If you NoDOW, this usually means you are after Russia and defeat China and stall the US in the Pacific.
UK will likely grow strong and a Calcutta Crush (CC) is almost not doable.
This helps out Euro Axis alot.
If anything goes wrong with the german march on Moscow, you are screwed on both sides of the Map.
I tried it over and over with minimal success.
Now i prefer a solid J1 in BM and Vanilla since the impact on both Theaters are enormous.
The US has to choose a side and need to quickly balance out the whole board.
UK has all hands full as well.
A J1 is putting a lot of pressure to the Allies.
a CC is very likely
stabilize J’s income arround 70-80 ipc
creating many Threats at once by better pistioning your self in the Pacific.
-better odds on achivieving all 6 VC’s