Just found this 2+ yr old thread. I like this novel approach, but we’ve tested just reducing the cost of rolls for a tech-centric experience is cleanest. I find that distributing techs at the start of the game is a bit of an unbalanced experience for the simple fact that the nations are not balanced in what they have or need. Reducing the cost of techs typically affords rolls (whereas they seem cost prohibitive as written at $5) to those nations that can utilize the rolls best - America, Germany & Japan, and maybe London. It also affords them rolls in proportion to what they can afford.
We’ve tested $2 rolls and it makes for a fun technology-centric game that doesn’t give unbalancing advantages out of the gate. Nations lose 2 infantry for a 50% chance at a tech as opposed to the whopping 5 for the same chance in the written rules. It makes for many more rolls purchased, obviously.
I’ve also even tested home-brewed advanced technologies I’ll leave for another post.
I play A&A 1940 2nd ed regularly on Roll20 with family and friends. Email me if interested in a test tech-centric game, or even a game with the written rules.