I have new ideas for this strategy.
G4 Sealion with all out economic warfare of convoys and SBR starting G1. The amount of money you can remove in first 3 turns is most of their income - lot less inf defending London. (The way you get there is up to you but new strat I want to try - buy AB and destroyer - you can also buy a trns or carry over the money. 2 subs to 106 - or if you’re frisky, one sub, and save the other to convoy 119; 2 subs to 91 to take out UK cruiser; 1 sub, 1 ftr to 109; 1 BB, 3 Tac, 2 ftr to 110 - if scramble, great! no Taranto, and most likely less ftrs to defend London… If no scramble, take planes as casualties to save BB in 110; send 1 Tac, 1 ftr to 93 to take out French fleet - any surviving planes can land in Rome to scramble; 2 SB bomb London Major IC. Take all of France and Yugo, leave Bulgaria for Italy
J1 - don’t declare war. move entire fleet with 3 fully loaded trns to Hainan, and drop a NB on Hainan turn 1. This will force Pacific to declare war immediately or else the massive fleet is sitting outside Calcutta at peace on J2 (I’ve played this out once - UK declared war immediately and arranged his 3 boats as blockers on the 3 SZ between Hainan and Calcutta. Japan eliminated all blockers using air force mostly, then NCM loaded trns and empty AC’s to Calcutta to catch planes, etc on J2)
I1 - if UK boats in 111 are now in 109 and/or 110, send your bomber in N. Italy to bomb the London AB. If the boats moved toward Canada to survive, then bomb the London IC.
IT’s G4 sealion for multiple reasons
need to find out where the 111 fleet goes
G2, spend $45 on inf to populate western Europe. spend rest on 1 or 2 trns (if you didn’t buy one turn one) and SB. This should encourage UK to spend all its money turn two on NB and IC in Persia - although the J1 Hainan NB may change that strat; I know it would for me.
the usual response to successful Sealion is for US to move it’s moderate fleet and loaded trns to Morroco immediately.
Plan for that. on G4, buy a sub for southern France. On I3, buy a trns if you need one, I4 take Gibralter, after US has landed on Morroco.
G5 send your entire fleet (you prob dropped an AC on G4 too) and the 9 or whatever fully loaded trns at the US fleet in 91, along with the sub from S. France. One round of combat, and then retreat to SZ 92, and slam the door behind you. you can drop German/Italian destroyers here and there to block them too, but you have enough of a head start.
London is done so med is yours. US needs to decide immediately on whether to try to liberate London or go into the med after the German fleet that is getting farther and farther away. London won’t be easy - economic warfare means there will prob be a couple inf left (tanks getting on trns) and the two Italian ftrs will be joining the party on I4
By I6, Italy should be strong enough to take Turkey and G7 you are landing anywhere from Bessarabia to Caucasus. I know you want that Cairo NO but don’t get distracted - send everything to Russia and hit them from behind.
The G2 inf splurge should help hold off Russia for a turn which is really all you need.
If UK goes Gibbastion. this won’t work. You will know UK1 if they are building up Gibralter - then you change up and go Iceland - Canada, or whatever.