
1 x Battle Board
1 x Manual
5 x National Set Up CardsInf Art Tank Fighter Bomber Carrier Battleship Dest Sub Tran Control Marker
United States 10 4 4 5 2 3 2 2 3 5 14
Soviet Union 8 4 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 14
United Kingdom 10 4 4 5 2 3 2 3 3 4 14
Japan 8 4 4 5 2 3 2 3 3 4 14
Germany 10 4 7 4 2 2 2 2 5 3 14I must say I was a bit disappointed by WOTC with regards to the number of power’s plastic units! Okay, there’s enough to set up the game with but I was surprised to see that US only gets 2 Destroyers… :x And Germany should have had at least 5 Fighters.
Did any of you get the same numbers of pieces?
RE: Attacking Zombie controlled territories
Thank you very much for these answers Panther! :-)
Okay, so what if it comes around to my turn and I see there are Zombies in my controlled and occupied territory that arrived there during the previous player’s turn? Obviously, they will attack my units in that territory during my Phase 2, but come my Combat Move phase can I do battle with them even though they are already in my territory? (I am not invading that territory as such)
For example, it came to my turn (I was UK) and I had 1 Infantry and 1 Fighter in Australia with 1 Zombie there too. I did 1 round of combat with the Zombie and failed to kill him, but he rolled a ‘D’ and scored a hit one of my units… So I had to choose and decided to lose the Infantry.
So what was the next step? I was unsure how to proceed and so paused the game. I still currently control Australia but if I land the Fighter in a nearby friendly island, then the Zombie will take control of Australia on the next player’s turn in Phase 3 (if I don’t recruit any Infantry there during my Purchase/Mobilise phase) - right? Therefore, can I keep the Fighter in Australia (he technically hasn’t used any movement points to battle the Zombie) or must I land him elsewhere?
And for that matter, can hits scored by Zombies during MY Conduct Combat phase be applied to my air units? I am buggered if I know how they can do that lol :-D
Interesting game mechanics! But that’ll do for now… Thank you again.
Attacking Zombie controlled territories
Hey guys, I’ve just picked up my copy of this game and I think it’s great so far. :-)
One thing I’m confused about and can’t seem to find in the rulebook is, what exactly happens if I want to attack a Zombie controlled territory that has NO ENEMY UNITS in it, on my Combat Move phase? There are no examples of this in the rulebook.
I assume that I fire for all my attacking units as normal, using their normal hit values (Infantry at 1, Tanks & Fighters at 3 etc.) But do I also count any 6’s rolled as hits against the Zombies too? I assume so. That means they are very easy to kill…
Also, after my attacking units have fired and all hits have been assigned, how do the Zombies fight back? I take it they roll 1 die per Zombie unit and hit on a… what?
If the above is all correct then cool, I’m playing it right. But how many combat rounds does this last for? Until the Zombies or my men are wiped out?
Which leads me to my last point - if I understand correctly, can I just invade a Zombie controlled territory with land units and take control of it WITHOUT fighting the Zombies? Why wouldn’t I want to wipe them out? Confused…
Thank you very much for your help!
RE: Polygon A&A&Z article, June 6, 2018
This game is starting to look cool now we’re seeing more of the art and mechanics! :-)
RE: AAZ details revealed (May 21 2018)
This looks cool… I think. :-)
Looks like it’s already available for pre-order on Amazon US:
Does anyone know what the ‘86 card expansion deck for Axis & Allies 1942’ is? Are they like the event cards from A&A D-Day?
Many thanks!
RE: Does anyone play this still?
I still have all my minis from sets 1-6, I think. But haven’t played in ten years or so. Will keep them just in case but have plenty of spares to sell or trade…
RE: Wait a second… can't we just replace the multicolored stackables with pieces?
Hmmm… I’m not sure if there’s an easy way around this question. Don’t get me wrong - in the beginning I wasn’t too crazy about the stacks of units myself (and would obviously MUCH prefer to use minis) as the colours I find to be a little garish. But I am coming around to them. I don’t know what to suggest really? I remember the original version of A&A Pacific had those little blue Task Force things… something like that maybe?
RE: WAR ROOM by Larry Harris
This game looks amazing from all the component and game play videos I have seen. :) Is anyone else going to be backing the Kickstarter campaign? Please do! It has already nearly achieved all of its stretch goals! :lol:
Thank you guys!
RE: The Return of Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition
That is what I am doing, Lozmoid. I can’t justify the expense.
Hope you have been well, since we last spoke.Thanks for the advice guys. :-) Yeah, I think I’ll just hold onto my original. Games are soooo expensive here in the UK. I can’t remember how much I paid for the original back in 2008 but I think it was something about £60 or thereabouts - that would be a great price nowadays! lol
Wittmann, I have been very well these days thank you. Living in Portsmouth now. Haven’t played a game of A&A for a few years now though unfortunately. Would like to again…
RE: The Return of Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition
So what are the advantages of this reprint? Just added errata and a few sculpts? :-) I think I probably just hold onto my original copy if that’s the case.
RE: WAR ROOM - New Larry Harris Game
Just found this snippet of news on BG. This is a post from Thomas Gale:
I’m working with Larry on War Room.
Mid-October is a very good guess for the KS launch. (not to be too cryptic)
To reiterate why there aren’t sculpts: The gameplay is designed entirely around the concept of Command Stacks. For example, various amounts of Infantry (yellow), Artillery (Blue), and Armor (green) are stacked and capped with an identifying command token. The command token has a flag and a number such as the 82nd. During play all nations secretly and simultaneously write down the ID of up to 9 commands and the chosen destination ID codes during the Strategic Planning phase. Air units are disks and Naval units are capsules.
The entire rules are available in a link if you sign up for the news Bulletin. I think someone posted them here on BGG too. They are slightly out of date but I will be uploading a revision soon.
As far as component materials, we considered the nice heft of wood, but we are currently are leaning heavily to custom plastic molded pieces so they stack nicely. They will be thicker than cardboard chits and units types can be identified by looking at the edge color. Also there are occasionally broken or malformations with wood pieces, which concerns me. Larry’s first prototype used stacked coins which was nice but metal is not really an option given there are many hundreds of units. Maybe someday we’ll offer the “Solid Gold” version.
Thomas Gale
Nightingale Games LLC"Pretty cool, huh? :)
RE: WAR ROOM - New Larry Harris Game
Fair point IL, well noted. I must say that I think Artillery should be red and Armour yellow, not the other way around. Say, do you happen to have a copy of the current rulebook that you could post here please? I’m intrigued by the combat system and want to explore your thoughts on the matter but cannot until I’ve seen the rules. Cheers!
RE: WAR ROOM - New Larry Harris Game
I didn’t get blocked when I pasted the link below into my browser address box. Try pasting it in the same way and see if that works.
Thanks but nope, still blocked. Do NG have their own website with a link to WR or do they only have like a facebook page? Many thanks
RE: WAR ROOM - New Larry Harris Game
They just sent out a rulebook draft in the newsletter today.
Awesome. Is it okay for someone to post the rules here please? I cannot access them from work, gets blocked… (I know, I should be working but what the hell lol)
Thank you very much :)