I am from IL but will be traveling to San Francisco for Kubla Con Memorial day weekend. I had trouble locating the A&A players last year until I found out too late the war gamers were given a space outside the hotel in a large banquet tent. I see there is a classic 2nd Ed tournament offered, but I’m more interested in a casual game of global. I’d also play anniversary or 1942 2nd ed. Any other player headed to Kubla?

Posts made by drummerinheat
A&A at Kubla con in San Francisco
RE: Taranto or Tobruk
I feel like the “3rd” option is stacking UK navy in 92 and building an air base in Gibraltar UK1. Same risk of Sea Lion as building the IC in Egypt UK1 tho. This requires “breaking out” by attacking the Italian Destroyer in 96 with air power (bomber from London and Fighter from Malta). I would also recommend an attack on Ethiopia via India support combined with the Tac and TT with 2 units from egypt, then consolidating Alex/Egypt forces in Egypt. If, for whatever reason, UK navy in 110 was avoided, send them to 92 as well.
Just another option to consider with lots of “ifs”. Germany’s opening move should dictate your options rather than have a hard and fast “this is what the UK MUST DO”.
RE: My Global Table & Game Room "Bunker"
That is an amazing Bunker! The suitcases are a great touch! I’m 90 miles west of Chicago. Let me know if your bunker ever needs another member. I love traveling!
RE: 1940 Global: 1st turn, 3 players = Having fun
so that’s how you get people to play with you! I just have to make them myself :lol: welcome to the board! Have fun!
RE: Europe 40 or Pacific 40?
My argument is for Europe. It has all the elements of the global game but in half the space. It is what I use to ease new players into the global game. It has all the elements of the global game: land battles, naval battles, strict/pro neutrals, neutrality rules/DOW’s, convoy zones, etc and it helps teach the importance of turn order (and offers can opener opportunities for both axis and allied players).
It does miss out on the mongolian rule, kamakazi rule, and china’s non industrialized nation rules, but imo those are complicated and good “next step” after Europe. I believe both are good to try stand alone before global unless you and your players are seasoned in the world of A&A.
Hope this helps!
RE: Which Country To Cut Off?
I feel like the Neutral Option is viable for both sides when just the European Map is played. Makes it very interesting! My favorite is the access to the Middle East via Turkey for the Axis!
RE: Alternate Setups for G40 game
Definitely check the house rules forum. Oztea’s '41 set up is awesome, but it can be overwhelming! There are a ton of options firs turn for every country.
RE: Central Illinois Players
PM me and ill send you my email. perhaps join in on a game when schedules line up!
RE: Questions on Axis Strategy
Welcome to the community! We all started with the same questions and some of us (me included) still are figuring it out. Young Grasshoppers youtube strategy videos were my start to forming my own strategies. Do yourself a favor and dive into all of them. So worth it.
I saw this question wasn’t really answered yet
@OttoVonBismarck:What is the usual amount of German units to send to France? what if you want to take Normandy or Southern France also?
There are a few different ways to achieve this, but note that it will weaken your other attacks and can be a gamble.
France - 5 inf, 2 art, 3 mech, 5 tanks is 87% success odds
Normandy - 2inf, 1 art is 78% success odds
Southern France - 1 mech, 1 Tank, 1 fighter (from Slovakia) 89% success odds.This is a hell of a gamble. The most important territory is France. If that doesn’t fall…you are in some serious…well…you know. Does anyone else have a more optimal pure France Turn 1 crush?
RE: Central Illinois Players
I live about 2 hours north of Bloomington. If there was a good group, I’d be willing to travel. There was another poster from near springfield asking a few months back as well. Is there a good space to meet?
RE: G1 Land fighter in Tobruk
If the UK Cruiser in 91 was not sunk on Germany’s turn, as the Italian player, I would ask for that fighter in Tobruk.
I also realize there’s a consensus of members that basically advise against German (or Italian for that matter) involvement in Africa. They say it is a distraction to the ultimate goal of the USSR.
