This is awesome, sired! I love it. Really looking forward to the Europe half.
Just like FOWHEAD, I think I might need to build myself a 4 by 8 table. Question is where to put it? :-D
This is awesome, sired! I love it. Really looking forward to the Europe half.
Just like FOWHEAD, I think I might need to build myself a 4 by 8 table. Question is where to put it? :-D
I love it! I’m a huge fan of the style. Really looking forward to seeing the full map!
This looks fantastic! I love that it’s so far from OOB. That’s probably not to everyone’s taste, though, but I sure like it!
Looking at it, I think I’d prefer the territories without colours, just to really distinguish this from the OOB map, and to cement the old-timey war map feel.
Hat’s off to you, sired. Great work! True artistry.
This is awesome! Reminds me of one of the maps in the Churchill War Rooms in London:
Would also love to see a bigger picture when you have it!
Kepp up the great work. :)
Awesome, Sired! Hey, playing is what you’re supposed to do, right!? 2-3 times a week! I’d be so lucky… :) Glad to hear the project is still on. Looking forward to seeing the progress. :) Take it easy, man!
Hey sired! How’s this project coming along, buddy? It has such great potential, would hate for it to kinf of peter out, you know. Would love to play on one of those maps one day!
This is gonna be great! Looking forward to seeing some more land painted! :) Great work. Keep it up!
My card deck accessory will be available soon, it will have blow up box cards and mobilization zone cards for each nation. This deck will also have reference card information like order of play, starting income, cost of units, R&D charts as well as turn sequence steps… these cards will reference info for both the 1940 and 1942 scenarios.
That’ll be great, YG. Should take care of all the different needs previolusly handled by the game aids on the map itself. Can’t wait to see the deck!
Great work, Sired! Can’t wait to see the land painted! :-)
I agree with IL and YG; the water looks great! Like you said, though, you might need to adjust it a little when you paint the land, depending on how it looks. Love the wave/ripple effect you’ve got going on.
With regards to your blow-up boxes where the mobilization zones used to be; I’d personally prefer to have a clean map, without any game aids. I know that those sea zones are largely unused, but I just like the clean look. I would use your map as is, and add some “mobile” game aids to it. Let me explain; for example, you could print out a couple (maybe three or four) generic numbered blow-up boxes on card stock and add some sort of numbered marker/flag to that. You could then place that marker on the zone you need enlarged and put that territory’s units on the corresponding blow-up box card.
Other than that I like the idea of adding the azores and/or canaries, as well as the transparent ocean names (as long as they’re subtle), and as YG said, maybe a nautical compass, if it works. :wink:
time just slips away :-( I need 50hr day cycles!
Don’t I know it. Take it easy, man. Don’t sweat it. Burn-out is a real thing. Post something when you can, if you can.
You’re doing a great job, keep it up! Looking forward to your next update!