Just tried J1 attack for the first time and it worked.
I attacked Phillipines and landed on Celebes, sunk UK BB and TRNs on J1, bought 3 transports. The Allies lose all initiative on the sea for a couple of turns.
Asia proved to be tough to crack but I held and bought ICs on J2, J4 and J5, placing them on Shangtung, Malaysia and FIC. After the 3rd IC I matched the Allies production on the continent and I slowly started to push back. When the game ended I was about to conquer India. You don’t need to get rid of the Chinese first, if you can take Burma from the British then you close the route and Allies get less 2 units, giving you the chance to overtake them on units.
I chose not to go for major ICs because of the naval war. My buys were always of 2 DDs and 2/3 subs every turn. On J2 I landed on Wake and on J4-5 used it to hit the US fleet on Hawaii. After J3 ANZAC had to send all planes to Hawaii to defend it from Jap invasion. Meanwhile the US was buying lots of subs but on J6 I landed on New Britain and Solomon (I already had all of New Guinea) and got the additional NO. US and ANZAC spent their time countering those landings and trying to go for Korea but my defense prevented them.
US made some bad moves, like moving the big fleet to help retake Wake. He had a lot of subs but I only send planes and they sank 2 ACs, 4 ftrs (2 ANZAC landed on Midway), 2 tac, 1 CA and 2 DDs with 7 fighters, 6 tac and 1 bomber.