RE: German Sub Opener
Taamvan - the initial plan was to wipe out destroyers that could be used to counter attack the sub purchase. The more I weigh everyone’s ideas and opinions, the more I’m beginning to change the buy. I was initially skipping 110 because I did not have enough fire power to take out 110 safely while still getting that pesky Cruiser in 91, and getting the 111 fleet (another pesky destroyer).
However, the more I go over this move, I realize the most important move (to me) is preventing Taranto, or making it very costly to the UK. A lot of that hinges on killing the 91 Cruiser and giving the UK options in the Atlantic.
I like the new buy of 1 bomber and 3 subs rather than the 6 subs. I’m just looking for the best way to discourage Taranto. If Italy can keep 97 in tact, it’s so helpful! Plus, I have a special love for Italy doing well.
RE: German Sub Opener
elk - I can see how the sub buy may be over kill, but I need to hit 2 battleships and potentially some cruisers the next turn with the possibility of air cover. I don’t want to lose my Air Force over the Atlantic. The subs are just a cheap multi tool.
Knp - I’m starting to like this buy. The extra bomber will be helpful for sbr on turn 2.
Ideally, The massive sub purchase will help keep the Americans from hitting Africa for 1 turn. Either that or help relieve Japan of American pressure in the pacific.
RE: German Sub Opener
Nippon - So you don’t bother with the UK Cruiser in 91?
YG - I understand. I believe the last time I lost that cruiser, I sent the Gib fighter and Malta Fighter to 96 and sent both fighters and bomber from uk along with everything else to 97. I skipped Tobruk. I realize this increases Sea Lion odds, but i feel it’s better to neuter Italy and put the UK at risk.
RE: How to best deal with Italy
Well you put 2 inf on an island there and anzac takes another 4 ipcs island.
It prevents japan from just walking over and if they dont go J2 because they are out of position for instance you gained another 4.
Also good chance those 2 inf take another 1 with them in defence. Inf for japan is hard to replace all the way down there.
my thoughts exactly. the tiny battles every turn in any of the DEI are good scratches to keep Japan from spending IPC’s to take a capital.
Also, I just realized this has gotten off topic. Supposed to be about stopping Italy, which I believe it is to hit 97 with almost everything you can, attack Tobruk, and either pin/chase the Ethiopian contingent.
RE: German Sub Opener
taamvan - even with a max scramble of 4 in 109 odds are still 79% in favor of Germany. I will admit, I forgot that the UK could scramble 4, so i ran the odds. If the UK does this and loses even half it’s air, that should rule out Taranto. The down side for the axis, is on average it will cost them 2 fighters and a Tac. I’m not saying it’s a perfect strategy at all. Just trying to see what Germany can do to help Italy get over the 20 IPC mark.
I know it’s hard to project later turns, but I plan to convoy with the subs as long as possible and bomb the London Factory before my air moves to Moscow.
RE: German Sub Opener
ShadowHawk - I felt that was a strong UK response. Italy could kill the 2 french boats with air and condense their fleet. That could be a good counter to the counter :)
Nippon: I figured you meant 109.
YG: I would still like to know if/why the 91 cruiser will change Taranto decision.
RE: German Sub Opener
Tavernier - the attacks beyond 91 are to rid the Atlantic of British Destroyers that can attack the surviving subs and the 5 new ones regardless of what other German units survive. The thought is that as the UK, we are used to losing our entire Navy before our turn. This leaves you with a potential for 2 battleships and then maybe air if u don’t scramble and Taranto. I hope they take the bait and try to waist time and ipcs trying to save it.
YG - so it’s the 91 cruiser that decides the do or do not Taranto if you are the UK?
Nippon - I believe you have your SZ’S mixed up. Isn’t 96 in the Med? Do you attack 109 or 110? Cool that your a drummer too. Band is called My God the Heat.
RE: Alternate Japanese Strategy
It seems like an interesting idea! The only flaw I see is in the IPC argument (20 for the DEI or 19 represented in stealing from America). The 20 a turn from the DEI is sustainable longer than the 19 lost from USA. The Alaska loss will be good for 1 turn of lost income. I think the true bonus from this strategy will be relief for the Europe Axis to get the V!
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