Sometimes it can get a little confusing in island sea zones which units are in the sea zone and which are on the island. The statement is intended to make sure the attacker indicates which air units are which, since they can in many cases get to either space.
Game Question: Attack or Hold?
Im on Turn 4 and I attacked Turn 3 with the Japs, kind of expirimenting and felt it was a terrible idea because England gets tons of bonuses which they spent entirely on infantry. Ive taken most of the DEI (save for Malaya), and the British Navy was defeated by a force of a carrier and a battleship next to Malaya.
China is mostly taken but I have an overabundance of planes and a massive shortage of infantry.I have a large fleet in the Carolina Islands: 4 carriers with 4 tac-bombers, and 4 fighters. 1 battleship, and 7 destroyers. 25 hits, and 46 die points.
Against me harbored at Pearl are: 3 American Carriers, 1 Battleship, 2 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer, and 1 Submarine. 4 Fighters, 3 Tactical Bombers, and 3 regular bombers stationed on the island. This is the sole American navy. 22 hits, and 47 die points.
What do I do? Im thinking to Crush the American navy and use my transports in the DEI to take out Austrailia in the oncoming turns, and forget India. Or should I build a huge factory in Hong Kong and start pumping out troops.
Any ideas or suggestions?
I would crush the US navy, built a major factory in kwangtung and firstly go after China and then UK. If you would’nt do that asia will be lost and following to that, the DEI go to the allies. It’s an economic game, you have to make sure your income is at a high level. I’m curious how your game is developping.
Good luck!
u are almost one for one on die points against the US navy…its okay…but u might want to use your ships for a defenisve perimeter and concentrate your attack on the asian mainland…
the one thing about the USA…they have to come to YOU…you dont necessarily have to go to him
it was one strategy i used and one with…but then again…his dice was lousy in that game
Leave the US alone and finish off the Brits and Chinese. Americans in Pearl arent going to be doing anything to your econ for at least 2 turns. Wait until they are a threat before bothering with them.
Something else to consider is what is waiting at the US West Coast and what is waiting in the Japanese Home Waters? If you attack and win at Pearl, you are vulnerable to counter-attack from the West Coast. If you let him attack you, you can finish off any survivors with you builds from Japan.
But as long as the Brit navy is safely dead and there isnt much of an Anzac navy there is no reason for you to push the issue with your navy.
Im on Turn 4 and I attacked Turn 3 with the Japs, kind of expirimenting and felt it was a terrible idea because England gets tons of bonuses which they spent entirely on infantry. Ive taken most of the DEI (save for Malaya), and the British Navy was defeated by a force of a carrier and a battleship next to Malaya.
China is mostly taken but I have an overabundance of planes and a massive shortage of infantry.I have a large fleet in the Carolina Islands: 4 carriers with 4 tac-bombers, and 4 fighters. 1 battleship, and 7 destroyers. 25 hits, and 46 die points.
Against me harbored at Pearl are: 3 American Carriers, 1 Battleship, 2 Cruisers, 1 Destroyer, and 1 Submarine. 4 Fighters, 3 Tactical Bombers, and 3 regular bombers stationed on the island. This is the sole American navy. 22 hits, and 47 die points.
What do I do? Im thinking to Crush the American navy and use my transports in the DEI to take out Austrailia in the oncoming turns, and forget India. Or should I build a huge factory in Hong Kong and start pumping out troops.
Any ideas or suggestions?
How many IPCs do you have? How strong is China exactly? Do you control Yunnan? How many transports do you have? How many fighters does the ANZAC player have?
You should take mayala to bring the UK down to 6 IPC(generaly Japan should take mayala before it takes any of the other East Indies).
Dont worry about the UK’s inf stack, aslong as you have enough units to defend against their army, you can just wait till you can consolidate the japanese airforce in the west and take out his whole army in one turn.
Allthough you have good chances of destroying the US fleet, I would not risk the heavy causaulties that your fleet is bound to take, aslong as your fleet is increasing in streagth compared to the US fleet you dont have anything to worry about.
A major IC in Kwantung is a good idea for defending your holdings in mainland asia until you have enough airpower to attack.
aslong as you can hold what you have in Asia it is proably best to gather your fleet,aircraft, and transports for an decisive attak on either Hawwai or NSW. I decisive attak means you kill everything within two rounds of combat.
I have about 52 IPCs at the Current time. I have all of the DEI except Malaya and Sumarta. I have 5 transports total; with 4 of them in the DEI. China has about 6 infantry and they are all on Yunnan, but I have my remaining infantry (about 8 of them and 2 arty) sitting just north acccompanied by about 20 planes on Asia. England has about 15 infantry, 4 fighters, and 3 tanks sitting in their territories, mostly just south of Yunnan.
Im thinking about that factory in Kwangtung next turn because I need the ground support to go with my air supremacy.I can definetly take NSW in this turn but that would leave Japan open to the equal US fleet sitting at Pearl Harbor which could head towards Japan (but I could quickly moblize some men and fly my fighters back to the homeland to scramble after blocking them for a turn.) Also do you think NSW is a good plan because my fleet will be so far South, 3 turns from Japan. Will he chase my fleet or head to Japan and forget Austrailia.
Im gonna get this game started back up in about 3 hours so it should be interesting. But I think Im gonna build a major factory in kwangtung, block him from Japan and send all of my navies to NSW and take Austrailia.
If you have a dozen or so of those aircraft to spare attack yunnan a too along with three or four of those inf. It will destroy China, and will possible draw the UK player away from India(if UK decides to fight in China swing some transports around and attack India) and closer too the units you will soon be pumping out of that IC in Kwantung.
The NSW attack sounds good, just make sure you can defend Japan(remember you have kamakazies to defend Japan aswell).
If for any reason you cant take NSW and defend Japan, think about talking New Zealand(it has a air and naval base) and placing subs on the ANZACs remaing convoys as cheaper method of neutralizing the ANZAC player.
Sounds like a reasonable plan to me. If you block the US navy near japan and take NSW the US will probably go try to retake NSW also which means that you will soon need to reinforce the Dutch East Indies which you cannot afford to loose. The longer you can keep the US tied up in a fight for ANZAC’s survival the better it is for you. If the US doesn’t head to NSW then you will have to use some of your cash next turn to protect japan. Destroyers and fighters should work nicely. But Finish off China. It is crucial. You can afford to stall india a bit but not japan. China has a way of really screwing up your plans if you allow it to live and suddenly 4 infantry pop near the back of your lines.
I would like to thank you guys for the advice, because I won my game against my best buddy.
I immediately pushed my Navy South and took NSW from the Austrailians (he had alot of troops in Queensland). I also built a factory in Kwangtung which the next turn I made 9 men there (and a transport) followed by 10 tanks the next turn. I traded NSW for a few turns back and forth eventually killing off all the Australian troops two turns before America could send their then massive navy to Austrailia.
I used two transports and took Sumatra and Malaya with Battleship and Destroyer support, and smashed the remaining Brits and 3 Chinese in Yunnan at the cost of about 8 planes to the 4 British planes and several infantry.
With Australia clear of troops I moved transports and bombers into a poor India and took it over and blocked the United States from reaching Austrailia, Japan, or the Phillipenes.
Thank you all for the advice, but next time Ill attack sooner with Japan, the Brits got rich fast which caused me a big headache.